"Do you have anything to say before you die?"

Ling Shi cleared his throat and said:

"I'm unlucky, but I also know the Tianyuan mentioned by Fushiguro Megumi before."

"As modern sorcerers, you should have seen Tianyuan, right?"

"I suspect he is in collusion with Tianyuan. You can't believe what he says."

"I have finished what I want to say."

Feng Wuxia stood in the ruins, opened his skeleton form and crushed Ling Shi to death.

Ling Shi's eyes were gradually blurring out. As expected, as he had guessed, Ling Shi was not a modern sorcerer.

From his performance just now and the Tianyuan he mentioned, he could guess that he was probably another old monster from hundreds of years ago.

【Zero deaths among swimmers】

【Swimmer Feng Wuxia gets all of Lingshi's points.

Lingshi has 41 points, and when Feng Wuxia came in, many people ambushed him.

He killed all those ambushing guys, so now he has a lot of points.

"Fushiguro, how many points do you have?"

"Not a cent..."

Not a single point? Feng Wuxia was very confused, but after thinking about it, she understood.

The claw man had miscalculated, and those points should have belonged to him.

"I'll give you some points. I happen to have a lot of points."

"Xiao Jin, I transfer 20 points to Fushiguro Megumi"

【Please confirm whether to transfer 20 points】


【Points transferred successfully】

【Swimmer Fushiguro Megumi's current score: 20 points】

【Swimmer Feng Wuxia's current score: 50 points】

"There is another guy over there, what should we do?"

Fushiguro Hui looked at Feng Wuxia, but the next moment he was dumbfounded.

Only one arm with cursed power was left in the place of Huang Lu, and the person was nowhere to be found.

"What a smart guy, he cut off one of his arms and added a spell to make us think he was still here."

"But I checked in advance, he doesn't have any extra points, so it would be useless to kill him."

"That's why I put him last. It doesn't matter if he runs away."

The Tokyo barrier is so big, let him accumulate more points before killing him.

Fushiguro Megumi's affairs have been resolved, and he has also met the super strong Gao Yu. Gao Yu has no sect, so he will follow Fushiguro Megumi for the time being.

"Tokyo barrier is just a small fight"

"Have you ever been to the Sendai barrier?"

Sendai barrier? Fushiguro Megumi was confused, and why was the Tokyo barrier only a small one?

"I haven't been there, so how strong are the enemies in the Xiantai barrier?"

How strong. If I really want to talk about it, it's hard for Feng Wuxia to explain, but Yutsutsukoshi Yuta gave an example and it was easy to explain.

"Probably many swimmers can compete with Yuta Okkotsu."

"Most of the enemies are of the strength of a first-level sorcerer. A second-level sorcerer will be killed instantly."

"Even weak sorcerers died in the Tokyo barrier, not to mention going to the Sendai barrier."

The Sendai barrier at this time can only be described as extremely tragic. The Sendai barrier is occupied by the Four Heavenly Kings."Dorub" once suppressed the entire island's strength single-handedly during the chaos in the Sakura Country.

He has two shikigami, which can turn the shikigami's trajectory into his own domain. He currently has 91 points

"Shi Liulong is the top player in the output of mantra in the Sendai barrier. He has a crew cut on his head, which symbolizes his extremely free heart. He is a very individual and powerful player. He currently has 77 points.

""Kurosaurus Hengzi" was once a member of the Yuan Teng clan's assassination team. He is the captain of the Sun Moon Star Team. He has a technique that can control the sky and the sky. He has currently obtained 70 points

""Hei Mu Si" is a special grade cursed spirit that looks like a cockroach. It is called the Big Cockroach. It is a special grade cursed spirit that can be controlled by the noose to remove the cursed spirit manipulation technique.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Xiantai did not form an alliance, but formed an extremely subtle relationship, and they checked and balanced each other.


"It's just so-so, and his strength is just like that."

A huge knife mark appeared on Dolubu's body, and he looked at Yuta Otsutsu with fear.

A gloomy boy with dead fish eyes walked out of the darkness, and he killed Dolubu who had the highest score. He drew his sword handsomely, swung it, and put it away in one go.

He looked at the corpse behind him with disdain, as if he had just done something insignificant.

Yuta Otsutsu, the sorcerer who had the best chance to catch up with Gojo Satoru in the high school, after losing Rika and following the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons. It took him only more than three months to return to being a special-grade sorcerer.

He proved to everyone that even if he lost Rika, he was still a qualified special-grade sorcerer.

The curse was lifted, and now Yuta Otsutsu, not Rika, was the strong one.

【Swimmer"Otsutsuki Yuta" kills Dorub]

Otsutsuki Yuta easily gets 35 points, which is very easy for him.

The huge shikigami hovering in the back mountain disappears, and the other kings notice this.

It is hard to imagine that Dorub, who has the highest score, died, and the cursed power disappeared in an instant.

This means that Dorub was killed instantly, without even a chance to resist.

"Who is this Yuta Okkotsu?"

"I am not unfamiliar with his name. I have seen it many times on the list."

Several other kings also noticed Yutsutsuki's name. His points were rising rapidly.

Shi Liulong had a general understanding of Yutsutsuki Yuta's strength.

At that time, Dolubu was not far from Shi Liulong. Just by feeling, Yutsutsuki Yuta could easily kill him.

"This Yuta Okkotsu is very tricky"

"At least one-on-one, the three of us can't beat him."

Shi Liulong said to Wu Lu Hengzi.

Wu Lu Hengzi thought this was interesting. Every time a swimmer entered the Sendai barrier, they were all rubbish.

Finally, a master came, so of course he had to meet him.

Dolubu imprisoned many ordinary people. Yuta Otsutsuko found the base and released everyone.

"Keep going north and you will be able to exit the barrier."

Every ordinary person has one chance to enter and exit the barrier.���, this is the rule set at the beginning of the game.

At this time, the insect swarm came and an ordinary person was caught in it.

Otsukotsuki Yuta observed that each insect was strengthened with magical power, and it was obvious that they came prepared. They must be targeting him. Thinking of the Dolubu who was killed just now, it was probably their helper who came.


""Stop the insect swarm."

A hideous-looking shikigami descended from the sky and landed right on the bridge.

Rika smashed the bridge with both hands, blocking the insect swarm's path and temporarily cutting off the ordinary people from the battlefield. The insect swarm, without a target, turned to attack Yuta Otsutsuki.

Yuta Otsutsuki swung his sword, and suddenly cursed power gushed out like a flood.

It seemed that Yuta Otsutsuki's cursed power was bottomless and he could release a lot of cursed power at once.

All the insect swarms disappeared in an instant, and Yuta Otsutsuki put away his sword. He almost lost his strength.

It would be bad if he hurt the ordinary people running away in front.

This knife shocked Ishiryu Ryu and Urusei Hengzi who were observing secretly.

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