Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 108: Scared crying kid

"Um...or... let's just forget it." I wanted to trouble Alan at first, but after this, my confidence was blown away, and Clinton couldn't help but bow his head weakly. Said.

"No, I don't count on you anymore. I'll go to a duel with Allen myself later." Hearing Clinton's frustrating words and Mike's groaning, Trevor couldn't help but look at the two who hated iron and steel. The man angered.


Hearing what Trevor said, Clinton and Mike both looked up at Trevor and asked suspiciously.

'duel? ! Alan, who was listening to the trio’s conversation silently in front, couldn’t help being filled with question marks after hearing what Trevor said. What are the primary school students watching?

"Yes, it's a duel. I will let him know that there is no good fruit to stand on two boats, and Mindy is not something he can covet." Cui Fo fisted with his right hand, his eyes flashing fighting spirit said.

"Come on! X2" Hearing Trevor's words, Clinton and Mike couldn't help but received encouragement, and nodded to Trevor affirmatively.

"I'm going..." Seeing that these two counselors were like this, and they didn't go with him, Cui Fo couldn't help feeling depressed, but he still didn't show it, but with calmness and turbulence. The startled voice said to the two of them.

"Allen!" Trevor said directly, who walked to Allen's side in a swaggering manner.

"Huh?! What's the matter?" After hearing Trevor's voice, Allen turned his head to ask Trevor suspiciously after squeezing the blocks in his hand into powder.

", did classmate Allen eat? I...I...this...there is sugar, and first, not enough." Seeing Allen squeezed the blocks in his hand. Powder, Trevor couldn't help but feel cold all over, his body seemed to be frozen, his words were crying, but he forced himself to smile at Alan, and said tremblingly.

"Um, really? But I ate, what do you do?" Seeing Trevor who was frightened by himself, Alan couldn't help but feel happy, and on the surface he pretended to be ignorant and asked.

", it's okay, woo...I still have." I don't know why, at this moment, in Trevor's eyes, Alan is a monster in human skin, and he has discovered his secret, if What can I do if I eat myself like a big bad wolf? Although I force myself to be strong and not to show weakness, but the more I think about it, the more I am afraid. When I finally answered Allen's words, I couldn't help but start to cry.

"Um, no need, no need, thank you, you can eat by yourself, go back and have fun." Seeing such a child so scared to cry by himself, Alan was also speechless for a moment. At this moment The little friends in the classroom who were still playing each other all turned their eyes to their side, and Allen immediately waved his hand helplessly and said to Trevor.

"Woo..." I didn't know if he was hearing Alan's words, or seeing the students around him looking at him, Trevor wiped out his tears and rushed out.

"Ellen, you... bullied him?" Just after everyone watched Cui Fo and ran out crying, Yi Lisi turned her head to look at Ellen and asked.

"I didn't have one, I just said something to him, and he cried." Looking at Trevor, Alan felt really helpless in his heart. The children nowadays are too intimidated. In this way, I was scared to cry, completely forgetting that I was only in the first grade, and all the so-called classmates were promoted to kindergarten or went to kindergarten directly at home.

Not long after that, Allen was called to the office by the teacher.

"Allen, you have always been the best-behaved child in our class, and you are still the best one. The teacher doesn't want you to be the kind of evil kid who bullies classmates casually, do you know?" In the office, head teacher Mitchell Linda said to Allen earnestly.

For Allen, a child, but he was able to get a scholarship in the first grade. Even the principal valued him very much. So today, after Trevor came crying and complained, Mitchell Linda immediately Allen called, but the tone was subtle.

"Teacher, I was wronged, I just said a few words to Cui Fo, but I didn't know why he cried." Looking at my class teacher, he said to myself in a tone of fear that he would lose his studies, Alan was also speechless. Now, if this matter is small, it's good to say that if it is really stabbed to my dad again, there will be absolutely no good fruit to go back.

Others don’t know, doesn’t my dad know himself yet? Shake yourself, my dad knows he wants to pee, he knows himself too much.

"Really? Classmate Trevor, you looked at the teacher and answered honestly. Did Classmate Allen really not bully you?" Seeing Allen didn't look like a lie, Mitchell Linda also began to doubt Trevor's words became authentic, and then he turned and said to Trevor.

"Oh, no, but...but..." Seeing the teacher looking at himself with a serious face, Cui Fo couldn't help but replied with a weak tone.

"Okay, let's do it, classmate Cui Fo, you disappointed the teacher too much. You should all be a group and friends, but in the end you lied. Just forget about this matter. If there is another time , I’m going to ask your parents to have a good talk, you know?” After hearing the answer she needed from Trevor, Linda thought that she roughly knew the truth of the matter and interrupted Trevor’s words directly. , Said to the little Cui Fu For teachers like them, children fighting is not a big deal, but if lying is involved, it is a very serious problem, and we should pay attention to it. I got up, but because it was Trevor's first offense, Linda still didn't behave too harshly, and the child still had to lead slowly.

But in my heart, Linda still said that Trevor was the focus of observation. After all, as a qualified class teacher, students with such problems should always pay attention to their key changes.

"Um...Oh!" Cui Fo, who originally wanted to try to explain something, was finally defeated by the head teacher's powerful gaze and the huge assassin of the parents, and he was wronged and responded step by step. Walked out towards the door.

"Okay, classmate Allen, this matter is the teacher’s fault. The teacher didn’t ask you to criticize you after understanding the situation. I am very sorry for this teacher and I also deeply apologize for distrusting you. "As a qualified teacher, especially elementary school teacher, Linda will promptly apologize and correct her mistakes. After all, the target is students. As a teacher, she wants to lead a good head. So looking at Alan, Linda is sincere. Said.

"Teacher, it's okay, it's actually nothing. Let's just go back to the classroom." Seeing Mr. Linda like this, Alan became uncomfortable for a while. Why did he suddenly become a victim?

In fact, when Trevor cried before, Alan felt that he was taking these children too seriously. After all, they were only four or five years old, and none of them were a fraction of his own age. Why take them so seriously, and I'm still a superman, and I can't do this anymore... To be harmonious and friendly, Allen couldn't help but say to himself after leaving Linda's office.

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