"The output is quite average, but what's the matter with the total amount of cursed energy?"

Shi Liulong stood on the roof, watching Yuta Okkotsu's every move.

He didn't act rashly, as he was afraid that Yuta Okkotsu was just pretending.

The previous blow was just to deal with them, and he didn't have a rough idea of Yuta Okkotsu's strength.

"Karusu Hengzi, his cursed power is bottomless, and the shikigami he summons are also very powerful"

"It was definitely not a coincidence that he was able to kill Dorub."

Uru Heiji also saw this point. Hei Mu Si didn't care about that and appeared directly in front of Yuta Otsutsu.

He was just a cursed spirit, killing was his nature. When he saw Yuta Otsutsu appear, his first reaction was to kill Yuta Otsutsu.

Seeing Hei Mu Si suddenly appear, Yuta Otsutsu calmly summoned Xiao Jin

"Xiao Jin, is this cockroach also a swimmer?"

【Yes, cursed spirits are also swimmers】

【By the way, a reminder that Heimusi is much stronger than Dorub.

When Heimusi faced Dorub and Lakdawala, it determined that it was at a disadvantage in terms of compatibility.

It used Dorub's life and death in the barrier as a hibernation condition to cause it to fall into a deep sleep.

Heimusi has an unlimited appetite and can reproduce parthenogenetically by eating.

After waking up, he immediately entered the eating state.

Faced with Yuta Otsutsukota who wanted to stop him from eating, Heimusi's instinct told him that he would eat whoever tried to stop him from eating.

The resources inside the barrier are limited, so Yuta Otsutsukota plans to add a rule that allows free entry and exit of the barrier.

"There is actually a cursed swimmer"

"It seems that I have little experience. There should be many strange swimmers in the barrier."

There are still many ordinary people inside the barrier. Swimmers like Dolubu and Heimusi, who have a large attack range and like to kill, must not be allowed to leave the barrier.

The best way is to let them die here and turn them into points to add new rules.

There must be similar swimmers in other barriers, and they must be eliminated.

However, the scattered people in the high school cannot contact each other, so a new rule must be created to allow them to contact each other.

Yuta Otsutsukoshi felt a headache just thinking about it.

The previous plan of several people at Tianyuan, plus the need to enter and exit the barrier, have a way to contact.

In total, four new rules need to be added, which is 400 points.

If you want such a huge amount of points, you must continue to gain points.


"I can't let the teacher experience the feeling of killing a close friend again."

"I will kill Nose, and I will get 400 points by myself!"

Hei Mushi took out the cursed tool, the Rotten Sword.

The ugly and weird blade made Yuta Otsutsuki feel a little nauseous.

The knife was covered with eyes, just like this cockroach cursed spirit.

Hei Mushi had no intelligence and could only attack Yuta Otsutsuki based on his fighting instinct.

The fierce blade slashed fiercely at Yuta Otsutsuki's vitals. The seemingly fast speed was not worth mentioning in Yuta Otsutsuki's eyes.

Yuta Otsutsuki drew out his saber at lightning speed, and in front of the surprised eyes of Ishigaki Ryu and Uru Heizi,

Hei Mushi's right hand holding the fierce blade broke, and in just a moment Hei Mushi fell into a disadvantage.

"real or fake?"

"Who is this Yuta Otsutsuki?" Wu Lu Hengzi was starting to back out.

Shi Liulong seemed unusually calm, and said slowly:

"Let's wait and see. How can we retreat without fighting without knowing the other party's strength?"

Wulu Hengzi felt that what Shi Liulong said made sense, and planned to wait and see.

Hei Mu Si subconsciously wanted to catch the severed hand that flew in the air.

Yuta Yuta did not give the opponent any chance, and threw the saber in his hand to stab the severed hand.

The severed hand was firmly fixed on the brick by the saber, and Yuta Yuta took the opportunity to fight Hei Mu Si in close combat.

With the force of his arm, all the cursed power was concentrated in his elbow.

Hei Mu Si felt pain but could do nothing. He had no weapon in his hand, and it was almost impossible for him to resist.

The cursed spirit flew out with white eyes. Yuta Yuta looked sick, but when you really fight with him, you will know how powerful he is.

The wings behind him spread out, buying him a little breathing space.

At the same time, it reduced the impact brought by Yuta Yuta, and he was not seriously injured in this attack.

Yuta Yuta then ran onto the bridge deck and removed a large stone brick.

Throwing it in the direction of Hei Mu Si in mid-air.

Just when Hei Mu Si was adjusting his state, Yuta Yuta had already got his saber

"Is he really a modern sorcerer?"

"What a clear idea, and very strong."

Uru Henzi agreed. They haven't seen such a strong swimmer for a long time.

"They are just fighting physically, Yuta Otsutsuki has not yet shown his true strength"

"It remains to be seen."

With his super jumping ability, Yuta Otsutsukoshi jumped several meters high.

He jumped to the top of Heimushi's head and chopped him down again.

He didn't understand why the sorcerer in front of him was so strong. He was a special-grade cursed spirit, but he didn't have the strength to fight back.

"its stuck?"

"Your arms are really stiff."

""Squeak!" The cursed spirit could not speak, and could only answer Yuta Otsutsukoshi with random sounds.

He seemed unwilling to give up, and the next moment he released all his cursed power.

The entire cursed spirit's body turned into a raging tide of insects.

"Someone is watching me"

"Who could it be?"

Yuta Otsutsukota felt two pairs of eyes staring at him, but the other party was hiding too well.

He didn't know who was watching the battle, and why they were hiding if they were not enemies.

The insect swarm was accompanied by a howling wind, and the insect swarm was about to surround Yuta Otsutsukota, as if to eat him up.

"Hei Mu is dead because of a cursed spirit. Just treat him like you would treat Tiger Stick."

"If you inject the positive pole of the reversal technique into his body, you can kill him completely."

"No, if the two hiding ones knew that I could use the reversal spell, it would be like exposing a trump card."

"Rika is protecting the ordinary people in the gym, no one can help me."

Otsutsukota has to successfully kill Heimushi without Rika's help and get points without the help of the reversal technique.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for him.

"Why interfere?"

"Why are you trying to kill me?"

Yuta was stunned at first, then he realized that it was Hei Mu who was talking.

"So you can speak, why could you only squeak just now?"

"I still have many things to ask you."

The earth worms are surging!

Two worms appeared beside Hei Mu Si, and a huge swarm of worms enveloped Yuta Otsutsukota.

Yuta Otsutsukota, who had noticed something was wrong in advance, quickly inserted his sword into the ground.

The sword was attached with magical power, and it relied on the huge magical power to disperse the swarm of worms.

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