"Feng Wuxia? Why would he curse?"

Before Maki could figure out the situation, she saw groups of cursed spirits dissipating.

"I don't know either. To be honest, from the time I evaluated Feng Wuxia as a special-grade sorcerer until now,"

"The information about him is unknown."

"Maybe it's similar to Otsutsuki Yuta's ability."

Kusakabe Atsushi had no choice but to think in this direction. Zenin Maki didn't say much. The ability to copy is rare, but it's not like no one has it.

"You guys go out first, I'll take care of the rest of the cursed spirits."

A punch broke more than a dozen cursed spirits, and the chain reaction that followed took away hundreds of cursed spirits.

It took Kusakabe and Maki a long time to deal with hundreds of them, but Feng Wuxia only took a moment to deal with them.

"Do you know about Chanyuan Shan's plan?"

Feng Wuxia asked Chanyuan Zhenxi tentatively. Chanyuan Shan is her father, so Zhenxi would know some of the plan.

"I'm sorry I didn't know"

"That old guy not only didn't say anything, but also planned to kill us."

Seeing that Zenin Maki didn't know about Zenin Shan's plan, Feng Wuxia was very concerned about the sudden disappearance of the Zenin clan members.

Kusakabe Atsuya walked out of the tunnel with the seriously injured Zenin Maki and the unconscious Zenin Shinji.

There were only two thousand cursed spirits, just enough for Feng Wuxia to exercise his body.

It's not good to be too relaxed all the time, so he might as well take this opportunity to practice.

The cursed spirits can distinguish the breath of the sorcerer, and the man in front of them is the strongest sorcerer they have ever seen, no doubt about it.

The cursed power on his body gushed out, like a bottomless pit.

The cursed spirits began to think about retreating, and Feng Wuxia made seals with both hands. Anyway, the Zenin family is useless, so it's better to destroy this place.

"System, open storage space"

"Take all weapons with you before leaving"

"Maybe it can be used."

In a few seconds, the Zenin family's arsenal was emptied, except for the Zenin Naoya in the illusion.

After confirming that there were no living people in the Zenin family, he decisively released the ninjutsu


The meteorite released this time was about the same size as the last time. Anyway, the Zen Temple was very big and far away from the high school. It would take him a while to fight more than 2,000 cursed spirits. It would be better to destroy them all directly.

"no, do not want"

"I'll tell you everything!"

Zenin Naoya woke up on the ground. He experienced endless pain. He almost had a mental breakdown, but fortunately he persisted with his extraordinary perseverance.

He thought he had escaped, but he didn't expect that a meteorite that covered the sky and the sun would appear in the sky the next moment.

His heart continued to sink to his throat.

Feng Wuxia clearly didn't want to let him go. Even if Zenin Naoya escaped, where could he escape to?

Zenin Maki and others had left the Zenin family early and retreated to a safe area, so Feng Wuxia dared to release the meteorite boldly.

This time Feng Wuxia did not choose to watch the meteorite fall, but drove the"Susanoo·Complete Body" out of the range of the meteorite.

In order to avoid fluctuations to himself, it will take some time to restore the body.

But the current situation is urgent, and the news came from the clone.

The Death Migration has added a rule that refuses clones and swimmers other than the original body to enter the Death Migration.

This means that Feng Wuxia himself must participate in the Death Migration.

And in the barrier of the Death Migration, the clone cannot be released to help other people in the high school.

"This trick again?"

Zenin Maki and Kusakabe Atsushi beside them were also confused. What did this mean?

"Do you mean:"

"Isn't this the first time Feng Wuxia has released a meteorite?"

Kusakabe Atsuya made a bold guess, and Fushiguro Megumi nodded. It was indeed the same as Kusakabe's guess.

The last meteorite was about the same size as this one.

Fortunately, Feng Wuxia had a clone outside, and he took a few people to a safe area instantly.

"What a monster."

"Are you sure this move can be used by humans?"

Zenyuan Maki hesitated and looked towards Feng Wuxia's position. Because the distance was too far, she had to squint.

She immediately found a blue dot flying towards the position of the few people.

"Fushiguro, what is that?"

"Is it an illusion? I always feel that there is a blue thing flying towards us."

Zenin Maki's words attracted the attention of Fushiguro Megumi and Kusakabe Atsuya.

They all looked in the direction of Maki's sight. At first, it was still a little blurry.

As Feng Wuxia Susanoo's completed body got closer and closer, they finally saw it clearly.

There was a blue giant with wings flying in the sky, and it was very fast.

At this speed, it would reach their location in less than ten seconds.

"Is it an enemy?"

"It's still the Zenin family's trump card."

Kusakabe got ready for battle, but Fushiguro Megumi stopped him.

"Stop first, I think I have seen this giant there."

Zenin Maki was very surprised that Fushiguro Megumi had seen this giant

"He is very similar to Feng Wuxia's blue skeleton."

Although Fushiguro Megumi has never seen the complete form of Susanoo, based on the third form of Susanoo and the meteorite released by Feng Wuxia, it can be inferred that this is Feng Wuxia.

"that...Could you please let me treat Miss Mayi first?"

"She's not in good condition."

The sudden appearance of Nitta startled Zenin Maki and Kusakabe Atsuya.

When the clone took Fushiguro Megumi out of the barrier just now, he also took Fushiguro Megumi to find Nitta who was in the high school.

"Mr. Nitta, you are here too."

"I'm sorry to scare you...."

As Nitta apologized, he touched Zenin Shinji's back with both hands.

He used his unique technique to barely stabilize the injury and prevent it from getting worse.

"Hui, did you bring Mr. Nitta here?"

"It's not him, I brought it here."

Huh? Zenin Maki didn't react when Feng Wuxia suddenly appeared.

Fortunately, she had seen Feng Wuxia's clone before, so she didn't show too much surprise.

"Feng Wuxia has so many clones."

"News came from the front line that Feng Wuxia's clones appeared all over Tokyo."

"Now most of the civilians in the Tokyo barrier are safe and sound."

Kusakabe Atsushi also understood Feng Wuxia's situation. For the high school, Feng Wuxia is definitely the top combat force.

The other sorcerers on the front line can have a breather.

During the conversation, Feng Wuxia has come to the front of them.

Release the Susanoo complete body form and quietly appreciate his masterpiece.

At this moment, Zenin Naoya at Zenin's house was in great pain. He had just released the illusion and was facing death again.


"If I am guilty, punish me with the law"

"Not in this way!!!"

Zenin Naoya had collapsed. The meteorite in the sky was getting closer and closer. He was so scared that he couldn't speak.

A few seconds later, the entire Zenin family was razed to the ground by the meteorite.

"The Zenin family is so unfortunate."

"You have offended such a great god."

Fushiguro Megumi taunted Zenin Naoya, saying that the matter of the high school was over and they would go to the Tokyo barrier to participate in the Death and Annihilation Journey.

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