While Heimushi was distracted, Yuta Otsutsuki quickly killed the two shikigami.

At this time, Heimushi's broken hand had been restored, and the evil blade was back in Heimushi's hand.

He rushed towards Yuta Otsutsuki with the evil blade, and used the magic power to increase the speed of flight.

Yuta Otsutsuki subconsciously drew his sword to block

"You've fallen into the trap"

"Do you think it's just an ordinary knife?"

In fact, he had a vague feeling that there was something wrong with this knife, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He first retreated a few steps and crawled away from Hei Mu Si. Not long after, veins on Yuta's face bulged.

Two big bugs grew on his left shoulder, and the wound was bleeding. After cutting off the two bugs on his shoulder, Hei Mu Si seized the opportunity and slashed Yuta's stomach with a knife. Bugs kept coming out of the wound on his abdomen.

"Is this the end?"

"I thought he was so strong."

Shi Liulong also echoed:

"Just an arrogant challenger."

"It's so boring, let's all go back."

Heimusi grabbed Yuta Otsutsukota's neck with four hands, wanting to eat him up.

Yuta Otsutsukota's eyes suddenly opened, and Heimusi was stunned.

Logically, Yuta Otsutsukota should have been dead, as his own bugs had ripped him apart.

It was impossible for him to survive.

Yuta Otsutsukota's eyes at this moment were like a madman. He had just used the reversal technique to repair his own wounds.

So he created a state of suspended animation and deceived Heimusi.

He opened his teeth and bit Heimusi's neck, tearing it apart directly.

Unexpectedly, Yuta Otsutsukota bit off Heimusi's entire neck.

He spit out the blood in his mouth and looked at Heimusi's body with disdain.

【Congratulations to Yuta Otsutsuki for killing Hei Musi】

【Get 5 points】

"It is a reversal technique"

"It can actually output externally, what a freak"

"Use your palm and mouth, which is the shortest distance from the brain, to inject positive energy into Heimushi's head."

"Even if someone could think of such a method, few people would do it."

Kurogi Heizi was very surprised after hearing this. It turned out that Yuta Otsutsuki had been holding back.

If Yuta Otsutsuki had used the reversal technique at the beginning, Hei Musi would definitely not have been able to hold out for so long.

It can be seen that Yuta Otsutsuki was able to hide his trump card.

"So you can use the reversal technique."

Otsutsukota heard a strange voice and turned around in fear.

Karusuru Hengzi released the technique and hit Otsutsukota.

He didn't have time to react and was hit by the opponent's technique. He was heavily embedded in the wall.

"What was the shock just now?"

"What a strange spell."

While Yuta Otsutsuki was thinking, Karusu Hengzi punched him.

He dodged the punch with a slight twist of his head. Karusu Hengzi was still very surprised. Yuta Otsutsuki not only had a lot of cursed power, but also had strong combat ability.

He wanted to fight back, but when he punched out, he was surprised to find that his arm began to twist and he could not use any strength.

Karusu Hengzi punched Yuta Otsutsuki in the face. The opponent's spell was very strange, so he did not dare to continue the attack rashly.

Yuta Otsutsuki found that his arm was limp and powerless, so he had to resist the attack while retreating towards the open terrain. The area near the bridge was too narrow to exert his full strength.

Yuta Otsutsuki waved his arm, and the arm that was twisted just now had recovered.

"The arm is back and I have no feeling in it."

"It is probably a technique to manipulate space, but it cannot distort the opponent as well."

"It feels like the refraction and distortion of light. It is a rather useless ability. If used well, it can effectively suppress the opponent."

Kurogi Heizi saw Yuta Otsutsu's doubts. Anyway, she didn't intend to hide it. She casually grabbed the invisible object and said:

"My spell can grasp the plane of the sky"

"Just like this."

As Wu Lu Hengzi's voice fell, a corner of the sky was like a quilt, casually fiddled in his hands.

Otsuketa's two attacks were blocked by Wu Lu Hengzi's strange technique.

That was also considered a plane. The expression on the opponent's face was not right, and he seemed very anxious.

Knowing that there might be a trick, he decided to wait and see. A rash attack would only increase the risk.

"Let me ask you"

"Are you the kind of person who would be forgiven even if you were killed?"

"I can understand people who need points but lack the strength to sacrifice their lives."

"But for a strong person like you, it's easy to get points"

"Why do you want to fight actively? In other words, what is your purpose in accumulating points?"

Kurogi Hiroko was annoyed by Otsutsuko Yuta's series of questions and said helplessly:

"It's really infuriating."

"For us, this is a chance for rebirth!"

"We, the magicians who were reborn in the flesh, all left regrets the first time. In addition, Nozomi's plan is very interesting, so most of us will agree."

Otsukotsu didn't listen to what he was saying, but talked to himself.

He didn't take Usagi Hengzi seriously.

"Why can you fight so hard for your own selfish desires?"

Kurogi Heiko was really angry this time, because she saw that the guy in front of her was completely a descendant of Sugawara, and he still couldn't change his bad habit of nagging.

"Are you a descendant of Sugawara?"

"What do the disciples of aristocratic families know? They are freshmen!"

On a tall building not far away, Shi Liulong had already prepared the spell, and took advantage of the gap between the two people's conversation to launch the spell.

Ice smoothie shock wave!

The huge shock wave flew towards Yuta Otsutsukota.

Shi Liulong had a sinister look on his face, and his smile could not be concealed at all.

This sneak attack was indeed beautifully played, and Yuta Otsutsukota was not a vegetarian either.

After resisting the blow, he used the reversal spell to quickly repair the wounds on his body.

Several miles around were blown up by the shock wave, but fortunately Li Xiang was in the gymnasium.

If there was another attack like this, the gymnasium would definitely not be able to withstand it.

At this time, the three people each had their own calculations in their hearts.

Yuta Otsutsukota wanted to kill the two quickly, Shi Liulong planned to destroy this area, and Wu Lu Hengzi felt that Shi Liulong was useless and wanted to kill the two together.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"It almost exploded on me."

Wu Lu Hengzi tore off a corner of the sky just before the explosion to block the explosion.

"It's just that you guys keep flirting with each other, which makes me very upset!"

Fuck flirting, Wu Lu Hengzi thought to himself, Shi Liulong is probably here to cause trouble.

"Kill him when he's not paying attention!"The three of them had the same idea in their minds.

Yuta Otsutsuko rushed towards Ishigaki Ryu, running very fast under the blessing of the curse.

Wu Lu Hengzi next to him disappeared from their sight. She was planning something bigger.

"Could you please be more low-key?"

"I don't want to make too much noise."

Shi Liulong flatly rejected Yuta's request.

"Of course not, that wouldn’t be fun for me."

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