"Don't move!"

Zenin Naoya stood there in a daze, and found that he couldn't move his whole body.



"How did you do it?"

Feng Wuxia's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan can copy curses, and he has recently gained curse power, so he can use curses.

Fushiguro Megumi, who was tied up with ropes, was also dumbfounded. Currently, it seems that only Otsutsukoshi Yuta can copy.

As for Feng Wuxia's ability, they are still unclear.

"It's just a curse, what's so surprising?"

"Get out!"

The next moment, Zenin Naoya, who was standing on the spot, flew out, and a big hole was smashed in the main courtyard behind him.

"It is indeed the curse of the dog roll."

"Coupled with the inexhaustible cursed power, it is simply a bug-like spell."

Zenin Naoya stood up with difficulty. He did not expect Feng Wuxia to be able to use the spell.

The internal barrier has been broken, leaving only the last high-intensity barrier, which is the one that Feng Wuxia did not deal with.

Fortunately, the strongest barrier was set up by Zenin Naohito before his death, which can bind the special-grade sorcerer for a period of time.

His legs kept shaking and his back was severely injured.

There was no support at hand, making it difficult for Zenin Naoya to get up, and he couldn't even stabilize his body.

"I don't understand. I heard a few days ago that a special grade sorcerer emerged from the Spell Master College."

"But I don't know your ability. I think your ability is probably to copy!"

It's a good guess, but it's just the tip of the iceberg. This is just one of the abilities of the eyes.

Feng Wuxia slowly approached Zenyuan Naoya on the ground. Now keeping Zenyuan Naoya is still useful.

I always feel that their purpose is not just to kill Fushiguro Hui and seize the head of the family.

"What is your purpose?"

"Where did the other members of the Zenyuan family go?"

Zenyuan Naoya seemed to have lost his mind and kept grinning at Feng Wuxia.

Then he started to mock Feng Wuxia:

"If I tell you, will you let me live?"


Feng Wuxia couldn't stand this kind of provocation. He wanted to use the most painful power to put an end to Zenin Naoya.

"Do you think I don't know your intentions if you don't tell me?"

He has hands and feet, and has powerful connections. It is easy for him to investigate Zenin Naoya's intentions.

He pinched Zenin Naoya's neck with his right hand. If you think he will twist his neck next, you are wrong.

It was only a moment of pain and could not make him die happily.

The Rinnegan created an illusion, trapping Zenin Naoya in an illusion forever.

"This is where?"

"What did you do?"

Zenin Naoya found himself in a barren wasteland. It was difficult to understand how Feng Wuxia did it.

Before Zenin Naoya could react, he found himself firmly fixed on the roots of a tree.

He wanted to break free from the control, but he couldn't exert any strength.

Zenin Naoya's eyes gradually became terrified.

Now Zenin Naoya was in the illusion created by Feng Wuxia, and countless sharp knives appeared in front of him.

This move actually imitated Itachi, making Zenin Naoya suffer endlessly.

He will spend 365 days in the created environment, and the flow of time inside and outside is different.

From the outside, it may be less than half an hour, or only about ten minutes.

But for Zenin Naoya, it is undoubtedly quite painful. He will endure 365 days of non-stop sharp knives piercing his body. After experiencing endless pain, he may have a mental breakdown the moment Zenin Naoya comes out of the illusion. Fushiguro

Megumi didn't understand what Feng Wuxia had done. Zenin Naoya, who was still screaming just now, was directly mute.

"Is Zenin Naoya dead?"

"Or did you do something else?"

Feng Wuxia turned around and untied the rope on Fushiguro Hui. Anyway, Zenin Naoya was already useless.

Leave a clone here, and when Zenin Naoya wakes up, that is when the pain will end.

Continue to make him despair, this is the most painful way to die.

It is better to die happily than to immerse himself in infinite despair.

"I didn't do anything, I just gave him a taste of his own medicine."

"The clone will take you out of the barrier. You are not in good condition, so go out and rest first."

The barrier has not been lifted yet. Even the experienced Kusakabe will have a hard time dealing with groups of second-level cursed spirits.

There are only two thousand cursed spirits. The underground tunnel of Zenin's house is very large and can easily accommodate two thousand cursed spirits.

After rescuing Kusakabe and Maki Mayi, a Sky-shaking Star will destroy Zenin's house.

Of course, Feng Wuxia still took the map. Without the map, he really couldn't find the entrance to the underground tunnel.

The entrance to the tunnel was hidden very well. Fortunately, he found the mark made by Kusakabe in advance.

It can be distinguished as a man-made mark at a glance, and the soil on the ground is very soft.

It was a mark made not long ago.

Push aside the weeds next to it and open the door leading to the underground tunnel. The tunnel is very dark. It is not a problem to find Kusakabe under the guidance of the system.

"Maki, there are more and more cursed spirits!"

"This is not a solution."

Zenin Maki glanced at Zenin Mai on the ground. It was just as Kusakabe Atsuya said. Not only was her condition, but her sister's condition was not good either.

If she couldn't get treatment as soon as possible, she might soon die.

Ieiri Shoko was not at the technical high school, so it was impossible to treat Mai in a short time.

The clone took Fushiguro Megumi out of the Zenin family's barrier. It was not far from Shibuya, so he planned to find Nitta first.

Nitta was at the technical high school, and his technique could prevent the wound from getting worse.

After Feng Wuxia had resolved the matter over there, he would go find Shoko. This was the only way to save Zenin Mai at present.

"Totally unable to cope"

"If Feng Wuxia doesn't come, I'm afraid we will all die here!"

Maki can't hold on for long. She is still seriously injured. Kusakabe can't take care of everyone. He can't handle it himself.

Curse spirits are pouring out from all directions.

He took out a lighter from his pocket. If he didn't have one at this time, he might not be able to hold on.

Holding a cigarette to fight the curse spirits, Maki's speed is getting slower and slower. Maki's wounds are getting worse and worse. It seems that she can't hold on for long.

"Don't move!"

Kusakabe Atsuya and Zenin Maki only felt a strong and irresistible force spreading throughout their bodies.

Maki was the first to find out that something was wrong. This was Gojuan's curse.

Could it be that Gojuan was here too? But the voice just now didn't sound like Gojuan's.

It sounded more like Feng Wuxia's voice.

"Is Gojuan here too?"

"I don't know, it was just me and Feng Wuxia when we came."

Kusakabe Atsushi was also confused. Logically, Goujuan should be on his way to the Death Migration.

He shouldn't be at Zenin's house.

Feng Wuxia walked out, took the loud speaker in his hand, and walked out of the dark tunnel.

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