"Boss, that kid has already gone upstairs."

"He did not find his accomplices."

After hearing what his younger brother said, Cheng Jinci did not care at all. As long as Qi Luoluo was around, it was easy to refuse a few people from entering the monitoring room.

"It doesn't matter. The meeting time I agreed with that guy is 1 a.m."

"Don't let the news get out, to avoid alerting the enemy."

Panda and the others hid in the blind spot of the surveillance, and the conversation between the younger brother and Kinji Hyo was clearly revealed.

In this case, Yuji will soon meet Kinji Hyo, and they must buy enough time to prevent others from interrupting the conversation between Yuji Yuji and Kinji Hyo.

"Senior Goujuan, it's almost time"


Looking at the watch, the time has come to one o'clock in the morning. Calculating the time, Kirara has already seen Yuji Itadori. Outside the rooftop monitoring room, Kirara personally greeted Yuji Itadori who was stunned.

Yuji Itadori followed behind Kirara and found that Kirara had a happy smile on his face, but was very puzzled.

"You seem to be smiling happily."

"Can you tell me the reason?"

Kirara looked at Yuji Itadori behind him and said happily:

"I stayed by the scale."

"Maybe it's because of you. I haven't seen Cheng so energetic for a long time."

"I like passionate scales the most."

Click, Qi Luo Luo opened the door of the monitoring room, and Fushiguro Megumi in the underground parking lot also began to act. Fushiguro Megumi relied on the advantage of shadow magic to hide in the shadows prepared in sight, waiting for an opportunity in the shadows.

While the other party was not paying attention, he jumped out from behind and strangled his neck.

He did not kill him, because the other party was an ordinary person, and he was just allowed to sleep.

There will be no harm after waking up.

After solving one, Fushiguro Megumi set his sights on other people, following the same method just now.

Continue to solve the second person, this time hiding in the blind spot of the monitoring. The younger brothers in the monitoring room upstairs saw a strange scene from the surveillance.

Panda was lying on the ground fiddling with discarded tires, and made a very funny expression.

Panda's expression made the younger brothers in the monitoring room successfully relax their vigilance and no longer pay attention to Panda.

The next second Panda flashed and appeared somewhere else, quickly solving other thugs.

In this way, Panda and Fushiguro Megumi solved all the thugs in the underground parking lot and successfully met on the roof.

"Panda Senior"

"Did we go too far?"

Fushiguro Hui still felt a little guilty. It was not good to attack ordinary people.

Curse masters have always protected ordinary people, and according to the rules, they are not allowed to attack ordinary people.

"Don't worry, just let them sleep."

"It won't cause any trouble."

Panda thought that as long as it didn't cause harm to ordinary people, it was necessary to take appropriate action.

He urged Fushiguro Megumi to go to the door quickly.

As luck would have it, Kirara, who was patrolling the door, ran into Fushiguro Megumi and Panda.

It was really a slip-up, no one expected Kirara to be outside the monitoring room.

Kirara's personality should be sticking to Kinji all day long, and it was obviously Panda's misjudgment.

Kirara reacted immediately and realized that Fushiguro Megumi and Itadori Yuji were together. He had seen it in the monitoring room.

That is to say, Itadori Yuji is very likely to be from the high school.

"Fushiguro, he's going to use his cell phone to tip off!"

"I know!"

Fushiguro Megumi released the shikigami, and when the jade dog was about to bite Kirara's arm, it seemed as if there was a strange resistance, and the jade dog was bounced away instead of retreating.

According to the information previously revealed by Senior Panda, the jade dog was not bounced away, but could not get close to Kirara.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Panda explained:

"Wait, Qiluo Luo"

"We are not enemies, we just want to ask Cheng for help with something!"

Qiluoluo didn't listen to Panda's explanation at all, and ran directly to the monitoring room to report to Cheng Jinci.

Panda's speed was much faster than Qiluolu, but he could not catch up with the other party.

Because of Qiluolu's technique, Panda and Qiluolu were separated by a distance.

Fushiguro Megumi ordered Yuquan to block the other party's way. Since he couldn't catch up, he had to block the door of the monitoring room.

No one noticed that a strange five-pointed star mark appeared on Panda's butt.

Panda guessed that the mark was the reason why Qiluolu could not be approached, and in addition to the repulsive force that could not be approached, Qiluolu also mastered"attraction".

He could make the marked Fushiguro Megumi and Yuquan Hun"stick together". Whether this is the original ability of the technique or the reversal of the technique is still unknown.

In addition, when the technique is activated, Qiluolu seems to be affected himself. When Yuquan Hun stood in front of Qiluolu, Fushiguro Megumi seemed to have discovered that Qiluolu could not approach the marked object either.

In the monitoring room, Cheng Jinci said to Yuzhang:

"You only need to take one hour a day"

"Minimum monthly income of seven figures"

"Life is a living game, and those who dare not bet are eliminated first."

"Those who hate gambling are not afraid to do so, but they are afraid of failure."

Kiyoshi Kinji's philosophy has always been to seek wealth and honor in danger, and to take one step at a time. He deserves the title of gambler.

Yuji felt that Kinji's words were more or less extreme. After all, there are still many people in this world who hope to live a stable life.

"The existence of the cursed spirit has actually been made public"

"You know it best, don't you?"

When the Tokyo barrier fell and the death migration began, the authorities were forced to announce the existence of sorcerers and cursed spirits to the public. This was no longer a rare thing.

Hyo Jinji believed that this was his chance to show his ambitions. Taking advantage of the reform of the sorcery world, he wanted the sorcery world to recognize the existence of the fighting arena. Hyo Jinji was very short of people, most of them were ordinary people. Ever since Yuji defeated Panda, he had the idea of recruiting Yuji under his command.

"Are you willing to go crazy with me?"

Yuji didn't answer Kinji Hyo, as the current situation had already gone off track.

Yuji came to the monitoring room to persuade Kinji Hyo to return to the technical high school and become its fighting force.

Unexpectedly, Kinji Hyo wanted to regain himself.

Before the action, Fushiguro Megumi told Yuji Itadori that the matter of the technical high school must be put last.

The phone on the table rang, but it was hung up within a few seconds.

Kinji Hyo looked at the call on his phone and fell into a brief contemplation.

"Tiger Stick, would you like something to drink?"

"Anything is fine."

Kyojinji began to change the subject. He had already seen that Kirara was in trouble.

He had to temporarily stabilize Yuji Itadori in the monitoring room.

"I'll drink anything, just don't give me alcohol"

"I’m only eighteen."

Note: The age of adulthood in Sakura Country is twenty.

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