As a person from 400 years ago, Lu Shiyun is constantly looking for Sukuna.

The highest scorer in the first area of Tokyo Barrier is Otsuke Yuta, and the highest scorer in the second area is Lu Shiyun.

The battle zone where Lu Shiyun is located is full of blood, which the panda is disgusted by.

The panda noticed that the opponent's curse power is very weak, which shows how strong the control of the curse power is.

"The other party is definitely a master"

"Moreover, it is a special level of strength, and it is possible to control the power of the curse so delicately. I am afraid that few people in the entire world of curse can do it."

But the panda is not afraid. As long as the core is not destroyed by the enemy, even if the body is destroyed, it will not die. This is the advantage of the cursed body.

"Where are the angels?"

"I have been searching for a long time but still can't find him. I wonder what happened to Cheng."

What Panda didn't know was that the angel was now in the first area of Tokyo's barrier, which was also the area where Cheng Jinci and Feng Wuxia were.

It was not suitable to stay here for long. Panda sat on the container and thought about the next plan.

"Hello, the panda above

"Can you hear me?

�� A man holding a stick passed under the container where the panda was.

The untimely voice made the panda alert. Coincidentally

, the person who came was the swimmer that Fushiguro Megumi and Itadori Yuji noticed earlier.

The moment Shiyun appeared, the panda got on all fours and tried to disguise itself as an ordinary panda.

When entering the second barrier of Tokyo, the panda was randomly teleported to different places.

Here, the panda unexpectedly met Shiyun, the strongest person in the second barrier of Tokyo.

"Xiao Jin"

"Is this thing a panda, or is it a swimmer?"

【The other person is a swimmer】

【[A cursed corpse type sorcerer]

What’s interesting is that after Lu Ziyun discovered the panda, he complained that there were actually pandas that walked on two legs. After hearing Lu Ziyun’s complaints, the panda got on all fours and pretended to be a real panda.

But it was obvious that the panda’s disguise was useless. Lu Ziyun felt something was wrong when he saw that the panda could actually understand human language.

If the panda pretended not to understand and just walked away calmly, perhaps there wouldn’t be so many problems.

But it insisted on getting on all fours and pretending to be a real panda, and in the end it was beaten up by Lu Ziyun.

The moment Xiao Jin gave the answer, Lu Ziyun flashed in front of the panda.

Lu Ziyun seemed to have absolute confidence in his own strength. He directly discarded the weapon in his hand and punched the panda twice in the abdomen.

"So fast!"

"This guy is not only extremely fast, but also very strong."

"It's a special grade sorcerer!"

As soon as Lu Ziyun took out the spell tool, he began to change the attack method, and the panda was caught off guard.

He failed to block the opponent's attack and flew out directly.

"I don't know what kind of creature you are."

"But you underestimated me, I'm going to teach you a lesson."

The attack was filled with powerful electricity, and the panda had no ability to resist.

"Really? I think you underestimated me too."

Quickly analyzing the current situation, since it is impossible to defend, then take the initiative and attack Lu Ziyun first to gain a chance.

This is also the only way for Panda at present.

"Oh? You can also switch forms"

"Can the cursed corpse still be like this hundreds of years later?"

"I have learned a lot today. Come on, let me see how strong you are."

When the panda appeared again, he had already switched to gorilla form.

Now that he has been discovered, it is obvious that he can't get away by pretending to be stupid.

He can only choose to fight, so the panda directly switched to his second form, the gorilla form.

There are three forms of pandas, namely the normal form, the brother gorilla form and the sister form. The gorilla form of the panda is powerful and fast. At the same time, in the gorilla form, the panda can use undefended means of attack such as the shock punch.

A burst of smoke dissipated, and the battle between the panda and Lu Ziyunyi officially began.

The huge claws grabbed towards Lu Ziyunyi.

Lu Ziyunyi quickly put his right hand on his left hand. With the blessing of the curse, he could easily block the panda's attack.

"The moment I came into contact with you, I felt a huge destructive force"

"Very good! This is what I like."

"The guys I met before were not as strong as you. Some of them even died after being hit by a single blow."

As soon as Lu Ziyun stopped what he was doing, he was very interested in the panda.

"Can I take it as you praising me?"

"And if you dare to hurt me, the Animal Protection Association will not let you go!"

"Animal Protection Association? Never heard of it...."Lu Ziyun was very confused. He heard a lot of unfamiliar words from the panda's mouth. He didn't understand what the panda was saying at all.

The look in Lu Ziyun's eyes gradually became crazy, and he could no longer suppress the ecstasy in his heart.

He participated in the Death Migration from the beginning to the end to challenge the strongest.

Taking advantage of the magic tool, he rushed up and locked the panda's right arm. The next second, Lu Ziyun exerted force and pulled off the panda's arm.

In the previous battle, he had used the gorilla form to defeat the quasi-first-level sorcerer Mechanical Maru.

However, it had no effect at all in this battle against Lu Ziyun.

It can be imagined that Lu Ziyun's strength is definitely at the level of a special-level sorcerer, and it is simply a matter of seconds to kill ordinary first-level sorcerers..

The final result was that the attack of the panda in the gorilla form did not hurt Lu Ziyun at all, and he was beaten up by Lu Ziyun again.

After a brief fight with the panda, Lu Ziyun gradually became disappointed. The panda was not to his taste at all.

"You're not that good either."

"I thought you were so strong."

Lu Ziyun's fists rained down like raindrops, hitting the panda hard.

Finally, the panda could no longer hold on and flew out and crashed into the container behind it.

"Too weak, too weak!"

"Do you know where Sukuna is?"

The reason why Lu Ziyun didn't kill the panda was that he needed to find out the whereabouts of Sukuna. When he signed the contract with Noso four hundred years ago, he learned that Sukuna would also participate in the Death Migration.

Everything seemed to have been planned by Noso, and everyone's actions were under his control.

Only the man in armor was completely invisible when they first met in the cafe.

Noso even guessed that Feng Wuxia had not used all his strength just to make him selectively ignore him.

Facts have proved that Feng Wuxia did the right thing. The only sealed prison gate was gone, and he had begun to run rampant in the Death Migration.

【Ding, release the latest task】

【Defeated the strongest one four hundred years ago:"Lu Ziyun"】

【Mission completion points +200】

【Current points: 600】

"System, is it okay to hand Charlie over to Cheng Jinci?"

【Ding, the mission is just to completely defeat Charlie, and there is no specific host to complete it.】

【Jinci can complete the task of defeating Charlie on behalf of the host】

"In this case, let's solve the big problem of Lu Ziyun first."

"Let's put Moxu Luo aside for now, Lu Ziyun is not far away."

After completing the three tasks, I just bought the unlimited use voucher. Feng Wuxia has been eyeing this for a long time, and finally waited for the opportunity.

(I'm very sorry that I haven't updated in the past two days, I won't stop updating)

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