"what is that?"

"Where is it?"

The tent above his head slowly fell down, and only a few people could see it.

A man in strange clothes was playing games with his friends, and he fell to the ground while running.

"What are you doing?"

"No way? You got drunk so quickly?"

His companions were still laughing at the man, but he knew that something had blocked his way.

Shibuya District, Tokyo, Metropolitan Subway Shibuya Station, Intersection 13.

Ijichi told the three people the basic information of Shibuya District. Currently, sorcerers can enter and exit normally.

Ordinary people can only enter but not leave. It is obvious that the account is aimed at sorcerers.

Miss Nitta is reporting the situation to Zenin Maki, Zenin Naohito and Kugisaki Nobara.

"Everyone in the tent was calling out for Gojo Satoru.

Zenin Naobi stroked his beard and said:

"It is impossible for non-magicians to think that Gojo Satoru"

"Unless someone is behind it."

The person who used the advanced barrier was Gojo Satoru, and he must be the same group of people who attacked the exchange meeting.

In order to minimize casualties, the higher-ups sent Gojo Satoru alone to solve the Shibuya incident. At the same time, they also asked Feng Wuxia, who said he would assist the sorcerers sent by the Jujutsu High School.

Panda took a look at the situation in the tent just now, and most people were a little panicked.

But there was no scene of curse spirits and curse masters attacking people.

It seems to be stable at the moment.

"I heard Feng Wuxia is coming too?" asked the panda.

"Yes, the higher-ups take this matter very seriously. There are too many ordinary people in Shibuya."

"Feng Wuxia is the second insurance."

Kusakabe Atsuya had heard that more than one special-grade sorcerer was coming.

The current situation is that ordinary people are trapped inside, and the order from above is: wait where you are.

At the same time.

Inside the curtain, Wenhuacun Road Xuanzaka 2-chome East

"Someone come quickly!"

"Who brought Gojo Satoru here?"

"Who is Gojo Satoru and why are people talking about him?"

"I don't know, but everyone is saying that if Gojo Satoru can't get out, no one can get out."

A hand appeared in front of everyone, and Gojo Satoru, who was 1.9 meters tall, directly pushed down an ordinary person.

""Oh, sorry, I didn't see it."

According to the information given by the high commissioner, most of the ordinary people gathered on the third underground floor of Shibuya. The same curtains were spread out below, and Gojo Satoru felt a headache. There were too many ordinary people, and it was crowded.

If a cursed spirit or curse master appeared, the situation would become very difficult.

Gojo Satoru jumped down from a high place and stepped on the heads of ordinary people.

"Excuse me, can you lend it to me?"

"I roughly know the other party's purpose, I'll accompany you!"

Ordinary people may not be able to see the curse spirit, but they can definitely see Gojo Satoru.

"What the hell?"

"Why is that guy flying in the sky?"

"Yes, the latest magic show?"

Some people still don't understand the seriousness of the matter, thinking it's just an ordinary farce.

What happens next will terrify everyone present.

Gojo Satoru found his target. Slowly falling from the sky. The opposite Lekho and Hanami did not hide their breath.

Because they knew it was just futile. There was no need to do these to deal with Gojo Satoru. It would be better to hold him back with all their strength.

Feng Wuxia was not idle either, and began to prepare the memory and eye mask that Gojo Satoru needed.

Although he promised to assist the sorcerer of the academy, he was preparing materials at the academy of sorcery at the moment. It's better not to expose his secrets.

"System, are there any other prerequisites?"

"Gojo Satoru, I gave you all my points, please don’t let me down again!"

【Ding, the host has completed all prerequisites】

【Points - 400】

【Once again, confirm whether the memories of the deceased Gojo Satoru were attached to the eyepatch across time and space?】

"I'm sure!"

【Ding, estimated completion time, about half an hour]

With such a huge workload, even the system needs about half an hour.

A person's lifetime memory is extremely huge.

Feng Wuxia plans to rush to the Shibuya area first. Gojo Satoru and the cursed spirit will fight soon, and he will have no time to take care of all the ordinary people.

And Fushiguro will even come, he is also a big trouble

"You are fully prepared, right?"

"If you lose again, you won't have an excuse!"

Leaking Pot said shamelessly:"You kid, are you ready to fail?"

A transformed cursed spirit was eating a human corpse underground. Tiger Stick was stunned and trembling slightly as he watched the scene in front of him.

A cursed spirit that looked like a locust appeared, and it could speak human language.

"do you know?"

"Some humans taste really bad."

"I'm smart, so I can taste it......."

Before he finished speaking, Yuji jumped up and kicked the locust, and then broke the wall behind him with another punch. The locust, who had no time to defend himself, vomited blood from his mouth.

The locust showed super jumping and flying abilities, which made it very difficult to deal with to a certain extent.

The entrance of the subway station was too small, and Yuji's performance was greatly limited.

He hit from the front to the back, and everything he hit was damaged.

Yuji condensed the magic power in his hands, but the locust had four hands, and it is said that two fists cannot beat four hands.

But the situation now is different. Yuji's punching speed is extremely fast, and he can actually fight back and forth with the locust.


"Why was I the only one being beaten?"

The cursed spirit didn't understand. Every part of its body was much stronger than the sorcerer, but the tiger stick in front of it was too powerful.

It had no strength to fight back.

"Haha, you fell into the trap!"

"During the egg-laying season, the tail of the locust will be two or three times longer than usual!"

This means that the tail of the locust can be freely extended and retracted. Tiger Stick is now very close to the locust.

So the locust tried to be clever and tried to defeat Tiger Stick with one blow.

But Tiger Stick was prepared and smashed the locust's tail with his hands.

Mingming on the other side of the subway station sensed that the curtain on Tiger Stick's side disappeared.

So Tiger Stick won.

The high school is a long distance away from the Shibuya area, and it took a lot of time even to fly over.

The current high school sorcerer has just entered the curtain, and Feng Wuxia happened to follow them in together

"You came?"

"The current situation is not optimistic. A large number of ordinary people gathered at the subway station."

"And there is a strong smell of curse coming from the subway station"

"They are targeting ordinary people and threatening Gojo Satoru."

Kusakabe Atsuya saw Feng Wuxia who came late, and quickly analyzed the current situation in the Shibuya area.

Panda and Kusakabe Atsuya walked together, without any other intention.

It was just because Kusakabe Atsuya was also the head teacher of the second grade, and they felt more comfortable walking together.

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