Yuji Itadori kicked out, but was dodged by Shoso, who then used the blood to scratch Itadori's foot.

"Hey, the opponent is using the Red Blood Manipulation Technique, right?"

The mechanical pill that had been silent all this time resumed its movement, and Yuji looked at the mechanical pill in surprise.

"I don't know much."

"Iemo Kenji also used the Red Blood Technique"

"This is a technique passed down from the Iemo family."

Find a shelter and temporarily hide in a place that looks relatively safe.

The Mechamaru had just turned on the power saving mode, so there has been no movement.

Now that Itadori is in danger, the Mechamaru's power saving mode is lifted.

It happened that he had seen this technique before, so he shared as much information as possible to help Itadori Yuji

"I have a solution"

"You go to the toilet first."

Yuji asked back,"Isn't going to the toilet like waiting for death?"

"Don't worry about this, I'll tell you first"

"The chance of winning is less than 10%. You can't escape anyway, so why not give it a try?"

"That's too much, then I died heroically, right?"

While Itadori was talking to Mechanical Maru, Sho-sang was still manipulating the spell to attack the hiding Itadori Yuji.

If he continued like this, he would be consumed little by little, so it would be better to do as Mechanical Maru said.

Seeing Itadori Yuji running towards a dead end, I thought he had given up resistance.

"Stupid, have you given up?"

"Well, I'll give you a quick death!"

He opened the toilet door and found that all the taps inside had burst.

It was like a light rain. Yuji Itadori stood at the back and looked at Zhang.

"What, you're not running away anymore?"

"Prepare to die!"

Mechanimaru just told Yuji that this is his last chance.

Senior Jiamo once said that the biggest weakness of the Red Blood Manipulation Technique is water.

Regardless of whether it is raining or for other reasons, as long as it touches water, the blood cannot be condensed, which means that the technique cannot be released.

""Red Blood Manipulation Technique!"

Blood condensed on his hands, and the next second, Shoxiang's technique suddenly disappeared. Shoxiang, who was completely confused, planned to release the technique for the second time.

In order to increase the power of the Red Blood Manipulation Technique, Shoxiang will turn off the function of coagulating blood.

Therefore, the Red Blood Manipulation Technique cannot be used in the toilet.

Mechanical Maru's idea is correct. The current situation is on the side of Itadori Yuji.

Seize the opportunity and go up to fight with Shoxiang. Shoxiang, without the technique, may not be able to beat Itadori Yuji.

The space in the toilet is relatively large, and there is no inconvenience for the two to use their fists and feet.

Shoxiang blocked Yuji Itadori's attack. Even though he didn't have the technique, his strength was still very strong.

Itadori Yuji couldn't defeat Shoxiang for a while.

"Very strong physical skills"

"And he's very strong too."

He realized that Shogo's physical strength was comparable to his own, and the two of them fought back and forth in the bathroom.

If you can't win head-on, just use a sneak attack, as long as it succeeds, it's a good idea.

When the two of them made physical contact, Yuji Itadori used a headbutt, catching Shogo off guard.

Then he bit Shogo's hand with his teeth, and he had to let go in pain. He tried to increase the distance between them again, and if this continued, Yuji Itadori might really be able to escape.

Another kick in Shogo's face, and Yuji thought to himself:"I can win."

Although Itadori had the advantage, Shogo was no pushover, and he still had a trump card that he hadn't used.

""Red Blood Manipulation Technique: Blood Star Thunder!"

The blood clot, which was solidified and compressed to the limit and strengthened by cursed power, pierced Yuji Itadori's liver.

Yuji Itadori was injured in the abdomen, and Shoxiang launched a second attack. The blood attached to his right hand and was strengthened by cursed power.

The maximum damage was achieved.

Yuji Itadori hit the glass behind him heavily and seemed to have fainted.

Just when Shoxiang was about to go forward to finish him off, a non-existent memory appeared in his mind. He suddenly felt a splitting headache and squatted on the ground in pain, holding his head.

"Knotweed you..."

"Why is it you!"

"Why are you my brother?"

Mingxiang was the winner, but at this moment his face was full of fear and regret.

"Here it comes!!!"

Feng Wuxia launched the third stage of Susanoo and beat the special-grade cursed spirit, not because he wanted to end it quickly.

It was because he felt the breath of the curse king!

Sukuna's fingers were beside Yuji, and there were many fingers, otherwise the breath of the curse would never be so strong.

"Mingming, take your brother and run!"

"The farther you run, the better!"

Feng Wuxia will definitely not be able to make it to that time, while Yuji is now in a coma.

The two sisters picked up by Xia Youjie will definitely feed Yuji Sukuna's finger.

Once Sukuna's finger is eaten, things will become out of control.

Sukuna will take control of Yuji's body while he is unconscious.

This means that everyone in the subway station will die.

This is the result that no one wants to see the most.

On the other side, Nanami and Kugisaki Nobara and others successfully reunited and headed towards the location of the prison gate.

"You have all seen the information about the Dark Crow, right?"

"I saw it, I think that's a fake Geto Suguru."

Nobara Kugisaki didn't know Geto Suguru, so she naturally didn't know what Miss Nitta and Mr. Nanami were talking about. Maki Zenin and Naohi Zenin finished dealing with the cursed spirits in an area.

The old man looked completely unmotivated. After seeing Nanami and the others, he stepped forward to greet Nanami.

"Gojo Satoru was sealed?"

"It is a great joy that the Gojo family has fallen into desolation!"

Zenin Maki was not happy to hear this and said:

"If you don't want to save people, go back as soon as possible. We don't need people like you who don't have the motivation."

Nanami has a different opinion on this. He thinks that it is Zenin Maki who should go back.

The next person they are going to fight is

"Special grade cursed spirit - Tagore!"

"Mr. Naobi, I think you understand"

"Even if we are both first-class sorcerers,"

"It's difficult to retreat"

"Also, have you been drinking?"

Nanami was a little unhappy. She knew that her opponent was a special-grade cursed spirit, but she still had to drink before the battle.

Zenin Maki was not suitable for dealing with special-grade spirits, but she was not forced to go back.

It was just that when the fight really started, there was no way to take care of Maki.

Several people walked down the elevator, and it was Tagore who was facing them.

Tagore was hiding behind a pillar. The shadow left by Feng Wuxia last time was too big.

As a result, he now has a certain fear of sorcerers.

Nanami rolled up her sleeves and tied her tie around her right hand to prevent slipping.

Zenin Naohito took the lead in turning the hiding Tagore into a producer and thought of a way to deal with it in advance.

"As expected of you, Mr. Naobi"

"You are still so fast!"

Even Nanami couldn't help but praise Zenin Naohito, his technique was really powerful.

Zenin Naohito threw the paper-like Tagore into the air, condensed the magic power in his hand and punched the paper.

Then the whole body of Tagore flew out.

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