"What's going on now?"

The claw man walked to Huang Luzhe's side. He had just seen it, and he knocked Lingshi unconscious with one punch.

The two of them had already made plans to escape. Lingshi was really playing big this time, trying to lure a great god here.

The banknotes in Lingshi's hand were burned. Fortunately, he had a trick up his sleeve, otherwise he would have been killed by one punch.

"it hurts..."

"What the hell is this kid?"

Just a moment ago, Ling Shi relied on the technique to bring his attributes to the peak state.

But he barely managed to survive. He could clearly feel that his internal organs were about to be shattered, and several bones were broken. Fortunately, he did not die.

"You finally woke up. I thought you were dead."

"I was going to leave you behind and run away, luckily you didn't die."

The Claw Man, Huang Luzhe and Ling Shi stood on the opposite side of Feng Wuxia.

I just felt bored so I played with them.

"Fushiguro Megumi, have you ever seen the power of a special-grade sorcerer?"

Fushiguro Megumi tried to recall, but it seemed that he had never seen a special-grade sorcerer.���Gojo Satoru rarely fights in front of Fushiguro Megumi. The last time Feng Wuxia fought against Shibu Sukuro, Fushiguro Megumi fainted.

It is no exaggeration to say that he still does not have a general understanding of the special-grade sorcerer.

"Honestly, I haven't seen it."

"At least I have never seen the true strength of a special stunt sorcerer."

Feng Wuxia took out the Uchiha fan. It was night time, and the glowing purple eyes gave people a stronger sense of oppression.

Ling Shi was not a modern sorcerer, so he didn't know Feng Wuxia's eyes.

But he had a feeling that these eyes were definitely not as simple as they looked.

"You guys hold him back first."

"I'll find an opportunity to attack you, don't let them die."

After telling the two, he ran behind him. The pressure on Huang Luzhe and the claw man doubled.

Ling Shi couldn't stand Feng Wuxia, and the two of them together couldn't beat Ling Shi. This was clearly to send them to their deaths.

"Cotinus coggygria, let's run. There's no way we can win."

"Nonsense, do you think I haven't thought about running away? I'm afraid that old guy Lingshi will kill us before that."

Huang Luzhe certainly thought about running away, but the risk of running away is too great.

Even if Lingshi didn't intend to kill the two of them, Fushiguro Megumi didn't intend to let them go.

"Cotinus coggygria, run!"

"What does it mean?..."

The building behind him collapsed under Feng Wuxia's punch, and the whole building collapsed, creating countless powders.

Fortunately, Huang Luzhe knew how to use the Reversal Spell. As long as he was not shot in the head, he could use the Reversal Spell to repair the wound.

"Cotinus coggygria, you're on your own, I'm running away first"

"How can a human deal with this?"

The claw man had finally managed to fake his death and escape from Fushiguro Megumi. He couldn't even beat Fushiguro Megumi, let alone Feng Wuxia.

Going up would be a dead end. He didn't know how to reverse the spell, and he guessed that he couldn't hold on for even a second.

"Do you think you can escape?"

"Or do you think I don't exist?"

Feng Wuxia instantly appeared in front of the claw man and grabbed the claw man's neck with one hand.

Fushiguro Hui was soft-hearted and careless. Xiao Jin didn't show up to report the points, and he didn't check whether the person was really dead.

"Let me go, I'll give you all the points I have"

"I can tell you more about the swimmers' bases. I know a lot of information."

"I can give you whatever you want."

Feng Wuxia was very disdainful of the words of the claw man. The information of different barriers can be used to find people from the high school.

As for the claw man, he was just a walking score. He would not let go of the score that came to his door.

He twisted the claw man's neck with his right hand. In less than ten seconds, the claw man died.

【Congratulations to the swimmer:"Phoenix Wuxia" killed the claw man】

【Get all the points of the opponent】

Xiao Jin appeared to report Feng Wuxia's points, so that the swimmer can be completely killed.

Fushiguro Megumi forgot this point, even though he personally cut the opponent's neck.

However, it is not ruled out that the opponent is faking his death. As long as Xiao Jin does not appear, even if the opponent's body is gone, he is not dead.

"Lingshi, damn it, didn’t you say you would be back soon?"

"It's been so long. If you don't come back, it will be my turn next." It's better to rely on yourself than on others. Huang Luzhe removed his body organs and then used the reversal technique to repair them.

He threw the teeth in his hand to Wuxia. This time he removed more than a dozen teeth just to create the strongest explosion.

Even if he couldn't kill him, he would at least injure the opponent.

The power of his explosion could easily blow up a three-story building. The power was absolutely beyond doubt.

At this moment, he was close to a state of madness. Before the smoke had dissipated, he took out his eyeballs and threw them out.

This time the explosion was even stronger, and the powerful aftermath almost made Fushiguro Megumi lose her footing.

On the other hand, Gao Yu was absolutely sure that Huang Luzhe's technique was very interesting. Techniques that could make organs explode were still rare.

If it could be used on the opponent, it would be absolutely unsolvable, making the opponent's organs explode. Even if the opponent was a special-grade sorcerer, he might not be able to withstand it as long as he didn't know the reversal technique.

Three trucks crashed into the roadblocks and rushed towards Feng Wuxia and the others.

"Cotinus coggygria, hide quickly"

"I won't be responsible if I hit you to death!"

Ling Shi used a spell to control three large trucks, trying to hit Fushiguro Megumi and others.

Huang Luzhe took the opportunity to exaggerate and throw insignificant organs onto the trucks, intending to cause an explosion and kill several people.

"You two come closer to me."

"There is still a lot of oil in the tank of the truck. If it really explodes, it will at least destroy several nearby buildings."

Feng Wuxia opened Susanoo to protect Gao Yu and Fushiguro Megumi beside him.

After the explosion, only the ruins of the building were left.

Huang Luzhe and Ling Shi picked up the broken bricks on their bodies. Ling Shi was also seriously injured by the previous blow.

Fortunately, Huang Luzhe only suffered some skin injuries, but his organs have not been repaired yet.

It is impossible to continue the second explosion in a short time.

Just when the two thought the plan was successful, a huge stone flew out from not far away on the opposite side.

It almost killed the two of them. Ling Shi and Huang Luzhe, who realized something was wrong, planned to turn around and run.

Feng Wuxia certainly would not give them a chance. He blew Huang Luzhe away with a fan. He couldn't stand up because of his damaged organs.

Only Ling Shi was left standing there in a daze.

"Impossible, why didn't you die?"

"These are three trucks, and the explosion destroyed the nearby buildings."

Zeishi was very confused. He had been preparing for a long time just to cooperate with Huang Luzhe to take down Feng Wuxia in one fell swoop.

But the other party did not suffer a single bit of damage. Even a first-level sorcerer would not be unscathed.

"Are you a special-grade sorcerer?"

"No wonder."

Special-grade sorcerers are rare. No matter which era, they represent the pinnacle of the sorcery world.

Ling Shi could only lament his bad luck, as he happened to meet a modern-day special-grade sorcerer.

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