"It seems that it's not that easy to get his points."

Cheng Jinci picked up a branch from somewhere and started picking his teeth.

Seeing the other party's sincere attitude, didn't he just want a reason to fight?

Cheng Jinci has seen many strange requests in his life, so let's satisfy him.

"A cartoonist, huh?"

"I won't even look at that shitty comic book even if you beg me to."

"The cartoons you draw are like a pile of shit. Dogs shake their heads when they see them, and chickens stop crowing when they see them."

"Don't make me depressed. If you don't agree, you can kill me."

The next second, Charlie's eyes were full of bloodshot. Cheng Jinci's words worked.

Charlie's eyes showed a strong hatred.

Even in Cheng Jinci's astonished eyes, tears slowly flowed, as if he was crying out his dissatisfaction.

"Why, why do you have to say such an extreme thing."

Feng Wuxia said that Cheng Jinci was right, the other party's emotions were already there.

"Do you want to go or should I go?"

Cheng Jinci asked Feng Wuxia tentatively, and Feng Wuxia kicked him out.

"Could I go up there?"

"Do you want him to die?"

Kiyoshi Kinji rubbed his butt. What Feng Wuxia said made sense. If the opponent was not strong, he would go to the underworld if he couldn't even take Feng Wuxia's punch.

Charlie took out a spear, which looked like a pen, which was in line with his image as a cartoonist.

Kinji Kinji's eyes lit up. It was the first time he had seen such a weapon. Maybe he could sell it for a good price.

The battle between the gambler and the dark cartoonist was about to break out.

When entering the Sendai barrier, he casually threw Fushiguro Megumi to Itadori Yuji.

They found some people at random to get points. As for the battle in the Sendai barrier, they had no strength to get involved.

"Find an opportunity to help Fushiguro Hui subdue the demon Hollow"

"I wonder how Sukuna feels when he sees the subdued Moxu Luo."

Feng Wuxia thought of an interesting way to play. Moxu Luo has memories. I beat him up last time, so he might give in this time. But considering that Moxu Luo is a god from another world, he should have his dignity and will not surrender easily.

Anyway, just summon him and beat him up.

"System, how many points do I have now?"

The system issued a lot of tasks, and he completed them all while Yuta Otsutsuki was defeating four people.

【Ding, checking host points】

【Current points: 600】

【Release a new task to completely defeat the cartoonist"Charlie"】

【100 points can be obtained】

【Release a hidden task:"Help Fushiguro Hui subdue the demon Hollow"】

【You can get 300 points.

Feng Wuxia couldn't help but suppress the smile on his face. The system really understood what he meant.

It's about time that Sukuna will take over Fushiguro Megumi's body.

Feng Wuxia certainly knew what the system meant. They were thinking the same thing.

As long as Fushiguro Megumi could control the Demonic Hollow, there would be no irresistible situation.

So Sukuna is very likely to fail in taking over the body, and he will look for another opportunity or consider other targets.

The fight has already started with Hyōkinji.

"You know, my dream was to be an astronaut."

"But when I grew up, I found that the dream was too far away."

The spear stabbed at Cheng Jinci, and he was still talking to Cheng Jinci in his spare time.

Charlie's words were vague, like a conversation without a beginning or an end.

Cheng Jinci didn't quite understand what the other party meant.

"Are you teasing me, or do you look down on me?"

Kyojinji dodged Charlie's attack from beginning to end, and he put his hands in his pockets.

He didn't take Charlie seriously. To be honest, Charlie's attack was too monotonous, and it was easy to predict his next move.

"Do you know how I feel now?"

"Everything has changed since I became a sorcerer!"

Hyōjinji didn't want to listen to the gloomy cartoonist's complaints and seemed a little irritated.

"The answer is despair. I am in despair now."

At the same time, Charlie gathered his magic power and concentrated all of it on the tip of the spear. The sudden appearance of the spear made it impossible for Cheng Jinci to dodge, and a small wound appeared on his face.

Cheng Jinci was a professionally trained sorcerer, and the other party, as an amateur sorcerer, was really good enough to hurt him.

"do you need my help?"

"No, I can handle this guy myself."

While replying to Feng Wuxia, he was also dodging Charlie's attack.

This also made Charlie even more angry. These two people didn't take him seriously at all.

"Please finish quickly. I have something else to do. I have to leave first."

"When you are done, come find me at Sendai Center. I am with Fushiguro Megumi."

Since the hidden mission has been released, he plans to help Fushiguro Megumi subdue Makoro first.

Makoro will become Fushiguro Megumi's biggest trump card, and its lethality has exceeded that of the field.

"Okay, you go ahead and do your work."

"I will come to you after I deal with this brat."

Cheng Jinci was not in a hurry and asked Charlie:

"I said, the pen is your tool"

"Is it really okay to hurt people with tools?"

A symbol similar to cursed power appeared on Kinji Hyo's chest, Charlie said that the cursed power was full.

Enjoy his attack next.

Kinji Hyo didn't know the meaning of this symbol, but it was definitely not simple.

The technique that can carve the symbol is definitely not as easy to understand as it looks.

Kinji Hyo, who was about to counterattack, slowly raised his right foot, but Charlie on the opposite side seemed to know Kinji Hyo's move in advance.

He raised his weapon to block Kinji Hyo's flying kick.

"Missed the kick?"

"No, it has something to do with his technique."

"Premonition or similar to dragonfly induction?"

He didn't expect Charlie's weak body to be so strong. He threw Cheng Jinci more than ten meters away. Fortunately, Cheng Jinci tried hard to adjust the angle in mid-air, so he landed smoothly.

"Your actions are not reflexive."

"It's more like he already knew my attack."

Kyō Kinji had a bold idea, but he was not sure.

Charlie did not continue to attack, but began to reveal the technique. Anyway, Kyō Kinji had guessed it, so there was no need to hide it.

"The mark on your chest is a comic strip."

"It's a grid that's a little faster than reality."

"I can see you one second in advance, which means I can predict all your moves in advance."

The longer the battle lasts, the greater the advantage Charlie has.

His magic tools can continuously store magic power. The more magic power is stored, the more future he can see.

In short, if it drags on, Kyōjinji has no chance of winning. Kyōjinji scratched his head and decided to test it first.

He did not rule out the possibility that Charlie deceived him and concealed the magic formula.

He could not believe the enemy's words casually.

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