Li Mei was panting heavily, and seemed to be in great pain.

Zhang Xiang smiled.

The blood-piercing technique was fused with Zhang Xiang's blood, so it must be highly poisonous.

The escaped experts quickly adjusted their status.

"The curse I emit"

"These are the remains of the magicians who signed a contract with me thousands of years ago."

"But they are all useless in my body."

Nosoko released a large number of cursed spirits and tried to leave the battlefield.

Before leaving, he took out the prison gate and taunted Yuji Itadori.

Nosoko's plan officially began.

More than 10 million cursed spirits descended on Sakura Country.

In Sakura Country, a large number of areas fell, but fortunately there were still some people in the academy.

But they were completely unable to help.

The top leaders of the Jujutsu Academy speculated that at this rate of fall, perhaps the entire Tokyo would have to be set up as a refuge area.

The once prosperous streets were deserted.

"how come?"

"There are actually more than 10 million cursed spirits."

Kujuku Yuki finally arrived in Shibuya, so he naturally knew the situation outside.

"Unfortunately, the staff who were supposed to support us"

"Now they have to disperse to various areas."

Yuji clenched his fists. He didn't expect things to turn out like this.

After all, 10 million cursed spirits is not a joke.

Gojo Satoru is not here, and the other special-grade ones are all in Shibuya, so there is no spare manpower.

The scene changed, and Otsutsukota successfully entered the Shibuya area.

A little girl squatted on the ground and wolfed down her lunch box.

A vague figure appeared outside the door, constantly attracting the little girl's attention.

When the little girl walked out of the door, the monster on the right opened its bloody mouth, and the next moment it seemed to bite the little girl.

At the critical moment, Otsutsukota fell from the sky and solved the cursed spirit with one knife.

"Do you have enough clones?"

"It’s enough."

Feng Wuxia found Yuta Otsutsuki a long time ago, and now all the special-level warriors are connected.

Feng Wuxia and Yuta Otsutsuki are no exception.

They are the top combat power of the entire Sakura Country.

"I didn't expect the noose was hidden so deep."

"Ten million cursed spirits were released."

Feng Wuxia waved his hand and said:

"You don't need to worry too much about this."

"I have released clones in every area of Sakura Country"

"The situation in Shibuya is not good now. You should know that Gojo Satoru is sealed."The fact that Gojo Satoru was sealed was quite a big deal. Almost the entire curse world knew about it.

After killing the curse spirit, Otsutsukotsu Yuta changed his dead fish eyes and became a cheerful big brother.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

"Are you not hurt?"

But the girl knew nothing, and her shoes were tattered.

This area of Shibuya is full of commercial buildings and high-rise buildings. Obviously, this is not her home.

Another curse appeared, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Soon there was a rustling sound behind him, which sounded like fighting if you listened carefully. The one with Yuta Otsutsuki now is the clone, and the real one is next to Yuji.

"Rika, you've gone too far!"

"It's not good to fight in front of children."

Otsutsukoshi Yuta blocked the little girl's eyes and said to Rika behind him.

"Did the higher-ups ask you to do anything?"

"Yes, but I just pretended to agree to them."

Not long ago, the senior management of the high school summoned Yuta Otsutsukota.

The senior management gave Yuta Otsutsukota several tasks:

First, confirm the fact that Geto Suguru is alive and sentence him to death.

Second, Gojo Satoru was permanently expelled from the world of curses, and Principal Yaga was also implicated, and Yaga Masamichi was sentenced to death.

Third, Yuji's suspended death sentence was cancelled and replaced with immediate execution.

"Where is Jiujuyuki?"

"Together with the main body, that is, the central area of Shibuya."

To be honest, Kujuyuki does not belong to the High School, she just hopes that all the cursed spirits will disappear.

Yuji sat on the steps in a daze. After almost killing Yuji, Zouxiang never left.

Yuji's wounds were healed, except for the swollen place caused by the black flash.

After a brief conversation with Zouxiang, the two prepared to set off again.

A large number of cursed spirits gathered in the subway station and Shibuya, and they must reduce the number of cursed spirits as much as possible.

After the Shibuya incident, Yuji seemed to have become a different person, and Zouxiang could clearly sense it.

Now Yuji can control super delicate cursed power and has Quite powerful strength.

Yuji did not return to the high school, but hunted cursed spirits with Chosou.

The 10 million cursed spirits released by Noseso spread throughout the Sakura Country, and the number of cursed spirits in Shibuya increased dramatically.

In the Zenin family, Naohito died.

Naohito, this old man with a generous appearance, is actually very bad.

The will he left behind seemed to fulfill the agreement with Fushiguro Shinobu.

He helped Kei to become the head of the family.

In fact, he set a trap for Kei and pushed Kei to the enemy side of Naoya, Shinichi and Ogi.

According to this will, not only can Kei not become the head of the family, it is even impossible for him to return to the Zenin family.

"Naoya succeeded the Zenin family as the 27th head of the family"

"All the property of the Jiku will be inherited by Naoya, and Naoya can use it only after the consent of either Shinichi or Ogi."

"If Gojo Satoru dies or loses consciousness, he will fulfill the agreement with Shinji, welcome back Megumi Fushiguro to succeed him as the head of the family, and transfer all his property to Megumi."

The time when the will was established.

Judging from the third article, this will was obviously made a long time ago, not just before his death.

Because after the Shibuya incident, Gojo Satoru had been sealed.

The triggering conditions of the third article are met.

If it is a will made at the end of life, then the third article will be enough.

The first two articles are nonsense.

The time when this will was established was at least before the Shibuya incident.

The content of the agreement with Shinji.

The agreement between Naohito and Shinji should be"Megumi will take over as the head of the family", not"Megumi will take over as the head of the family only after something happens to Gojo."

Why do you say that? Because Why did Shigenori entrust Kei to Gojo?

It was a decision he made before his death, before he was defeated by Gojo.

Shigenori could not have known that Gojo would take care of Kei later.

But Naobi stipulated that Kei could only take over if something happened to Gojo.

This is very disadvantageous to Kei.

With Gojo around, Kei is not qualified to take over as the head of the family. Without Gojo, Kei has no backing and it will be difficult for him to sit firmly on the position of head of the family.

What's more, with Gojo's strength, the probability of him getting into trouble is lower than winning the lottery.

If it weren't for the Shibuya incident, Kei would never have had the chance to take the position in her life.

Naobi made such a will, clearly indicating that he did not want Kei to be the head of the family.

"The Zenin family is still as messy as ever."

"I think so too, they are all old foxes.

On the way to the center of Shibuya, the clone shared with Otsutsukota what happened recently in the Zenin family.

"Zenin Naoya, pay more attention to this person"

"Maybe Zenin Naoya will come to Shibuya to attack Fushiguro Megumi in order to seize the position of the head of the family."

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