The situation in the center of the battlefield fell into a brief stalemate, and everyone in the high-level stronghold stared at the big screen

"Is this going to remain a stalemate forever?"

"There must be a way. If we can't completely kill or seal Ryoumen Sukuna here, the whole world will suffer."Kusakabe analyzed calmly.

"The current situation is hard to say. Gojo Sensei is not at a disadvantage, but is evenly matched with Ryoumen Sukuna."

Megumi Fushiguro was about to go out to help, but was stopped by Itadori Yuji. Although the current Megumi Fushiguro has Makoro, the current Sukuna has long changed and can kill Makoro in one second.

"Fushiguro, don't go"

"Do you know when Gojo-sensei is at his strongest? The answer is... when he's alone!"

"We will only cause more trouble if we go up there. Let's not add to the already uncertain battlefield."

When Yuji Itadori said this, even Feng Wuxia couldn't help but look at him twice more. This was totally unlike what Yuji Itadori would say. He was so calm that it was scary.

""You are right, Satoru can only display his full strength when he is alone. If we go up, we will only cause trouble, and Satoru will suffer." Yaga Masamichi said.

Xiayou Jie looked at the battlefield with some worry, which was far beyond their power.


"Is there no other way? I'll tell you, Gojo Satoru!"

""When I get out, I will kill everyone. I want to taste all the women of this era, hahaha!"

Ryoumen Sukuna used words to provoke Gojo Satoru, trying to get some reaction.

Gojo Satoru, who had died once before, blocked out Sukuna's words. These words could not shake him in the slightest.


"I think I can kill you completely."

"Four-armed ugly bastard, remember this time it's not as simple as sealing you, I want to kill you completely and make you disappear from this world."

After Gojo Satoru said this, he gathered the technique and prepared to launch the next round of attack.

He punched Sukuna in the face, and Kusakabe was the first to notice something was wrong, and hurriedly asked the others:

""Have any of you fought Gojo Satoru before?"

Everyone was shocked. What kind of brain circuit could ask such a question?

Everyone shook their heads.

Otsutsukota Yuta and Hyokin Kinji slowly raised their right hands. Among all the people in the high school, only Hyokin Kinji and Otsutsukota had this experience.

"I understand what you mean. It's not about fighting, I've been beaten by Gojo Satoru."

Kusakabe began to explain the reason for this question. When Gojo Satoru hits, he not only uses cursed energy to strengthen his fists, but also uses [Warlock Shunsei·Ao].

Kyosuke Kinji has experienced it personally, and his scalp tingles just thinking about it. It's not just a simple hit. When being beaten, one will feel a rebound force and lose all strength in the whole body.

When Kirara asked the two if it hurt, Otsutsukoshi Yuta and Kyosuke Kinji's faces went black and they sat in the chairs without saying a word.

Itadori Yuji remembered what Nanami once said,"If you want to be a sorcerer, don't compare yourself with others, especially Gojo Satoru."

Others put all their efforts into training day and night to get a critical hit, but Gojo Satoru uses this critical hit as a normal attack. The sense of frustration that arises spontaneously will make people feel very powerless.

The mana consumption is almost zero. Others can only use the technique once a day, but Gojo Satoru can use it unlimitedly. This is the biggest difference.

Even if Otsutsukotsu Yuta's cursed force content is greater than Gojo Satoru's, there will eventually be a moment when it is consumed. But Gojo Satoru is different. He can use unlimited body protection 24 hours a day.

Because Gojo Satoru's cursed force will never run out, he is infinite mana.

The camera returns to the center of the battlefield again, and Ryoumen Sukuna finally realizes that something is wrong. This is why Ryoumen Sukuna with four hands and physical skills cannot beat Gojo Satoru with two hands.

"Techniques to enhance physical skills?"

"It is really rare. The combination of the technique and the cursed power has an unlimited effect, and every punch is a critical hit."

Ryomen Sukuna moved his body, holding the Shinbukai in his right hand, and made a very strange mark with his left hand.

Gojo Satoru noticed this and did not dare to slack off, because the one standing on the opposite side at this moment was [Ryomen Sukuna, the Curse King from a Thousand Years Ago]. It was impossible to say that he did not have a real killer.

Ryomen Sukuna fixed his eyes on the mysterious crow, as if through the screen.

Yuji Itadori felt the strange gaze, and looked at Sukuna through the screen. A strange feeling went through his body. For some reason, his palpitations became stronger and stronger.

"The plan is done!……"

Feng Wuxia reached into Yuji Itadori's chest with one hand, and no one else noticed Feng Wuxia's action.

Yuji Itadori vomited blood and looked at Feng Wuxia in confusion.

"Don't be nervous, it will be over soon."

"Just bear with it and it will pass."

With a whoosh, he directly took out Sukuna's finger from Yuji Itadori's body, and used the other hand to use the reversal technique to heal Yuji Itadori.

"Is this the backup plan you have? I have to say, if you hadn't come over, I wouldn't have been able to find out."

Feng Wuxia guessed that Ryomen Sukuna's backup plan was the finger in Itadori's body. The power had actually been absorbed by Itadori Yuji a long time ago, and this finger no longer contained power.

But don't forget, each finger is Sukuna's soul scattered outside. As long as there is one finger, Sukuna can switch bodies.

Even if Sukuna loses or dies, he can still survive in Itadori Yuji's body. However, even he, who is a shrewd man, was seen through by Feng Wuxia.

"Want to be resurrected? I have an idea for something fun."

Feng Wuxia said hello to the others, pushed open the door and walked out. Just now he had an idea for something fun.

Gojo Satoru, who was in control of the battlefield, was constantly rubbing Sukuna. Gojo Satoru had an absolute advantage in physical skills and techniques.

Unless Sukuna could exert the power of space to the extreme, he would have a chance to tie with Gojo Satoru.

On the other hand, Sukuna had no chance to fight back and was directly knocked out by Gojo Satoru. Fortunately, he landed steadily.

Gojo Satoru had already thought of the next move. He clenched his right fist hard, and the walls on both sides of Sukuna seemed to be pulled and turned into countless pieces of rubble..

In an instant, Sukuna was tightly wrapped by countless pieces of rubble.

In less than a few seconds, Sukuna broke free from Gojo Satoru's control.

Gojo Satoru kicked with his right leg, and Sukuna showed an expression of disdain and contempt, which was gone in a flash the next moment.

The speed of this kick was so fast that Sukuna didn't even notice the change in direction.

Sukuna hurriedly activated the extended defense and turned his body in the direction of Gojo Satoru's kick. With the help of the power of the front flip, he changed from defense to active attack.

Although Gojo Satoru's kick missed, Gojo Satoru quickly adjusted his combat strategy. When Sukuna stood firm on both sides, four Gojo Satoru appeared.

"Holy shit, are you still human? You're almost leaving an afterimage."

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