The curse master took out a knife from his waist and stabbed Yuji in the abdomen.

"Is Tiger Stick okay?"

"It's okay, just some minor skin injuries."

He quickly distanced himself from his opponent, and even in a two-on-one situation, he still couldn't gain the upper hand.

The jade dog's claws were effective against Hanamiya, but had no effect on the curse master.

Yuji and Fushiguro Megumi took advantage of their numbers to suppress the curse master.

But they could only suppress him, not cause any damage to him.

The wire mesh behind him was elastic, so it could be used well.

He grabbed the wire mesh with both hands, slammed into it hard, and then it bounced back, and quickly rushed towards Yuji's position.

Fushiguro Megumi realized that something was wrong, so he pulled out his sword and cut off the wire mesh, but he was still a step slower than the opponent.

At this time, the curse master had come in front of Yuji and kicked Yuji in the chest with both feet.

Yuji spat out a mouthful of blood. The power of this kick was not small, and it also took advantage of the elasticity of the wire mesh.

Fushiguro Megumi slashed the curse master's chin with a knife, and it was the same scene as before.

A burst of smoke came out from his chin.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

"In all likelihood, it has something to do with his technique."

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, he could only scare the opponent.

"Hey, Gojo Satoru is coming to Shibuya!"

""Hurry up and drop the cornerstone of the curtain and run away!"

Humph, the curse master looked at the funny Fushiguro Megumi. If Gojo Satoru was still here, he would be sleeping now.

If it weren't for the voice of Itadori Yuji shouting, who would come out to cause trouble?

"I think you should sleep at home."

"Gojo Satoru is sealed, haven't you heard of me?"

Feng Wuxia jumped down from the bridge, and his strength was so great that he crushed the bricks on the ground.

The curse master had naturally heard of Feng Wuxia's name. As a special-grade curse master, even if he had never seen him, he had heard of him.

Attack invalidation?

The enemy in front of him was not that strong. If he could really invalidate the attack, he should not be afraid of Gojo Satoru.

According to what he said, Gojo Satoru dared to come out and cause trouble because he was sealed.

So his technique was not to invalidate the attack, it was just a trick.

"His method may be a reversal"

"You need to stagger your attacks to hit him."

Fushiguro Hui reminded Feng Wuxia that his guess was right. The invalidation of the technique was very difficult to solve, and it was probably not this kind of thing.

If it was reversed, it would be easy to deal with. It was a good opportunity to try out the ability of the Samsara Eye.

I haven't used my ability for too long, and I feel anxious.

"First, you need to use a relatively low-power attack."

"Force the opponent to use a reversal"

"After that, you need to use a powerful attack to hurt him."

The premise is that the first attack must be continuous, or dependent.

Just like Fushiguro Megumi, who can continuously exert pressure.

To be honest, Feng Wuxia is unsure, but he has a lot of ninjutsu in his hands, so he can just try them one by one.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Feng Wuxia controlled the amount of chakra, otherwise the entire Shibuya area would be burned down if he was not careful.

The fire released was only enough to surround a small street.

He wanted to try whether Fire Style could be considered as continuous damage, and Fire Style with controlled chakra could not burn people to death. The attack power was also weak, and it was highly likely that the first condition could be met.


"The flame hurts so much."

With a full roll of his eyes, Feng Wuxia saw it at a glance. While releasing the reversal, he used the power of the spell to protect his whole body.

So he was not hurt. This way, it was easy.

"Shadow Clone Technique"

"Oh! An identical Feng Wuxia?"

Yuji Itadori stood in place, and an identical Feng Wuxia appeared next to him.

"What's your technique?"

"I'm an old man, but I haven't seen it yet!"

"Frog in the well, there are still many things you haven't seen!"

The shadow clone went around behind the curse master, and the curse master felt a strange force.

Turning around, he saw only one of Feng Wuxia's clones. He was sure that the feeling just now was definitely not wrong.

"what happened?"

"Where did the oppressive feeling just now go?"

At this moment, Feng Wuxia used the ability of the Samsara Eye:"Rinnegan." Rinnegan

: Uchiha Madara's unique ability to use the Rinnegan to split his own shadow.

The shadow can be used to block the opponent's attack for the main body, or it can be used to surprise the opponent. Only one shadow can be split when one eye is single.

The number of shadows can be increased to four after gathering both eyes. Because the split shadows are in a special space.

Therefore, ordinary people can neither see these shadows nor perceive these shadows.

Only those who have the Samsara Eye can see these shadows.

The advantage of this technique is that it directly increases the attack and defense power several times.

The ability of the shadow and the main body to exchange positions greatly improves the fault tolerance rate of the battle.

And it is invincible when facing enemies who do not know the Six Paths Immortal Technique and the Samsara Eye!

The disadvantage is that the materialization time of the shadow is limited, and it will definitely return to the main body after a period of activity.

It takes a certain period of cooling before the Rinnegan can be used again.

The feeling of the curse master just now was right. He could not see the shadow. Just now, the shadow clone took the shadow around behind him.

No matter who he focuses on, he can break his reversal technique.

"Just use the clone to go around behind?"


"As a special class, I won't use such cheap tricks."

"Most likely it was a cover-up, is the original body preparing a big move?"

I had to think in this direction, because no matter how I looked at it, the clone was something that attracted my attention.

"Feng Wuxia, do you need my help?"

"No, you guys go find Gojo Satoru first, I'll deal with this old guy and then come over."

Gojo Satoru was meditating, so I didn't take him away, but left him where he was so as not to arouse Nozomi's suspicion.

"Don't think too much."

"I just happened to be relaxing and ran into you guys."

"With your strength, I don't need to come to you specifically."

Words can't anger the curse master. The man in front of him is too oppressive.

Apart from Gojo Satoru, he is the second one.

Sweat wets his back. The fire just now was very lethal. If it weren't for the curse power and reversal, his arm would have been burned off.

"You can't break my defense!"



"Do you want to see what's behind you?"

The shadow of Lunmubianyu appeared behind the curse master. Although he couldn't see it, he could still distinguish the strong breath.

Just when he wanted to escape, he found that an invisible force grabbed his limbs.

He could split four shadows, but he couldn't see without the Samsara Eye.

Now the curse master has become a lamb to be slaughtered.

He felt a strong force hitting his back, but he was powerless.

Reversing the attack that had just been blocked by the shadow, he only needed to continue attacking to take down this old fox in one fell swoop.


The advantage of this ninjutsu is that you can exchange positions with the shadow at any time.

The reversal and the cursed body protection disappeared, and a big hand pierced through the chest of the curse master.

Looking at Feng Wuxia who disappeared in front of him, he didn't understand how he did it.

Before he finished the last sentence, he closed his eyes heavily.

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