Old man Naobi is quite capable. His speed was so fast that even Nanami Kento couldn't see it clearly.

At this time, the beaten Tagore fell to the ground, and five or six pillars of the subway station were broken.


""Woo woo!"

Zenin Naobi had just hit Tuogen in the stomach, causing him to vomit.

He spat out a bunch of human bones from his mouth, which made the people's scalps numb.

The number was so large that it was impossible to count.

"How many people did he kill?"

"There are so many that it has turned into a small mountain!"

"It's impossible to estimate, so disgusting!"

Tagore was lying on the ground in pain, still mumbling in his mouth, but his voice was so soft that the few people couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

The outer skin was torn, and Tagore's body kept twitching. Nanami protected Maki, and it looked like the situation was a bit bad.

The next moment, Tagore's true body appeared in front of everyone. He had just successfully shed his shell.

Now it was his true body.

The earth-shaking change in appearance meant that Tagore's strength had been strengthened.

Seeing this, Nanami and Naobi began to face the enemy in front of them and prepare for defense.

Tagore's fingertips condensed a water ball-sized cursed force, and then threw it towards the position of several people. For a moment, a huge amount of seawater attacked the inside of the subway station. Maki Zenin couldn't figure out how he did it.

"Maki, stay away from me first!"

"You can't resist his technique!"

Zenin Maki also wanted to run, but in an instant the sea water was above her waist.

In a moment, it would submerge her whole body.

The subway station was like an ocean, and the water level was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She used her spear to stay between two pillars to avoid the attack of the sea water.

"The shikigami is not on the same level as Fushiguro Megumi"

"If you are in the open underground, you can only wait for death."

There are also many bunkers and hiding places in the subway station, which can be used well.

Nanami picked up the big knife and chopped it at Tagan's head.

The terrible thing is that Tagan just bit Nanami's big knife with his teeth.

This attack was attached with Nanami's curse, but it was blocked so easily.

Naobi took advantage of the gap between Nanami's attacks and pinched Tagan's waist with both hands.

Continue to turn him into a producer, wanting to repeat the same trick.

Nanami chopped off the producer with a knife, but Tagan did not receive any damage and appeared intact in front of the three people.

At this moment, the three people realized the strength of their opponents.

Tagan's surface is very smooth, and even a sharp knife cannot hurt him.

"There are two first-level sorcerers present."

"Can't beat a curse"

"It seems that they are evenly matched."

Zenin Naohito stroked his beard and began to face the opponent in front of him.

The current situation is very serious. Tagore is not an inferior opponent. He is Tagore, one of the four natural disasters.

If it weren't for the old man Naohito turning Tagore into a producer in time and removing Tagore's technique, I'm afraid Maki would be dead now.

The old man is still constantly testing Tagore, trying to get more information from Tagore.

Then he can fight more advantageously.

"Nanami, the Curse Water has a strong defense"

"It can also release other spells at the same time"

"Too much cursed energy, he hasn't used his full strength yet."

That is to say, Takugen also knows other techniques, and what they just encountered was just the tip of the iceberg of Takugen's display.

The three attacked Takugen from different directions at the same time, and Takugen calmly formed seals with his hands.

A huge stream of water gushed out from him, and with the cover of the water, he jumped into the air.

This move had long been predicted by the old man Naobi, so he ambushed above in advance.

The old man has full combat experience, worthy of being the head of the modern Zen Temple family.

"I have already predicted your actions."

He kicked Tagore in the back with great force.

Tagore was not prepared at all and a big hole appeared on the ground.

Nanami and Naobi Toji cooperated, Tagore had no chance to release his technique and could only lie on the ground and take the beating.

"How can it be?"

"It's all because of this man. This man is constantly hindering me!"

Just now, Tuogen found that Zhibi's speed had surpassed the clepsydra.

And his strength was also very strong. Is he really a first-class sorcerer?

Zenyuan Zhibi stopped his movements and found that the curse spirit stopped making seals.

But a strange pattern appeared on his stomach that was not there before.

"Retreat quickly!"

"He drew a pattern of the expansion of the domain on his stomach!"

The next second, several people appeared on a beach. This was Tagore's domain.

There was no time to react. Nanami and Maki were injured. The must-hit effect in the domain made it difficult for the three to defend themselves.

Only Naobi was still standing there without being injured.

Maki sighed and said,"Before the attack, the technique did not exist at all."

"That is to say, the piranhas did not exist before they were attacked."

Qian Hai also discovered that the piranhas that suddenly appeared only appeared after they were hurt.

"Why wasn't the old man injured?"

"It is"Love of Fallen Flowers""

Love of Fallen Flowers" is a technique authorized by the three major families. This technique can effectively fight against the enemy's domain. The moment the enemy's domain touches you, you will launch a counterattack with your magic power to protect yourself.

""The spell is released!"

Takugen finally had a chance to fight back. Soon, hundreds of piranhas rushed towards Nanami and Naobi.

Maki was ignored, and no piranhas swam towards her.

Thinking was useless now, and she could only knock down the piranhas one by one.

Zenin Naobi was in a good situation. He had a spell to resist the field, so he could barely fight Takugen.

The piranhas behind him attacked Naobi, but Naobi, who was concentrating on fighting Takugen, didn't notice.

The bite on his body splattered blood and he was seriously injured.

"You are the weakest"

""I'll kill you first!"

He aimed at Maki. The two first-level sorcerers were restrained at the moment.

It would be best to kill Zenin Maki first.

"Field expansion"

"Chimera Dark Courtyard!"

Fushiguro Megumi used his domain to forcibly break into Takugen's domain.

At the same time, he brought Maki's favorite special-grade curse tool."���"

As long as he has this weapon, Maki will have the power to fight against Togen.

Togen blocked Youyun's attack with one hand, but found a piece of flesh and blood flying out of his hand.

Due to the intervention of Fushiguro Megumi, the sure-hit effect in the domain disappeared, and now Zenin Maki suppressed Togen. He swung Togen away directly.

Togen planned to defeat Fushiguro's domain and take back the sure-hit effect.

What Togen didn't expect was that Nanami didn't die after a minute of continuous biting.

The same was true for old man Naobi, who was seriously injured but still fought harder and harder.

Nanami blocked Togen's attack, and Fushiguro Megumi's domain had not collapsed.

Several people still have a chance.

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