(Four chapters are 8,000 words)

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"Is an outsider...Invasion?"

Tian Yuan's barrier is invalid, whether from the inside or the outside.

"Awu and the principal of Leyan Temple work together to protect students"

"Ming is searching for students in the area."

Gojo Satoru clapped his hands and said to the principal of Leyan Temple in the back row,"Grandpa should go for a walk. He has already had lunch!"

"Turn right!"

"The left is a dead end!"

Relying on the memory of Jujutsu High School, he took Inujutsu and Iemo Kenji to take advantage of the terrain. They gradually shook off the branches behind them.

The branches moved too fast, and they could not be shaken off just by relying on the terrain. The three of them kept running in the complex terrain.

Suddenly, Fushiguro Megumi seemed to notice something. The door not far ahead cracked a crack, which meant that something outside the door was about to come in.


A huge cloud of smoke enveloped the three people, blinding them so much that they couldn't open their eyes and couldn't see clearly what was happening.

The tent in the sky fell down, and Gojo Satoru, Utaha, and Principal Leyan Temple came from the high school.

"Wu Tiao, hurry in before the bill is settled!"

"No way, that account has actually been completed"

"It is the priority of the warlock effect, which causes a partial visual delay from the outside."

Gojo Satoru and others looked towards the direction of the lake, and a huge blue giant appeared in front of them.

Although he was not very big, he was still very conspicuous.

"What's up with that blue giant?"

"It's Feng Wuxia."

Not only Gojo Satoru has seen it, Nanami and Yuji have also seen it, so the current situation is not surprising.

"Just let it go, just break it."

Gojo Satoru's palm touched the tent and directly pushed Gojo Satoru's hand away.

"Why were you bounced away, but I was able to go in?"The song girl's hand had already entered the tent, and even the principal of Leyan Temple could enter.

"I see. Diva, you go in first."

"This tent only blocked Gojo Satoru from leaving."

This means that the opponent is a powerful curse master, and has a certain amount of information on the movements of the high school.

The singer and the principal of Leyan Temple walked into the tent tentatively. The tent was filled with the breath of curses, and it was very strong.

Gojo Satoru looked in the direction of Feng Wuxia. The opponent was obviously a special-grade curse spirit, but if it was Feng Wuxia, there would be no need to worry.

"Hey, hey, hey, why didn’t Gojo Satoru come?"

"I also want to make it into a clothes drying rack!"

"Songstress, you go first, and try to protect the students from fighting."

After saying this, the principal of Leyan Temple took off his coat, took out his guitar from the box and got ready for battle.

I would like to call him"DJ Old Man""

"Humph, you are such a boastful fellow, you will know if you have the ability after you try it!"Take out the kitchen knife. Although the old man in front of him is not good enough for this.

But he is short of a clothes drying rack, so he will just use it as a makeshift.

Hua Yu stood on the second floor and used the sorcerer to block the only exit. The three were trapped deep in the complex terrain of the exchange meeting.

"It's an unregistered special-grade cursed spirit, and it's the same group as the one who attacked Gojo-sensei before."

Fushiguro Megumi will remember the graffiti that Gojo Satoru showed him.

It's a little hard to recognize, but he can roughly recognize whether it's Hanamiya.

"Tuna mayonnaise!" Gojuan made a phone call gesture.

The only way now was to contact Gojo Sensei. It was impossible for three people to deal with the special curse spirit.

"Where is the referee?"

"There is no support yet, maybe there are accomplices who are being held back."

While they were still chatting, Hanami jumped down and smashed the fingers in Fushiguro Megumi's hand. If Gojo Satoru was there, no one would be able to escape.

""Back off!"

Fu Huihei, sensing something was wrong, quickly dropped his phone and backed off.

"Don't move!"Gou Juan found an opportunity and used the power of the spell to temporarily freeze Hua Yu.

"Red Blood Technique!"

He took out the blood he had prepared earlier from his pocket, condensed it into spikes and quickly hit Hua Yu's head.

"Impossible, he is unharmed?"

"Senior Jiamao, please retreat first. The opponent is a special class. We can't handle him."

"Stop , you fool!"

The three of them covered their heads at the same time. Hua Yu didn't say anything, but his Hua Yu still appeared in his head.

"What's going on? I can't hear the voice clearly, but I can understand its meaning."

Fushiguro Hui was puzzled. This was the first time he had encountered such a cursed spirit. It was different from the previous ones.

The cursed spirit that appeared this time was completely different from the previous ones.

"Go up to the second floor!"

"The purpose of the curse is not yet clear"

"The principal and the high-level magicians haven't arrived yet."

"Joining up with Toudou is the best option."

Jia Mao Xianji planned to find Toudou. With Toudou's strength, it was not a problem for him to hold out for ten minutes under the hands of a special-level warrior, let alone a special-level warrior.

They broke open the wooden door in front of them, and the three of them jumped out together, running away quickly on the roof. The branches behind them kept attacking the three of them.


"Listen carefully, Senior Goujuan will help you stop him, don't be afraid"


Before Gojuan finished speaking, a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

Perhaps Hanami had adapted to or found a way to deal with the curse.

Seeing Gojuan, who was the most troublesome, fall, Hanami appeared in front of Iemo Kenki and knocked him away.

Fushiguro Megumi stepped forward and grabbed Iemo Kenki who was flying away, and then he stopped.

"Senior Goujuan, please lie down first"

"If you keep talking, your throat won't be able to bear it!"

Goujuan ignored Fushiguro Hui. Now that Iemo Kenji was lying on the ground and unable to move, the best way was to curse.

"Get out of here!"

Hua Yu slammed heavily against the house, Gou Juan spit out blood and half-knelt on the ground, his throat was already overloaded.......

"Curse���You did very well"

"Of course, this is the only thing I can praise you for."

Susanoo grabbed Takara who was flying in the sky, and he couldn't move.

Although Takara struggled desperately, how could Takara resist the power of Susanoo?

"The"Dangyun Horizon" consumes a huge amount of magic power to build a natural field around the area.

In the field, the magician himself will be improved by the environmental factors.

The magic performed in the field has an absolute hit effect.

In addition to making hand seals, Tagore can also activate the field expansion by drawing a curse seal on the abdomen.

"Not enough, not enough"

"If you want to survive, you can only use your last trick"

"no solution anymore!"

""The death army surges!"

Takugen activates the technique, attacking the enemy with an endless stream of shikigami. With the effect of a guaranteed hit within the area, the shikigami attacks the enemy as if teleporting, and the shikigami does not exist until it hits the enemy.


"After expanding the domain, will the domain skills be released?"

"As expected of a special-grade cursed spirit, quite interesting."

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