Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 109: Mindy's faith

"Trifo, are you okay?" As soon as Allen walked in the door, he saw the other two corners of the kindergarten Iron Triangle next to Trevor comforting him, but Allen didn't care too much, and walked directly toward his seat. go back.

"Allen, the teacher asked you to go this time, are you okay? Will Trevor and the others mess up again? Would you like me to clean them up later and help you out. Trust me, I can beat ten children of my age. A." As soon as Allen came back to sit down, Mindy ran over and asked caringly.

Originally, Mindy wanted to be aggressive about Trevor, although I don’t know why Alan made Trevor cry, but Mindy is not an idiot. The three guys were still watching in the corner. In the eyes, it must be Trevor who ran to find Alan's trouble again, but Alan took care of it, and then ran to sue the teacher. This is Mindy's perfect speculation.

But given that Trevor was the one being bullied, Mindy still thought about it for a while, and it would be better to comfort her male god.

"It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding, Mindy, everyone is classmates, don't be so fierce, be harmonious and friendly, and the teacher has already criticized him, I believe he should also know that he was wrong." Watching Mindy run When he came over to care about himself, Allen looked at her and said.

"Is that so? Well, Alan, if they still trouble you next time, just tell me, I will help you out, and I will tell you, I am a black belt in Taekwondo, and I am still practicing Muay Thai recently, Israel Fighting skills, it won't be long before I don't talk about these little kids, even adults I can fight." Seeing Alan's appearance, Mindy still exhorted.

She worried that Ellen was being bullied by the three little kids, and then she was talking about her recent progress, for fear that Ellen thought she was like some vases and could only watch.

"Are you practicing these at such a young age?" It's better to say that children practice Taekwondo. After all, in previous lives, many parents would let their children learn more or less, just because they were afraid of being bullied at school. Exercise and self-defense, but like Muay Thai like Mindy, Israeli martial arts have learned that it is truly unprecedented.

Israeli fighting skills are relatively simple, but they also have high requirements for physical fitness. Let alone Muay Thai, this is completely dependent on muscles and hard training. If you want to practice Muay Thai.

Then you have to constantly exercise the hardness of your body’s muscles and bones, roughly like kicking and hitting big trees every day, and then until your body is numb, you don’t feel anything if you hit the tree hard, so you won’t hurt yourself when hitting people. , The one who fights against someone can KO the opponent at once. Although it is very powerful, it hurts the body very much.

Allen looked at Mindy's arms through perspective. Well, as expected, one after another, the bruises. Allen could not help but feel distressed. What kind of perverted dad can do to his own daughter. ruthless?

Comparing your heart to heart, let alone your own daughter, if Alan sees a bruise on her sister one day, I'm afraid he will run away.

"Why did you think of doing this kind of training? Doesn't it hurt?" Allen looked at Mindy and couldn't help asking with a very complicated attitude.

"It hurts, you don’t know that every time I train, I feel like I’m going to waste." Hearing Allen’s sudden concern, although I don’t know why, Mindy is still very happy, so Began to complain to Alan.

"It hurts so much? Then why do you want to keep going?" Looking at the uncomfortable appearance that Mindy showed, Allen couldn't help but continue to ask. He felt that if Mindy really didn't want to keep going, her father should Wouldn't you force her to persevere? Uh, maybe.

"Because someone has to do this. My dad said that if you want to be a superhero to protect your family and protect others from bad people, someone has to stand up and stop it. Home is home, people who are oppressed and bullied are insignificant by comparison, and I am fighting for this goal now, becoming a super heroine like the'shock girl'." Hearing Alan's words, Mindy shook his head. Then he said firmly.

It is precisely because her father took her to see so many families broken by bad guys, people who died tragically because of crimes, and superheroes who can stand up to stop crime and are loved and worshipped as a spiritual symbol by people. These little by little made her clenched her teeth step by step.

Of course, because of the superhero comics that Dad specially tailored for him, I have to say that every time Mindy wants to give up, Dad will put the superhero comics with Mindy on it. In front of her, let her see how the superhero named Super Killer persevered step by step on the comic and became like Batman, the nightmare of all criminals, and the spiritual support of all people.

And she will definitely become the superhero who sanctions crimes and prevents crimes in the comics step by step.

Hearing Mindy’s words, it can be said that Alan was also touched. Originally thought that Mindy’s father was too perverted to cause Mindy to be like this, but it turned out to be like this... Alan said that he really didn’t know what to say. .

If you blame Mindy's dad, what does Ellen's own dad say? After all, if you really want to count it, you can be a year younger than Mindy, or two years, what right do you have to talk about others.

Forget it, just treat it as a beautiful fantasy of a little girl, anyway, it’s not wrong for girls to learn more self-defense skills. After all, in this world, in addition to school scum, social scum, and invading aliens, mutated Monsters, there is nothing wrong with one more self-defense skill.

"Well, I hope you become the superhero you want to be as soon as possible, come on." Looking at Mindy's appearance, Allen could only encourage him.

"Well, when I become famous, you will be my person, and I will cover you." Seeing Allen's encouragement to him, Mindy said it was very useful and said with a big deal of joy.

"Well, then wait for the day when you become famous." As if it were a small agreement between two people, Mindy walked back to his seat with a smile and happily.

‘Hey, another problem child. Alan held his chin and couldn't help but sighed inwardly. Allen couldn't help thinking, how can the head teacher of his own class appear at the same time in the class he is in charge of.

In this way, under Allen's daze, the day passed quickly.

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