Kick open the door of the autopsy room. Although the light inside is very dim, it is still visible at a glance.

The real body that should have been lying in the autopsy room is missing. It is obvious that it is the work of Noso.

It is too late to chase Noso now.

Noso's purpose is very simple. He needs to absorb the real body and then start the death and return journey.

In the end, it is still a step too late. When Hua Yu leaked his breath, Feng Wuxia should have guessed that the villain would take action.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the side quest】

【Hanami invades Jujutsu High School, the host defeats Tora】


"Is it the cursed spirit that followed the noose at that time?"

Turara is one of the four natural disasters. He appeared in the early stage, but not many times. I can't remember him without the system reminding me.

Maybe I changed some plots, so Turara, one of the four natural disasters, entered the Jujutsu High School.

In this case, he should just focus on dealing with Turara, and the other villains will be dealt with by the people of the Jujutsu High School.

"System, open Tuoliang character introduction"

【Ding, opening the character panel of Takara]

Takara's technique is related to water, and can freely control the form of water flow to attack or form a protective wall.

When Takara releases the water shock wave, Zenin Maki said that Fushiguro Megumi's Man Xiang is completely incomparable.

In addition, Takara's technique can also summon shikigami

"It seems that you haven't left yet. Didn't Luosuo tell you about me?"

"The appearance of this Shikigami of Togen is similar to the real-life giant isopod. According to Togen, the hardness and attack power of this Shikigami far exceed his other Shikigami.

"It's really stupid."

"I didn't expect that even ants dare to challenge gods!"

Although Tuoliang is a special-grade cursed spirit, he is definitely not good enough in front of Feng Wuxia.

"I heard your warlock is related to water?"

"Then I won't bully you either."

After saying that, Feng Wuxia grabbed Tuoliang's arm and instantly moved to a lake inside the exchange meeting.

Here, Tuoliang could release his sorcerer without restrictions.

"Sorcerer, you asked for this."

"Since you are looking for death, I won't say much."

"I will send you to hell right now!"

I don't understand the man in front of me. He clearly knew that his sorcery was related to water, but he took me to a lake.

Tuogen's sorcery was related to water. He could freely control the flow of water and use it to attack or form a protective wall.

So Feng Wuxia's behavior was undoubtedly a suicidal act in Tuoliang's eyes.

The shikigami and Tuoliang were teleported together, forming a two-on-one situation.

"It's disgusting. I didn't expect the shikigami summoned by the cursed spirit"

"The appearance is actually disgusting."

The shikigami in front of me is more like a stitched monster, a super-large slug appeared, and goose bumps appeared all over my body.


Tuoliang controlled the water on the lake, forming a huge wave that hit Feng Wuxia on the ground.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Unlimited chakra allowed Feng Wuxia to use a fire style with extraordinary power. The flames engulfed the water.

There was a sizzling sound, and the temperature around him suddenly increased by more than ten degrees.

As a water-attributed cursed spirit, Tuoliang was naturally afraid of such high temperatures, so he jumped into the lake to save his life.

"What the hell?"

"Why could his flames devour the lake?"

"This is totally unreasonable!"

Tuo Liang was still shocked when he found that Feng Wuxia on the shore had disappeared. He looked around but could not find her.

"Being distracted during a battle is not a good habit!"

Feng Wuxia stood on the water. Tuo Liang in the lake was very surprised. He really couldn't understand how he did it.

"Curse, you know?"

"We all belong to the special category"

"However, there are also strong and weak special grades. It is not that you have to reach the special grade."

""You can do whatever you want."

Tuoliang used the water in the lake to form a water escape to protect himself and quickly dive down.

He tried to escape Feng Wuxia's pursuit.

"Damn it, if you told me he was so perverted"

"Who would come with you to steal the body from the college?"

Tuoliang cursed Luosuo in his heart, but Luosuo ran away after getting the body, not taking his companions seriously at all.

In Luosuo's view, there are only useful and useless chess pieces, no so-called companions.

"Indulge yourself a little!"

""The heaven attracts all things!"

Tuoliang, who was diving, felt an extremely strong attraction, which was completely impossible to resist.

He let this gravity manipulate him.

"No, I will die if I don't run away!"

This thought came to Tuoliang's mind. Although he still had many sorcerers that he hadn't used, the perception ability of the cursed spirits was very strong.

Who was stronger and who was weaker could be determined almost immediately after they met.

The man in front of him was not a man without cursed power. The strength of the cursed power had overflowed from his body, forming a sense of oppression.

What he didn't know was that Feng Wuxia had just acquired cursed power, but it was because of the Impure World Reincarnation that he had unlimited cursed power.

Tuoliang grew wings behind him, and wanted to escape the moment he surfaced, but Feng Wuxia would not give him a chance.

"I'll fight you!"

"Simple Domain Expanded!"

Simple Domain can temporarily enhance attributes. It happened that Tuoliang was in the lake, and his ability would be greatly increased.

He felt an opposite force appearing, and it was obvious that the Simple Domain was working.

"Faster, faster!"

"I'm almost there to escape this damn gravity."

Tuoliang kept struggling, using the sorcerer to resist the Wanxiang Tianyin.

He prepared the sorcerer in his hand, and attacked Feng Wuxia the moment he surfaced, and then escaped with his own flying ability.

"Hahaha, you fell into the trap!"

The water under his feet suddenly disappeared and dispersed to both sides. I really didn't expect Tuoliang to be so insidious.

Tuoliang flew in the air, intending to escape from the barrier of the high school, and swore that he would never come to this place again in his life.

"I'm too good to you."

"Or are you looking down on me?"


The first and second forms definitely can't catch him. The third form of Susanoo has six arms, so it's not too easy to catch the fleeing Tora.

At the same time, Fushiguro Megumi was fighting with Iemo Kenki, and suddenly found that Senior Inuju was running away in a panic.

There were many branches behind him attacking Inuju.

"Run away!"

Gojumaki spoke for the first time, and his voice was very loud. The two people on the ground didn't understand why.

Until a huge branch appeared and attacked the two.

Fushiguro Megumi was still in shock. The tree was as high as a four-story building and full of cursed power.

Coupled with Gojumaki's panic, it was not difficult to guess that someone had invaded the Jujutsu High School.

All the talismans in the monitoring room burned in an instant, and the singer looked at the talismans in disbelief.

This meant the end of the game, which was not the case in previous years.

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