"Fushiguro, what is that?"

"Senior Ino?"

Just now, Ino Takuma was fighting the Curse Master on the Blue Tower, and the next moment he was seen falling down.


Fushiguro Megumi released his shikigami and grabbed Ino Takuma who was falling from the air.

Fushiguro even descended and defeated Ino in two or three moves.

At the same time, he seized the body of the curse master and became a killing machine.

Feng Wuxia took the cornerstone from the corpse and then crushed it.

The tent disappeared, and Yuji and others could go underground to look for Gojo Satoru.

Senior Ino is not in a good condition now, and he is seriously injured.

Ieiri Shoko is not here either, and no one can treat the senior.

"Fushiguro, let's go kill the guy up there!"

"Don't be impulsive. I understand your feelings, but now we have to put the overall situation first."

"Otherwise, there will be more casualties among sorcerers."

The account has been resolved, and the top priority is Gojo Sensei.

The old guys above, after hearing that Gojo Satoru was sealed, may have already fled with their property.

"Tiger Stick, you go to the station first"

"Senior Ino's injury cannot be delayed any longer."

This is the best way now. Gojo Satoru will always be the top priority.

Remove the account, and now all the sorcerers in the high school will run towards Gojo Satoru.

There is no need to worry about the problem of insufficient manpower.

"Did the account disappear?"

Earlier, Mei and Yuji went their separate ways. It seems that Yuji has solved the problem of the account that the sorcerer cannot enter.

Thinking of this, Mei was very excited. She wondered how much the favor that Gojo Satoru owed her was worth?

"Feng Wuxia"

"Won't you come with me to find Mr. Gojo?"

"If you and I are together, we have a good chance of winning."

Feng Wuxia had just met Gojo Satoru, and Yuji and the others will definitely be able to stay in Yumenjiang.

He doesn't need to intervene in this matter.

In addition, there are more than 3,000 ordinary people in the Shibuya area, and tens of thousands of cursed spirits are a big problem.

It is impossible to quickly eliminate the cursed spirits by relying on the high-level specialists. If Feng Wuxia goes to help, it can effectively protect the civilians.

"No need, Mr. Gojo is right below."

"I'm going to save the common people, and help the other sorcerers in the high school."

Without further ado, Yuji quickly entered the subway station where Gojo Satoru was.

It happened that after the Shibuya Incident, the memories of all the common people would be erased, so he could indulge himself a little.

The complete sequel was not very suitable, and it would hurt the common people if he was not careful.

In this case, the skeleton form was the most suitable, with a small range and easy to control, and would not hurt the innocent.

He flew the sequel to a place where a large number of people gathered at night. His ninjutsu was not a technique, so ordinary people could see it.

"Miss Ming, long time no see"

"How are you?"

Mingming in the underground tunnel was a little surprised. She was very familiar with the source of the voice.

"It's you. We haven't seen each other for a long time, right?"

Mingming was thinking, why did Xia Youjie appear here? Did

Gojo Satoru fail?

Impossible, could it be that Gojo Satoru colluded with Xia Youjie?

Even more impossible, because Gojo Satoru alone can kill everyone in this country.

There is no need to collude with others.

"Senior sister, to deal with you, it is more appropriate to use a special-grade curse spirit!"

The noose releases a special-grade curse spirit, and what is even more terrifying is that the special-grade curse spirit has a domain

"After you defeat the special curse spirit I released"

"You are qualified to be my opponent!"

After saying that, Xia Youjie disappeared into the darkness, leaving the special-grade curse spirit and Mingming in the empty tunnel.

Looking at the special-grade curse spirit in front of him, Mingming held the big axe.

It has been a long time since the special-grade curse spirit appeared. I didn't expect that there would be so many special-grade curse spirits in Shibuya.

This made Mingming a little uncomfortable for a while.

""The domain is unfolding!"

As soon as they met, the domain was unfolding. Mingming was caught off guard and was pulled directly into the domain.

A wooden box similar to a coffin tied Mingming tightly.

A huge stone crushed the coffin.

However, Mingming did not die, but instead chopped the boulder and the coffin apart.

"It's been a long time since I felt this kind of life-threatening feeling!"

Feng Wuxia rushed to the underground tunnel. Although she didn't find the noose, the noose left a special-grade curse spirit.

It would take a certain amount of time for Mingming to deal with the special-grade curse spirit. For her, the noose must be used to delay her. As long as there is enough time, the next plan can be carried out.

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

""Shinra Tensei!"

A set of combined skills was released, and more than a hundred low-level cursed spirits were completely destroyed.

The special-level cursed spirit was concentrating on fighting Mingming and did not notice the sudden appearance of Feng Wuxia. What was even more confusing was that it was obviously his own domain, why could an outsider enter?

"It is indeed a special grade curse spirit."

"A weaker first-level cursed spirit can't even withstand a punch from me."

"You are very good, special grade curse spirit"

"Next, let me play with you!"

At 22:10 Shibuya time, Yuji was running alone in the empty subway station.

It can be seen that there was a lot of commotion here.

In order to save time, he slid down the escalator directly.

Zhang Xiang knew that Yuji Yuji was back, so he deliberately blocked the way to find Yumenjiang.

Yuji Yuji didn't want to pay attention to the man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

But what the other party said next forced him to fight.

"Yuji Itadori"

"I want to avenge my brothers!"

Zhang Xiang first found Yuji Itadori, and he wanted to kill Itadori here.

""Red Blood Manipulation Technique!"

Compress the blood with the Hundred Retractors, release it from one point, and then strengthen it with cursed power.

The blood ejected in this way has an attack speed that even exceeds the speed of sound.

Yuji Itadori subconsciously blocked it with his hand, but the next moment a huge blood hole appeared on his arm.

"I have something to ask you"

"Did my brothers say anything before they died?"

"I don't know, but he looks very scared."

Yuji Itadori's words angered Zhang Xiang, who mobilized the blood in his body and attacked Yuji Itadori with all his strength.


He put his hands together, and continued to attack the fleeing Itadori Yuji with blood.

The blood condensed into small balls floating in his hands, and then changed into various spikes to attack Itadori Yuji.

Although the blood was spilled, he was still able to continue to control the blood on the ground.

Itadori Yuji was now at a disadvantage and was no match for Zhang Xiang. The long-range attack technique could not get close.

Moreover, the opponent was attacking continuously, and there was no chance to get close.

"Damn it, he distanced me again."

"The blood-controlling ray is too fast. I only have a 50% chance of dodging it."

"If you make a mistake in judgment, you'll be in trouble."

"Then I will die!"

Tiger Stick needs to decide the timing of the opponent, that is, to lure the opponent to attack him.

It takes a little time for the blood to condense, and the time is very short.

He must seize the opportunity to close the distance between the two sides in order to win.

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