At the same time, Zenin Maki swung the Youyun in his hand and hit the vital point of Tuogen.

Tuogen summoned Shikigami to repel several people. Without the effect of a guaranteed hit, the Shikigami posed almost no threat

"Mr. Nanami"

"I'm almost at my limit!"

Fushiguro Megumi couldn't hold on to the high-intensity domain after all. Not long after, he began to bleed from all seven orifices, and it seemed that he couldn't hold on.

Fushiguro Megumi's purpose was not this. Now the domain of Tagore collided with the domain of Fushiguro Megumi.

This just gave several people a chance to escape.

Fushiguro Megumi used the domain to open a hole under his feet. As long as everyone ran out of the domain, there was a chance to win.

The opponent was not Gojo Satoru, who could expand the domain multiple times.


Nanami shouted to Naobi and Maki.

He couldn't tell them his intentions, so he could only express his eagerness in this way.

Out of trust in Nanami, the two of them ran to Nanami's location at the same time.

By the time Takugen noticed, it was too late. Fushiguro Megumi had successfully opened the passage under his feet.

He could help several people escape from the area.

"This is?"


Just as they were about to escape, a pair of large hands appeared in front of them.

It was"Fushiguro Shijiro!"

Maki and Fushiguro Megumi had seen Shijiro before, but had long forgotten what he looked like.

"Not running away"

"Instead, they found another sorcerer?"

Fuguro Shinobu took Youyun away. When Shinobu died, the sorcerer was collected by Xia Youjie and ended up in the armory.

With a wave of his hand, Maki flew out. This was an irresistible force, the kind that could not be resisted.

"Fushiguro, our plan has been exposed."

"And the gap is also plugged"

"That's right. It would be very difficult to open another hole."

The old man, Naohito Zenin, stayed where he was. He was the only one who remembered Fushiguro Shinobu.

But even he was not sure now. Fushiguro Shinobu's eyes turned dark.

It was like he had crawled out of a pile of dead bodies.

Shinobu had completely turned into a killing machine.

As long as his body was not damaged, he would fight endlessly.

Hanamiya was still complacent. An ordinary person without magic power casually broke into his territory.

"He's just an ordinary person without any magic power."

"Not worth mentioning."

Togen released the piranhas to attack Fushiguro Shier, and the next moment he felt something was wrong.

With one blow from the stick, Togen knew who was the boss, and the technique was directly destroyed. This was such a great power with only the strength of the flesh.

Shier turned into a human meat grinder, leaving no grass wherever he went, and he could run on the sea unconditionally.

Togen released the strongest shikigami, trying to hold back Fushiguro Shier.

But the strongest shikigami was like nothing in front of Shier, and he killed them all with one blow from the stick.

The people from the high school had no way to retreat, so they had to put their last hope on Fushiguro Shier

"Who is he?"

"To put it bluntly, he is a dead soul."

"Fushiguro, can you still hold on?"

"I can still hold on for a while. Without the pressure from Tagore, there won't be any big problems."

The battle of Fuguro Shier seemed to open the door to a new world for Zenin Maki.

Youyun is not bound, so the power he exerts depends on the power of the holder.

At this time, Youyun was killing people everywhere, and most of his power came from Fuguro Shier.

Fuguro Shier violently attacked Tagore in front of him.

An ordinary person without any cursed power, suppressing the special cursed spirit.

Several people stood there and dared not move.

One stick, two sticks, three sticks...

The disappearance of the domain means that Tuogen has received his lunch box, and the special cursed spirit has been killed by an ordinary person.

"Is he our companion?"


"It looks like a spirit summoning technique."

Zenin Naobi has seen this technique before, so he first analyzed its advantages and disadvantages.

"Fushiguro Shiori has no cursed power, but the conditions for the end of this technique are"

"It will end when the spell power disappears."

"As long as the body is not damaged, it will never disappear."

In the blink of an eye, Fushiguro Megumi was caught outside. It was obvious that he had taken a fancy to Fushiguro Megumi.


Zenin Maki wanted to go out to rescue Fushiguro Hui, but another voice came from behind:


"Even you are dead."

"I am the only one left among the four great disasters...."

The leaking pot squatted on the ground and said with regret that the four natural disasters had a good relationship and they would also mourn when their friends died.

"Our souls will reincarnate"

"Then, we will meet again in a hundred years."

Feng Wuxia appeared in front of them. He had just dealt with the special curse spirit. It took a lot of time to find them. They were still quite far from the position of Tiger Stick.

Now there was another big trouble. Leakage Pot and Fushiguro Shiro appeared.

"Hello, hey, hey, why is it you again?"

"Do you still want to be beaten?"

Lehu, who was about to fight, stopped his action, and Feng Wuxia also looked at the same position.

"The Breath of Sukuna..."


Curse spirits and sorcerers who have reached the level of Leakage Pot are very sensitive to strong auras, especially the evil Curse King.

As long as a little aura is leaked, they can detect it.

"Volcano head, I guess you've noticed it too"

"Now is not the time to fight, there is a big problem to be solved."

Loupu agreed. The Curse King has appeared, so there is no need to waste time here. Qihai and others were confused. They were about to fight just now, and Feng Wuxia appeared and said something incomprehensible.

It seemed that he was chatting with Loupu.

Sukuna's fingers were released somewhere, and Loupu was horrified. It was not him who did it.

Although Loupu had many fingers on his hands, he couldn't figure out who else had Sukuna's fingers besides him.���

"Feng Wuxia, what's going on?"

"Why did you all stop?"

Feng Wuxia raised his hand and said:

"Now is not the time to fight"

"The aura of the Curse King has appeared!"

If someone else said this, Nanami might not believe it, but the perception of the special-grade sorcerer is very strong.

And you can tell from the expression on the leak pot that Feng Wuxia is telling the truth.

Ryomen Sukuna has appeared in the world

"One, just one finger."

Yuji is now fighting with Sukuna for control of the body, so his breath leaked out. It

's still not too late now, and he can still control it by rushing to Yuji's position.

Louhu rushed over in an instant and said to the two of them:

"Bastard, how many fingers did you let him eat?"

The black runes on Itadori's face did not disappear completely, which means that not many fingers were eaten by Itadori.

One or two at most.

Louhu planned to let Itadori eat more fingers.

The era of cursing spirits has finally come!

Even if Itadori eats twenty fingers, Sukuna will not take control of his body.

But this depends on the situation. For example, if he eats one finger a week, even if he eats all of them, Itadori will still control the body.

Now that Itadori Yuji is in a coma, if he eats ten fingers at a time, control of his body will be given to Sukuna.

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