Kirara was speechless. Her technique was actually discovered by Fushiguro Megumi's few words.

She said in great confusion:

"Are you really a first-year student?"

"It's really not cute at all."

At this time, Fushiguro Megumi let go of Kirara. Their purpose was to ask Kinji for help.

He knelt on his knees and sincerely begged Kirara, who was sitting on the ground,

"Senior Qiluo Luo, I understand you don't believe us"

"But please listen to me."

The days of Miki Fushiguro's participation in the Death Migration are really numbered, and Fushiguro Megumi seemed very anxious.

After hearing Fushiguro Megumi's words, Kirara did not resist for the time being, wanting to hear what Fushiguro Megumi meant.

Before Panda and Fushiguro Megumi could calm down for a while, the door of the monitoring room was knocked open by two people.

Oncoming were Yuji Itadori and senior Kinji Hyo.

The three people outside the monitoring room were in doubt, one wave after another.

They had just solved the big trouble of Kirara, and now they had to face Kinji Hyo.

Itadori was lying on the ground, and Kinji Hyo walked out of the monitoring room angrily.

His face was covered with scars and his hands were bruised. According to Fushiguro Megumi's words, they came to ask for help, so Yuji Itadori just resisted and did not make a move.

Fushiguro Megumi and Panda wanted to take action, but Itadori stopped the two.

"Senior Panda, Megumi Fushiguro, please don't do anything."

"Leave it to me next."

Cheng Jinci became even angrier. This was clearly looking down on him.

"Are you looking down on me?"

The huge fist hit Yuji Itadori with such force that his entire face was deformed.

The panda next to him had a ferocious look on its face, as if it could feel how painful the punch was.

Fushiguro Megumi's expression was not very good either, and she stood by with her teeth bared.

But Yuji Itadori was born to be able to withstand blows, and his physical strength was different from that of ordinary people.

Yuji took the punch completely, and when he stood up again, he was like nothing happened.

"I'm talking to you, kid!"

"Is your brain not working properly?"

Kyo Kinji could see that from the beginning to the end, Yuji Itadori had no intention of hiding.

Blood flowed from Yuji Itadori's nostrils, but it was clear that Yuji's eyes were more determined.

"There is no such thing..."

Yuji Itadori knew that this was different from the Shibuya battlefield. If he didn't get Kinji Hyo's approval, he would never be able to sit down and talk calmly.

He would not hide or give in until Kinji Hyo recognized his position.

"You really are..."

"It makes me excited!"

Unconsciously, Kinji Hyo's emotions were mobilized by Yuji Itadori, and he used his magical power to strengthen himself and prepare to launch a stronger attack.

Yuji Itadori also gradually made Kinji Hyo interested.

"I can listen to you."

"The premise is that you don't get beaten down by me."

Yuji adjusted his state. He knew that Hyō Kinji had begun to gradually accept him.

"It’s a deal!"

Seeing that Cheng Jinci was getting serious, Qi Luoluo said from the side:

"Scales, they are here to ask you for help"

"Why not listen to their purpose?"

Kyō Kinji knew very well that he had never seen Yuji, but the other party insisted on seeing him.

It was like asking for help from a stranger. The only possibility was that he knew Kyō Kinji's strength and sought help from him.

While chatting with Qi Luo Luo, another punch hit Yuji's body.

Yuji could clearly feel that the punch was not powerful, but it hurt on the face.

Kyō Kinji shouted:

"Tiger Stick, the premise of a sorcerer asking another sorcerer for help"

"I want to make the other person feel my willingness to risk my life with you."

"You have to let me feel your passion"

"I can risk my life for you!!!"

Before Hyōkinji could finish his passionate speech, Yuji, covered in wounds, said:

"I have no passion, I'm just a part"

"It is a part that allows the magician to remove the curse."

Kiyoshi Kinji didn't expect Yuji Itadori to say such a thing. This time, Kinji was really angry.

Such boring words actually came out of his opponent's mouth.

He rushed forward and punched Yuji Itadori again. Yuji Itadori flew out heavily and hit the iron railing behind him.

Gojo Satoru had previously explained why Kinji's fist hurt so much.

His curse power is much rougher than that of other magicians.

"Take Yuji Itadori and Squirrel Head and go back quickly"

"We don't welcome magicians from the high school here."

When Kinji Hyō was talking to the panda, he didn't notice Yuji Itadori who suddenly appeared behind him.

When he felt Yuji's aura, Kinji Hyō was so scared that he quickly stepped back.

He didn't understand why Yuji could still stand up after he had been hit by three punches from him.

""Senior, what is your mission?"

Yuji Itadori acted very humbly, and then asked Kinji Hyo.

Kinji Hyo was infected by Itadori's passion. He didn't expect Itadori to say that he was a spare part, but now he was infected by the spare parts.

He felt the passion, the passion of Itadori as a spare part.

The kind of passion that was radiant.

Kinji Hyo waved his hand and said that he could talk to Itadori and others. He hadn't felt this kind of passion for a long time.

"Let's make a deal."

Kinji Hyō said to Fushiguro Megumi and Panda.

Neither of them expected Kinji Hyō to be defeated so easily by Yuji.

"Senior Hyōjinji, we are not looking for you for anything else."

"Gojo Sensei has been sealed."

Kiyoshi Kinji was very surprised, but this sentence came from Fushiguro Megumi's mouth.

The information was very credible, and Kinji subconsciously patted his head.

Kinji Kinji did not expect that so many things had happened during this period of time.

"I can participate in the death migration"

"But after this, you have to agree to one thing.���The panda knew everything and immediately said what was in the mind of Cheng Jinci.

"You want us to help you push for reforms to the laws governing spells, right?"

"The existence of the cursed spirit has been announced, and improvement is inevitable."

Fushiguro Megumi said that he was the head of the Zenin family, and as long as Hyokinji didn't go too far, the reform would basically be successful.

Hyokinji instantly became excited. Fushiguro Megumi knew that Feng Wuxia had ruined the Zenin family, but the reputation of the Gosan family was very big.

It was easy to help Hyokinji, and the reform only required a word from Fushiguro Megumi.

"What is this?"

"It looks so disgusting."

Kiyori Kinji and Kirara saw the little golden bug for the first time.

Fushiguro Megumi patiently explained to them:

"This is the judge of the death migration"

"It must have established new rules."

【New rules added to Death Migration】

【You can view various information about other swimmers.】

【Including name, score, number of times the rule is added, and the enchantment it is in.]

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