"Tiger stick, I found a good news"

"They are on the fifth floor underground, unable to move the sealed Gojo Satoru."

The mechanical pill is attached to Yuji's ear. The situation is not too bad now. At least they have no way to deal with Gojo Satoru.

Yuji is following the instructions of the mechanical pill and approaching Yumenjiang.

"Tell the others in the High Commission first."

"If Gojo Satoru is sealed, the people of the entire Sakura Country will suffer."

Yuji nodded. He also knew the seriousness of the matter.

As a person who could destroy an entire country, many people were afraid of Gojo Satoru's strength.

If other people knew about it, they would all show up and make trouble.

Looking at the tall building in the distance, it was a good place with a wide field of vision and no obstructions.

Entering another tent, he found that many cursed spirits were hunting ordinary people. It was impossible for Yuji to sit idly by. He gathered the curse power in his hand and separated the corpse of a huge cursed spirit.

Although the cursed spirit was large in size, it was only less than level three in strength, and was just making up the numbers. You have to choose between quantity and precision. To deal with ordinary people, you only need a large number.

There is no need to release powerful cursed spirits.

He climbed up the tall building in no time, then took a deep breath and shouted in the direction of the others:

"Xiao Qi Hai, is Xiao Qi Hai here?"

"Gojo Sensei has been sealed!"

Nanami grabbed Fushiguro Megumi and Ino Takuma. If it is true as Yuji said, Gojo Satoru is sealed.

Then the whole country will suffer.

"Meet up with Tiger Stick immediately"

"If Gojo Satoru is sealed, the whole country will be doomed."

Noso's side gathered together for a small meeting, and their situation was exposed.

The High Commission will gather the power of all sorcerers and take Yumenjiang away at all costs.

Tuogen, Noso, Louhu, Zhangxiang and Louhu surrounded Yumenjiang.

"I will stay here to watch over Yumenjiang, what about you guys?"

Nozomi needs to watch over Gojo Satoru, even though he has been sealed.

"I want to avenge my brothers. I want to kill Yuji Itadori."

"I don't know Nobara Kugisaki, but I want to turn Yuji into Sukuna, and the era I curse will finally come!"

You can tell it was said by Kazantou.

Zhang Xiang needs to find Yuji before Lekaku, because if Sukuna shows up, he will never have the chance to kill Yuji.

"I don't care what you think, I'll stay here to watch over Gojo Satoru."

Nozomi sat on the ground bored.

At the moment when they were talking, Feng Wuxia had left Yumenjiang, Gojo Satoru had awakened, and the goal was achieved.

Nanami and the others rushed to the high-rise building where Yuji was.

Yuji didn't seem to notice them and continued to shout in the original direction.

Fushiguro Megumi punched Yuji on the back of the head, and then he noticed someone behind him.

On the rooftop, Mechanical Maru shared information

""Ketsu Suguru?"

Nanami seemed shocked. Ketsu Suguru died last year, and was killed by Gojo Satoru himself. Everyone knew this.

"It's not Geto Suguru, it's more like something has taken over Geto Suguru's body"

"There are two special-grade cursed spirits and many cursers beside them."

Mechanimaru shared all the information he saw.

The small mechanical pill hidden in the fifth floor of the subway station in Shibuya was discovered by Nozomi.

This is the only information we have seen so far. Next, Yuji and others need to go down to confirm it.

"No time for bullshit."

"Many procedures require a first-level sorcerer to complete"

"You guys carry out the mission, I'll go out and find Mr. Ijichi to handle the formalities."

The Itadori trio are now quasi-first-class sorcerers, and they need to complete the special mission of the academy to be officially promoted to first-class sorcerers.

The situation in the sorcery world has completely changed. Ino Takuma raised two fingers and said:

"The first point is the failure of the Gojo family. The Gojo family relied on Gojo Satoru to reach such a high position."

"Because Gojo Satoru saved too many people, most of them were hidden dangers"

"The higher-ups will definitely send someone to clear the hidden dangers."

"The second point is that the balance of power disappears"

"There are many people who fear Gojo Satoru. Now that Gojo Satoru has been sealed, the curse masters who have learned the news will move out at the same time."

"In addition, there are many ordinary people in the Shibuya area, so there is a high probability that we will lose this game."

Senior Ino brought Megumi Fushiguro and Yuji Itadori to the place mentioned by the mechanical pill. No matter how they hit the tent, it did not move at all.

In the Shibuya Blue Tower, several people analyzed that the magician who cast the curtain might not be inside.

If so, the cornerstone of the tent would be placed in a conspicuous place.

The three curse masters on the blue tower were still rejoicing that they deliberately chose the high tower in order to increase the strength of the barrier. The bottom was also full of modified humans, and it would be impossible for them to come up for a while.

But they neglected Megumi Fushiguro's shikigami"Nue."

Bring Itadori and others up directly.

As planned, Megumi Fushiguro and Yuji Itadori held back the enemy, while Senior Ino quickly found the center of the formation.

Pulling out one of them, he found that the remaining two were out of sight.

Suddenly he found that one was in the hands of the curse master, and he had to cooperate with Itadori to grab it.

""Fushiguro, release the Nue!"

Yuji used the rope given to him by senior Maki to pull down one of the curse masters.

Ino Takuma dealt with the other two, while Fushiguro Megumi and Yuji Itadori dealt with the one who was pulled down.

The curse master fell heavily to the ground, and there was no movement afterwards. Yuji thought he was so handsome.

Fushiguro Megumi saw the difference. Their physical strength was far more than that. They would not be hurt even if they fell down.


"I see, stop playing dead!"

""Get up, you old vixen!"

Really, he clearly fell from the 41st floor, why would you suspect he was faking his death? The old man slowly stood up.

"Get rid of him as soon as possible and reunite with Senior Ino"

"Don't worry, Fushiguro, it won't take long."

Yes, it really won't take long. Feng Wuxia happened to be idle and had nothing to do. When he was wandering around, he found Fushiguro Megumi and Itadori Yuji. He happened to see them fighting against the Curse Master.


"Young people nowadays have no respect for the elderly or the young"

"I'm an old man, and I still have to endure your suffering."

Move your body. It hurts so much just now. That was the 41st floor.

A weaker sorcerer might have died on the spot.

Be prepared for a fight. I've heard about the Fushiguro family's techniques a long time ago. The Ten Kage should not be underestimated.

The Jade Dog was lying in ambush in the dark, and Itadori rushed forward to attract attention.

Fushiguro Megumi stood in place to signal the Jade Dog, and Itadori punched the opponent in the stomach.

The Jade Dog jumped into the air and used its sharp claws to sneak attack the sorcerer from behind.

The claws grabbed the head and a puff of white smoke came out, but it didn't hurt him at all.

"Very strong defense"

"And it’s very fast too!"

【Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the side quest】

【Defeat the Curse Master, mission completion points +100】

【Current points: 300】

"System, you really know how to pick the right time."

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