Cut off Sirona, Pikachu brings back Thor's hammer

Cut off Sirona, Pikachu brings back Thor's hammer


291 Chapters Ongoing Status

Story of: Cut off Sirona, Pikachu brings back Thor's hammer

Lin Yu travels through the elf world!

Participated in the elf examination, was cut off by Sirona, and became her apprent


Story of: Cut off Sirona, Pikachu brings back Thor's hammer

Lin Yu travels through the elf world!

Participated in the elf examination, was cut off by Sirona, and became her apprentice!

On the eve of the college entrance examination, Lin Yu awakened the god-level system!

As long as you increase your intimacy with the elves, you can get rewards such as lottery draws and elves traveling to all realms!

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent: the power of waveguide! 】

[Ding, Pikachu traveled in the Marvel world, evolved into Thor Pikachu, and brought back an item: Thor's Hammer! 】

[Ding, Lucario traveled in the world of Naruto, mastered Chakra Ninjutsu, and brought back the ability: Mangekyō Sharingan! 】

[Ding, the Variety Monster travels in the Dragon Ball world, merges with the Evil Dragon Ball, and evolves into an Evil Dragon! 】

[Ding, congratulations on drawing the quasi-god-level elf: Flash Dynamax Dragon! 】


Xiaozhi: Master Lin Yu, you are my god!

Daigo: The thing I regret most is giving up Lin Yu to Sirona!

Sirona: Xiao Linzi, master sister is so kind to you, why don’t you just pledge yourself to me!


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