"I didn't expect you to secretly make something like this"

"So you haven't been idle at home for so many years."

A huge mecha appeared in front of Nozomi. The most basic battle between sorcerers is to set up a tent.

Nozomi is no exception.

Mechamaru sat in the mecha and fell into deep thought. The tent just now was not only to trap himself.

It seemed that he knew in advance that the mecha could contact the outside world and cut off the signal at the same time.

Mechamaru in the mecha must contact Gojo Satoru regardless of any conditions if he wants to win.

Tell Gojo Satoru about the plan for the Shibuya Incident. This is his only chance to survive.

"I've been tied up for so many years"

"During this period, he gained a huge amount of magical power."

"Charge up a year's worth of cursed energy and burn him to ashes!"

As a year's worth of cursed energy was charged into the mecha's interior, a scarlet light shone from the mecha's hands. The cursed energy condensed into energy and gushed out of the mecha.

The power of the mechanical pill was so strong that the entire bridge collapsed under the power of this blow.

Nozomi jumped into the air and enjoyed the battle. It had been a long time since he had personally fought in the battle.

"Recharge the cursed power for two years!!!"

"Double artillery"

"I will aim at this point and punch you!"

The water surface was full of waves. At this time, the rope dodged the first attack of the mechanical pill.

And continued to attack the place where the mechanical pill was.

Using the real person's technique, he enlarged his hand and punched the arm of the mecha.

As a result, the mecha's shell deviated a little and hit the woods nearby.

""Mechanical pill, fire!"

The mecha pretended to fire. In fact, he knew it was difficult to hit the noose, because the real person could fly, so the noose could fly now.

In addition, with the Wuwei transformation, it was almost impossible to beat the noose.

The only chance was to break the account and hit it with his strongest force.

"This trick doesn't work for me."

"It has happened before."

He dodged the cannonball from the Mecha Maru by leaning sideways. Before the noose could react, the Mecha kicked the noose away. He fell heavily into the woods a few kilometers away.

He really didn't expect that the Mecha Maru would do this. What he did just now was just a trick.

"I still have a chance!"

""I have five years of magical power!"

Seeing Noso being knocked away by him, he knew he still had a chance to leave this hellhole.

In fact, Mechanical Maru was wrong. Noso was only using the real person's technique.

If he used the power of this body, he might not last more than three minutes.

"I can win!"

"I still have to go see you all!"

"Charge up all the magic power, I will completely defeat you with this blow!"

Noso used Wuwei Transformation to repair his wounds. The kick just now really hurt him badly, and it would be difficult for a strong body to withstand it.

Seeing that Jikenmaru was about to use a big move, Noso didn't hide it.

If he really escaped, it would be bad.

"The field expands, and the autism circle suddenly wraps up!"

"Is this the realm of real people?"

"I was wondering why the real person didn't come today, it turns out that he was absorbed by you!"

Looking at the guy who killed his companions in front of him, Jijiawan's anger increased greatly, and his anger turned into power to attack the noose.

He pulled Jijiawan and the mecha into the field, and countless big hands behind him controlled the mecha and pressed him to the ground.

"As long as I pull you into the field, I don't need to touch you directly."

"You should know this very well."

Mechanimaru still has a simple flow field in his hand, which can temporarily counter the field released by Nosuo.

But now is not the time, we must wait until Nosuo relaxes his vigilance.

Then release the simple flow field and defeat him in one fell swoop.

Nosuo has lived for thousands of years and has seen all kinds of storms. He can't hide a little trick.

It's always right to be cautious. He deliberately turned around to let Mechanimaru see his carelessness and lure Mechanimaru to use the simple field.

"It's now!"

"New Simple Flow Field!"

The field has a guaranteed hit effect, no matter how powerful Gojo Satoru is, he can't resist it.

But the Simple Field is different, he can release a spell in the field to achieve the effect of resisting it.

There is a big hole in the belly of Nozomi, which is his deliberate attempt to lure the mechanical pill, and then everything that follows is under his control.

"You've been tricked!"

The domain collapsed, and just when Mechamaru thought he could see everyone, he used his last move.

He used Wuwei Transformation to repair his body, and then tore the defense of the mecha shell.

The real person's technique is very useful, and his hands can be transformed into weapons at will.

Mechamaru had no time to defend himself, and was cut on the neck by the attack of the rope.

"There is only one mecha left!"

"It's up to you!"

The only remaining mecha of the mechanical pill jumped out together. The large mecha had been destroyed, and his only hope depended on it.

When he saw the mechanical pill jumping out, he knew that the mechanical pill was going to fight to the death with him.

"Xiayou, I want your life!"

At this time, everyone in the college did not know that Nozomi had stolen Xiayou Jie's body, including the subsequent Mingming who also thought he was Xiayou Jie, so the mechanical pill called him Xiayou.

"Put away your little thoughts!"

After a burst of white light, the smoke of the battlefield dissipated, and it was daytime when they left the forest again.

The body of the mechanical pill lay on the ground, and the summoned mecha was in tatters.

Nozomi rubbed his arm. The power of the mechanical pill's full spell power had reached the quasi-special level, but it was only this one attack.

The only time bomb had been resolved, so there was no need to worry about someone telling on him.

"It's a pity that the real person died."

"It doesn't matter, I have already absorbed the real person's technique."

In this way, the real person becomes a dispensable existence, so Nanami will not die next (as long as I don't mess around, Nanami will not die)

Hanami appeared behind Nosoko, he sensed the breath of fighting, so he came to see.

Just then he saw Nosoko finish the fight and was walking outside

"It’s Hua Yu!"

"The plan will continue as it is now, the troublesome guy has been eliminated by me!"

"Really? That would be the best, but I've said in advance that I can't guarantee that I can hold Gojo Satoru back."

Hanamiya doesn't need to worry about this.

Nose will release all the cursed spirits, including the modified cursed spirits that the real person had previously hidden, all of which were found by Noseya.

The modified cursed spirits are a considerable number and can effectively hold Gojo Satoru back.

Noseya is well prepared, and only needs Louhu and Hanamiya to hold Gojo Satoru back.

The three of them have seen how terrifying Gojo Satoru is, and it won't take more than three minutes to deal with Hanamiya and Louhu.

The slightest mistake may lead to their death at the hands of Gojo Satoru. At

7 o'clock on October 31st in Sakura Country, a tent of about 400 meters appeared with Tokyu Department Store Toyoko Store as the center.

The Shibuya Incident is about to begin.

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