"You were the ones who killed Rimei, right?" Sukuna asked hesitantly.

"Who knows? If you have time to ask about that fake girl, you might as well pay attention to your own situation. I won't show mercy this time, you coward who ran away from Yuhito with your tail between your legs."

Gojo Satoru's words became the fuse, and the battle was about to break out.

"I won't give you a chance this time, little brat."

"Feel the gap between us."

A cursed tool appeared in Ryomen Sukuna's hand, and its name was Jinbukai.

Jinbukai was Sukuna's weapon in his previous life, and it was obtained by Sukuna at the cost of being bound before his death. Its characteristics are as follows:

Ryomen Sukuna has perfect body functions, and since he was born with four hands, he can make seals with two hands.

The two empty hands can be used for fighting and using weapons, and the mouth on the abdomen can chant spells without interruption, without burdening the heart and lungs.

It has the effect of changing the nature of cursed power. This means that when Sukuna casts a spell, he does not need to spend a lot of energy on manipulating the cursed power with his hands, and can focus more on casting the spell.

Jinbukai has the ability to emit huge lightning and thunder strikes.

By the way, cursed tools are physical attacks, which means that the current situation is not very friendly to Gojo Satoru.

But it's just not very friendly, and it's hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker if they really fight.

"I don't know where you get your confidence from. Your spells and domains are ineffective against me. I think you know this best."Gojo Satoru said with a smile.

Ryoumen Sukuna was indeed troubled. Gojo Satoru's limitless power had evolved into immunity to all spells. It was difficult to gain a substantial advantage by relying solely on cursed tools.

"Don't bother showing off your prowess verbally. How do you know if you don't try?"

Sukuna was laughing. It was time to bring out Wan's gift. He was luring Gojo Satoru to take the bait. As long as he got close, he would have a chance to hurt Gojo Satoru.

The two of them instantly flew into the air. You punched me and I kicked you. The surrounding buildings were already badly damaged. Gojo Satoru stretched out his hands to grab Sukuna's arms and threw them far away.

The fight in this place was too uncomfortable, so Gojo Satoru planned to change to another place to continue the fight.

The moment Gojo Satoru came into contact with him, Sukuna directly took out the prepared curse tool.

"Boy, you've been fooled."

A curse tool similar to a red brick appeared. This curse tool had similar properties to Tennimu, and could ignore defense and hit the enemy, but only once.

Sukuna grabbed Gojo Satoru's body with his other two hands, making him unable to move.

When the brick was a few centimeters away from Gojo Satoru's abdomen, Gojo Satoru grinned and laughed with a crazy look on his face:

"You are the one who got fooled!"

A fan appeared out of thin air in Gojo Satoru's right hand. Sukuna's eyes widened in anger, looking at the Uchiha fan in disbelief. It was too late to retract the power, and he could only watch the cursed tool hit the Uchiha fan.

"Next, you know"


The power of the cursed tool was all returned to Ryoumen Sukuna. He had no time to dodge and vomited blood. His abdomen was severely injured.

This attack was a sure hit. He wanted to take this opportunity to break through the limit of Gojo Satoru's evolution, but he didn't expect to be disrupted by a fan.

"Just because you have a backup plan doesn't mean I don't."

The Uchiha round fan was a mysterious gift that Feng Wuxia had asked Ye Mo Zhengdao to give to Gojo Satoru before the battle.

Feng Wuxia had long known that Sukuna had something hidden, so he also gave Gojo Satoru something corresponding to it.

"good very good"

"I haven't been this excited for a long time."

Gojo Satoru slapped Sukuna's face with his fan, and Sukuna's face was deformed.

"No, what on earth is this power?"

"It's like a power that doesn't exist in this world. It's so strange and novel.……"

The Uchiha fan is bound to Feng Wuxia. After Feng Wuxia exchanged for Six Paths Madara, the Uchiha fan naturally contained some Six Paths power.

However, the power of the weapon is determined by the user, which means that Gojo Satoru only exerted less than half of his power.

"Damn, what's that expression on your face? It's disgusting."

Gojo Satoru looked at the enjoyment on Sukuna's face and couldn't help wondering if he had damaged Sukuna's brain just now.

"Why is Sukuna lying on the ground motionless?"

"Could it be true that, as Gojo-sensei said, his brain was damaged?"

Otsutsukotsu was very puzzled. The battle between the strongest could not tolerate any carelessness. Sukuna's current state was nothing short of full of loopholes.

"No, I think we're all wrong."

"It would be better to give a direct evaluation of what Sukuna meant by what he said just now."

It's like a power that doesn't exist in this world... What a novel feeling……

"Oh no, Gojo-sensei is in danger!"

Ryoumen Sukuna lay on the ground with a sick look on his face and laughed crazily:

"Hahaha, I understand, so that's how it is."

A gust of wind suddenly hit, forming a huge tornado with Ryomen Sukuna as the center.

Gojo Satoru's vision was blocked, and he couldn't see what Sukuna was doing at all.

The fan just now gave Ryomen Sukuna a new understanding of power, or rather, it was Gojo Satoru who opened his eyes.

"As expected, only by fighting against the strong can one continuously improve. I have to thank you very much, Gojo Satoru!"

The power of the Six Paths does not belong to this world. Coupled with Sukuna's extraordinary comprehension ability, he can learn almost anything at a glance, and he can even do it the first time with ease.

"You don't need to thank me. I just want to see if you have any tricks left to use."

After Gojo Satoru said this, his sky-blue six eyes became brighter.

"It seems that your six eyes have also changed a lot, so I can enjoy it more!"

Ryoumen Sukuna chanted a spell in his abdomen and began to strengthen his body and skills.

Gojo Satoru was not idle either. He used the new ability of the six eyes to give Sukuna a little surprise.

Sukuna punched him, and it was a little different from before. Gojo Satoru felt that Sukuna's fist contained a special power this time.

"It's the power of space. I didn't expect Sukuna's ability to comprehend it was so amazing."Feng Wuxia pushed open the door.

"You don't have to worry too much. Gojo Satoru has a way to deal with it. The power of space can only weaken it to a certain extent. Sukuna has to cooperate with other abilities to have a chance to touch Gojo Satoru."

After listening to Feng Wuxia's words, everyone in the live broadcast room was not in a very good mood. They thought that Gojo Satoru could suppress Sukuna all the way, but now it seems unlikely.

This is a battle of equal strength. It is impossible for Gojo Satoru to have the upper hand all the time.

"You seem to have changed a lot, I can't feel your power anymore." Yuji Itadori circled around Feng Wuxia.

Of course, the power Feng Wuxia possessed was beyond the world view setting of Jujutsu Kaisen, so it was normal that Yuji Itadori couldn't feel it.

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