"Zhang Xiang!"

Yu Zhang used himself as bait to lure out many powerful curse spirits.

At this time, Zhang Xiang had been waiting for a long time, waiting for Yu Zhang to lure out the curse spirits, and then kill them one by one.

When the curse spirits and Yu Zhang came to the tunnel of Xia Xiao

"Piercing Blood."

Zhang Xiang decisively used Piercing Blood, shooting through all the cursed spirits with one arrow.

"There is one fish that slipped through the net"

""Yuji, go and deal with him!"

A cursed spirit managed to escape from Zhang Xiang's attack, but Yuji didn't give it any chance.

He sent the cursed spirit away with one punch.

Yuji's strength became stronger and stronger, and Zhang Xiang liked him more and more.

However, he had some resistance to Zhang Xiang's random recognition of his relatives.

Zhang Xiang said to Yuji seriously:

"Remember it"

"You should have memory."

"One of your family members must have sutures on his head."

While Yuji and Choso were chatting, a man appeared behind them.

He was Zenin Naoya, the man that Otsutsukota Yuta had talked about.

As Feng Wuxia had expected, he would come to Shibuya to cause trouble for Fushiguro Megumi. Fortunately, the people he met were Yuji and Choso.

The sudden appearance of the man made Yuji Yuji perk up.

Zenin Naoya ignored Yuji and said nonchalantly:

"Aren’t they too slow?"

"I was the first to arrive."

From what the man said, he had companions, and more than one.

Zenin Naoya found that Yuji did not escape, maybe Shibuya's information was blocked.

The high school sorcerer could not receive information from the outside world.

"Tiger stick, I think you don't know"

"Your death sentence has been revoked and you have been sentenced to immediate execution."

"I have something to ask Fushiguro Megumi, your life or death doesn't matter to me."

Yuji Itadori became even more nervous. The other party specifically asked for Fushiguro Megumi.

It must not be a good thing.

Zenin Naoya did not hide it, but openly stated his intentions.

"Simply put"

"I want Fushiguro Megumi to die"

"He threatens my position as the head of the family. Shikai asks him to go to hell."

Yuji was shocked. He didn't expect Naoya to say such a thing.

Naoya was as fast as lightning and punched Yuji.

Chosou attacked Naoya from the other side and blocked Chosou's attack at the same time.

Yuji and Chosou attacked from the left and right, but the opponent did not fall into a disadvantage at all.

Zenin Naoya was very fast and disappeared directly from the sight of the two.

When he appeared again, he was several meters away.

Yuji and Chosou put some pressure on Naoya. Next, he planned to speed up and get rid of the two as quickly as possible.

"who is it?"

"What a terrifying aura!"

Zenin Naoya was the first to notice that a very terrifying person appeared next to them.

A young man with dead eyes stood on the high platform. The person who came was the special-grade sorcerer: Yuta Otsutsukota.

Yuta Otsutsukota appeared with overwhelming spell power. Yuta Otsutsukota flew up and landed lightly on the guardrail next to him.

But the next second, the guardrail under Yuta Otsutsukota's feet cracked and the ground broke into pieces.

The road collapsed, stepping out a huge deep pit.

"Tiger Stick, get ready to run away!"

"I don't think he can escape."

Yuji Itadori heard from Gojumaki and others that Yuta Otsutsukoshi is a top-grade sorcerer.

"Don't lose heart, I'll hold him back."

"Just run."

Zhou Xiang and Yuji finished talking, and the plan began.

The battle broke out instantly, and the two sides began to fight endlessly.

Zhou Xiang first stood in front of Yuji Yuji, trying to delay Yuta Otsutsuki's steps.

"So fast"

"How can you have such speed with a knife?"

Yuji was very surprised that the other party could catch up with him with a weapon. Zangxiang was held back by Naoya, and he didn't expect Zenin Naoya to intervene.

Secondly, it was about Naoya's technique.

It was obviously related to speed, whether it was the instant appearance when he appeared on the stage.

Or the extraordinary speed during the fight, all showed his quick skills.

And Zangxiang also said that this should be his technique, otherwise the speed of a normal person would not be able to reach this level.

"Dare to attack my brother"

"Do you think you can leave here alive?" Zhang Xiang didn't intend to let Naoya go.

Feng Wuxia appeared quietly behind Naoya and knocked him unconscious with a fan.

"Leave him alone for now"

"Your brother will not die."

The clone is coming too slowly, so why not let the real body come.

It won't take much time to get here anyway.

Itadori is still trying to escape, but no matter how fast he runs, Yuta Otsutsuki can catch up.

He doesn't understand why senior Yuta Otsutsuki wants to kill him.

He jumped into the obstacle, trying to slow down Yuta Otsutsuki.

Itadori threw the car at hand at Yuta Otsutsuki.

What he never expected was that the seemingly weak Yuta Otsutsuki burst out with amazing power, and the car was easily blocked by him!

According to Yuta Otsutsuki, although he is not a power-type sorcerer.

But the huge cursed power can make up for his lack of strength!

Not only that, Yuta Otsutsuki also admitted that his cursed power is even close to Gojo Satoru.

(In short, with the blessing of cursed power, Yuta Otsutsuki's physical strength is no weaker than Itadori)

Afterwards, Yuta Otsutsuki also bluntly stated that Gojo Satoru's six eyes have a special effect, which can make the loss of cursed power infinitely close to 0.

So even if his own cursed power exceeds Gojo Satoru, he still can't match Gojo Satoru.

"Very fast and powerful"

"Just like Panda and Shin-senpai."

Itadori didn't think he could solve Otsutsuki Yuta, this was just to hold him back.

At the same time, the battle between Choso and Zenin Naoya began.

Choso was suspected to have been hit by Zenin Naoya's attack, and the"blood arrow" that had already formed in his hand also scattered!

Considering that Zenin Naoya was able to fight with Choso and Itadori before without losing, Choso's situation is not optimistic.

The street is very spacious, and it is impossible to get rid of the enemy.

Seeing that there was no place to escape, Itadori still didn't intend to surrender.

The next moment, the sharp knife in his hand swung towards Itadori, and the two fought on the street.

The opposite side of Itadori He is a talented player with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

But he did not give up on escaping.

The situation was one-sided, and Itadori had to keep running away.

Yuji Itadori fought and retreated, and fortunately he found a small dagger in the car.

Yuta Otsutsukoshi was still confused, because Feng Wuxia's clone was still by his side.

When he saw Itadori, it disappeared.

This is Feng Wuxia's most common method, to release the clone and obtain relative intelligence.

Of course, the extra clones are rushing to Yuji Itadori's location.

Itadori wanted to resist with a dagger, but it broke the next moment.

A big hand grabbed Itadori's neck, and Rika controlled Itadori who wanted to escape.

""Rika, I was just playing a game with him."

Yuji was so frightened that his hair stood on end. The cursed spirit appeared silently behind him. It was impossible for him not to notice it.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Can't move……"

Just as the sharp knife pierced into Yuji's chest, Feng Wuxia stopped Yuta in time.

"Just do it almost."

"It's just acting anyway."

At this time, Yuji Itadori was already unconscious and was completely unaware of Feng Wuxia's arrival.

"What about Naoya?"

"I solved it easily, and the swelling went away immediately."

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