"Jie, you seem to have gone too far. Although I don't quite understand your intention, it seems that you were a bit too heavy-handed."

Gojo Satoru looked at the three people lying on the ground. Ye Mo Zhengdao, who was holding Gojo Satoru next to him, was also dumbfounded.

"You two, get over here!"

On the left hand, Xia Yujie, on the right hand, Gojo Satoru, time seemed to have gone back to the third year of high school.

Xia Yujie and Gojo Satoru laughed very happily. They hadn't been so happy for a long time.

""Nose, Maki and the others should have only been in a short coma. Geto Suguru won't do anything too harsh. You will have to explain it to them when they wake up. These two give me a headache."

I took Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru down to the second floor. Since they are back, it will be more convenient to explain in front of everyone. Fushiguro Megumi rushed over after hearing the news and saw Goju, Maki and Panda lying on the ground. Ieiri Nose was treating them.

"Damn it, I didn't have time to explain to Senior Maki. I was also there when Senior Geto Suguru was performing the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons. We all witnessed his death."

"The news that Nozomi stole senior student Geto Suguru's body had already spread, so it was reasonable for him to be mistaken for Nozomi."

Fushiguro Megumi regretted that if he had come down earlier, maybe the second-year seniors wouldn't have been beaten.

"Let's follow them. Principal Yega has already taken two people down to the second floor."

Without further ado, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro and Feng Wuxia entered the elevator and headed for the second floor.

The elevator door opened, and Yuji Itadori was the first to rush out. Gojo Satoru was bullying the singer with his height advantage.

Principal Rakuganji on the left of the singer widened his eyes. He looked at Gojo Satoru with a sly look, but when he looked at Geto Suguru, he looked as if he had seen a ghost. He stood there for a long time without being able to speak.

"Why, aren't you dead?"

"I wasn't there at the time, but Gojo Satoru did kill you with his own hands...."

The singer didn't quite understand either, and at this moment Feng Wuxia spoke up:

"I am the one who resurrected Xia Youjie. The well-known Jia Mao Xian Lun, the brain flower who controlled Xia Youjie's body, died in my hands."

The two of them had dull expressions at the same time. The air seemed to freeze at this moment. Ye Mo Zhengdao began to smooth things over.

"This is not what we need to worry about. According to Wu, the day after tomorrow, he will have a life-and-death battle with Sukuna in his prime."

"We need to discuss tactics first, after all, the cursed king from a thousand years ago is no joke."

It happened that Nanami Kento and Kugisaki Nobara pushed the door open and saw an unforgettable scene.

Nanami's eyes were on Geto Suguru, and Kugisaki Nobara's eyes were on Gojo Satoru.

They said at the same time:"Geto Suguru?""Gojo Sensei?"

"Hey, long time no see. Did you miss me during my absence?"Gojo Satoru started to be narcissistic again, and Nanami Kento wanted to beat him up after hearing that.

"Kugisaki, I think you're focusing on the wrong person."

"It is indeed surprising that Gojo Satoru has been unsealed, but I think it is even less likely that Geto Suguru will appear."

"Because he's been dead for a long time......."

After hearing Nanami Kento's words, Kugisaki Nobara didn't show much expression.

He didn't quite understand Nanami Kento's meaning, so he wasn't surprised. On the other hand, the reactions of the Utahime and Principal Leganji were completely different.

"Five, we will not mention the matter of Geto Suguru for now, the debt is settled when the person is dead, and we will not pursue the matter of Geto Suguru's Night Parade of One Hundred Demons"

"What we want to hear most is who will help you to unlock the seal and what is the life-and-death battle."

Gojo Satoru scratched his head. It was indeed very troublesome to explain. He and Sukuna were destined to fight each other. The strongest sorcerer in history and the strongest sorcerer in modern times would definitely have a final battle.

"It's so troublesome. Let me sort out my thoughts and then explain it to you."

After thinking about it, it is easiest to explain the life-and-death battle with Sukuna first.

"It is probably that Sukuna wants to take over Hui's body, and Feng Wuxia knows about Sukuna's plot in advance."

"I immediately controlled Hui and Yujin's bodies. After the remaining power in their bodies disappeared, I happened to arrive at the scene."

"Anyway, Sukuna said when Yujin entered school that he would definitely kill me. The battle between Sukuna and I is inevitable, so why not choose a good day for the life-and-death battle."After Gojo

Satoru's explanation, it seemed much more reasonable.

The song girl hurriedly asked about the date of the life-and-death battle. Gojo Satoru gave a thumbs up, pulled down the calendar on the wall, and said half-jokingly:

"The day after tomorrow!"

"How is it? I picked a good date, right?"

After hearing this, the principal of Leyan Temple was overwhelmed. There was not much time left, not even enough time to prepare.

"Don't worry, I'm the strongest."

"I will win this battle!" Gojo Satoru's eyes lit up. He was no longer the Gojo Satoru from before.

"Principal, Feng Wuxia will send all ordinary people out in the remaining time."

"The battle between Sukuna and I will definitely affect a large area, and all you have to do is provide support."The few people didn't say anything. Since Gojo Satoru was so confident, they had no choice but to put their hopes on him.

Feng Wuxia leaned against the wall, yawned, and then spoke:

"Gojo Satoru cannot lose, and I am here to back him up. Just as Gojo Satoru said, we will win this battle!"

Everyone felt relieved after hearing that. The two strongest sorcerers had spoken, so it would be very tactless to question them.

Spreading out the map of Tokyo's barrier, Gojo Satoru circled the location of the planned decisive battle with a red pen.

The location of the decisive battle was well chosen, which was the place where Sukuna crazily slaughtered ordinary people in the Shibuya area.

That area was almost all ruins and broken walls, and even if they let go of the fight, it would not cause too much fluctuation.

"Old man, Diva, I'm speaking frankly"

"I need your technique to increase my power, so that I can injure Sukuna as quickly as possible."

Even if Gojo Satoru gets an epic enhancement and has the power of 21 fingers, there is a high probability that Sukuna will fight Gojo Satoru back and forth.

"You are right. The ability of the two-faced Sukuna is very terrifying. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a demon."Feng Wuxia frowned slightly and set his sights on Gojo Satoru. It is difficult to defeat Sukuna, but it is not impossible. Although Sukuna has a supernatural comprehension ability and powerful techniques, it does not mean that Gojo Satoru and Feng Wuxia are weak.

"The only way to win is to defeat Sukuna in one fell swoop before he learns the new technique. Feng Wuxia began to analyze the situation for everyone in the academy, revealing more information about Sukuna.

"I almost forgot that Yuji Itadori swallowed Sukuna's last finger, and now his strength has reached that of a special-grade sorcerer."

After Feng Wuxia finished speaking, the whole audience was silent, and the one with the biggest reaction was Kugisaki Nobara.

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