"Yuji, have you already participated in the Death Migration?"

Fushiguro Megumi saw that the little golden bug was the referee of the Death Migration, but it only appeared on swimmers.

This means that Yuji Yuji is one of the swimmers in the Death Migration.

"It's Sukuna."

Itadori quickly guessed that it was because of the Sukuna in his body that he became a swimmer.

Sukuna was a real human being who existed more than a thousand years ago. It is very likely that Sukuna and Nosozo signed a contract and became a cursed creature.

In other words, Yuji Itadori ate Sukuna's finger.

It might seem like an accident to outsiders, but it was actually planned by Sukuna.

"You ate Sukuna's finger with your own will."

"I am the witness!"

A few words cannot make a conclusion, there are too many mysteries hidden in it.

Yuji Itadori has become a swimmer, and the others have to accept the fact

"Xiao Jin, open the swimmer's information"

"Fushiguro, who is this Lu Shiyun?"

Yujin Itadori noticed a strange name. He only had 200 points, but spent 100 points to add the ability to view the information of other swimmers. Fushiguro Megumi looked embarrassed. This meant that Lu Shiyun had to kill at least 40 swimmers in such a short time to get so many points.

"real or fake?"

"40 swimmers were killed?"

Yujin Itadori couldn't believe it, but according to the score sheet Xiaoxin gave and the swimmers' situation,

Lu Ziyun really killed so many swimmers without any water.

"I don't know either. The specific situation can only be known after I join the Death Migration."

The information Xiao Jin gave me cannot be false. He is the referee of the Death Migration, and all the information he gave is true.

In other words, there is more than one special-grade sorcerer in the Death Migration.

"Where is Sukuna?"

"I want to challenge him!"

Lu Ziyun added a piece of information just to meet Sukuna as soon as possible.

Fushiguro Megumi seems to have discovered a loophole in the Death Migration, and perhaps the Death Migration can be ended without killing anyone.

Most sorcerers are forced to participate in the war, and the sorcerers who have signed a contract with Nosozoku in the past may not take this life-and-death match seriously.

Then there must be people who have more than 100 points but do not add rules.

This is one of the loopholes, and they can be used to create rules

"Xiao Jin, list all swimmers with scores over 100 points"

"Higurashi Hiromi?"

Yuji also noticed that the person who currently has over 100 points is this person.

"We can add rules"

"Allow swimmers to transfer points to each other."

Megumi Fushiguro's plan just happened to break one of the rules.

Rule 8: If a swimmer's points do not change within 19 days, the technique will be revoked.

In this way, the rules collide, and the new rules cover the old rules.

The Death Migration can avoid internal fighting, but the plan will only be considered successful if Higurashi Hiromi agrees.

"At the same time, we can also add the most unsolvable rules"

"By spending a certain amount of points, you can successfully escape the rules of the Death Migration."

Yuji didn't understand what Fushiguro Megumi meant, because the Death Migration is a long-term game.

The rules that Fushiguro Megumi wanted obviously violated the wishes of the makers.

"Yuji, what if I add the rule of using non-swimmers as stand-ins?"

"By replacing swimmers with non-swimmers, we can achieve the effect of escaping the barrier."

The general direction has been determined. While searching the prison gate, we also need to find the angels. Lu Ziyun and Hikari Kuanjian's plans must also be carried out simultaneously.

"Fushiguro, why is there no information about angels?"

"That shouldn't be the case, she's a swimmer."

Yuji Itadori searched for a long time but still couldn't find any information about the angel, so he had to call Megumi Fushiguro to help him look for it.

"This is easy. Angel is not his real name, so we cannot find his information."

"Just like you, although you participated in the Death Migration, you did not participate in person, and your information cannot be found."

Kyojinci felt that this matter was becoming more and more unreliable. How can you find someone without a name?

The Tokyo barrier is too big, just like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is almost impossible to find it.

"Jinci and Panda go to Area 2"

"Fushiguro and Yuji go to Zone 1"

"Qi Luo Luo was waiting outside the barrier."

This allocation is not without reason. I don't know which barrier the high school student Yuta Otsutsuki is in.

It is more appropriate to put the powerful Jinci in the same area as Lu Ziyun.

And the angel is also in the second area. The panda's sense of smell is very sensitive. We just need to look for the angel with peace of mind.

"Fushiguro, Sukuna seems to be interested in you"

"Can I separate from you?"

When Fushiguro Megumi heard this, he scolded Yuji Itadori with a dark face:

"Already allocated, cannot be changed"

"Besides, we are going to Feng Wuxia's area, so don't worry too much."

Inside the Tokyo barrier, it has long been a scene of the survival of the fittest. The weak hide in the corners and tremble, while the strong keep looking for swimmers to increase their points.

Outside the barrier, Fushiguro Megumi once again reminded Yuji Itadori:

"Tiger stick, listen carefully"

"There is a magician who was reborn in the flesh within the barrier"

"It is very likely that a magician from a thousand years ago is inside, so we must be extra careful."

The concepts of magicians in each era are different. As the times change, magicians have also changed.

For example, most magicians around four hundred years ago would fight to the death.

They believed that dying on the battlefield was the best outcome. In order to avoid the appearance of such a madman, they need to be extra careful, at least before finding Feng Wuxia.

The Death Migration refuses to split into two bodies, and only allows the original body to enter the Death Migration, so Feng Wuxia cannot take care of everyone.

"Once you enter the barrier, you will become swimmers"

"Are you sure you want to enter the barrier?"

Feng Wuxia's clone has been waiting outside the barrier for a long time. As long as a magician enters the barrier, the Samsara Eye will share the vision and report the opponent's information to the main body.

Therefore, Feng Wuxia does not need Xiao Jin to know the opponent's strength and guess which area the opponent will go to.

"Let's go, Tiger Stick!"

"Okay, let's get started!"

Yuji Itadori excitedly walked into the barrier, but the next second he appeared in mid-air.

"Damn, I forgot to say that."

"Magicians who invade the Death Migratory Barrier will be randomly teleported, and there will be swimmers on the ground watching the newcomers."

The clone just remembered this. The original body also appeared at an altitude of 100 meters.

I forgot to share this with Itadori and Fushiguro Megumi.

There are magicians waiting in the nine locations, wanting to kill the opponent as soon as the opponent lands.

In this way, enough points can be accumulated to add rules or maintain the situation of immortality.

The spies below gave a signal and raised the fluorescent light in their hands.

While Itadori was still in the air, a black figure rushed towards the falling Itadori Yuji.

The attacker was very decisive and found that not only did the attack fail to kill Itadori Yuji, but also Itadori Yuji only suffered superficial injuries. He started to call his companions directly and waved people to besiege Itadori Yuji.

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