Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 110: Mark II

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Los Angeles, Malibu Beach, No., Tony Stark, one of the many villas, underground laboratory.

"Jarvis, are you ready?" Finally, after a few days of hard work, Jarvis successfully assembled the final Mark armor. At this moment, it was hard to wait until Alan and Ethan were not there. At the time, Tony Stark put on the last helmet and said.

If Allen and Ethan are there, if they really want to convince them to let them test the flight, it is estimated that a large voting meeting will be held to conduct a thorough discussion and practice content, and I don’t have so much time to spend on these unnecessary things. , Practice is always the first step to test the results. If you stand still and tremble, then it is better to build a lakeside cottage to provide for the elderly.

"I'll be at your service anytime, sir." The moment Tony put on the helmet, Jarvis shifted the conversation to the inside of the helmet and said faithfully.

"Enable the helmet display." After buckling the mask, Mark 2 was finally officially born at this moment, and Tony spoke directly.

"Start checking."

"Adjust all the environmental settings at home." From the moment the display is turned on, Tony can directly call up the other party's information and understand various parameters at any time through the mask.

"I'll be fine soon." Jarvis said immediately after hearing Tony's words.

"Okay, how's it going?" At this moment, in front of Tony's eyes, the monitor is showing up scenes of data streams. Every Jarvis that he has seen with the naked eye or hasn't seen is uploading through data transmission. In the battle armor, looking at these, Tony did not have much reaction. This is what he is used to. The most important thing at the moment is to speed up these progress bars. If it is not necessary to debug and set the parameter transmission first, Tony Can't wait to fly out towards the sky now.

"All parts of my data have been sent up, sir, preparations are complete." Jarvis's voice rang in the helmet until Tony no longer flashed the data stream.

"Try to load the simulated walking." After hearing Jarvis's words, Tony continued.

"You are loading your behavior habits and calibrating the simulation environment." Although it is loading, it can be said to be very fast with Jarvis's calculation speed. After all, Tony, a big dog, wants to speed up Jarvis' calculations. Speed ​​not only set up a server room, but also projected a satellite radar for Jarvis to use, so all these contents were loaded in just an instant.

"Check the external control of the armor." Tony said immediately after the calibration of the simulated environment was completed.

"As you wish, sir." After receiving the order, Jarvis quickly began to execute it.

The booster booster plate at the calf, the additional external armor plate at the joint, the flight control wing used to adjust the flight position and angle of the back, the arms and the shoulders of the hidden weapon launching system are all started. Linked debugging, in an instant, full of the sense of future technology in this battle armor, which is already full of cool technology.

"The test is over, prepare for self-check after power off." After a while of armor debugging, Jarvis's voice began to ring in the helmet.

"Ah... I think you should check the weather and air traffic control first, and then start monitoring ground control information." After hearing Jarvis's words, Tony immediately ordered Jarvis, and the purpose was self-evident. .

"Sir, there are still a lot of calculations to do before the actual flight..." As soon as he heard Tony's words, Jarvis knew what his owner wanted to do again, so he couldn't help but quickly dissuade him.

"Jarvis, my dad said it, do it first, then say it." After hearing Jarvis' warning and the series of dissuasive words about to be spoken, Tony interrupted directly. These words are just a little bit. Not suitable for him, he is a genius who likes to take risks and use practical actions to verify the results.

"Are you ready? Start counting-three, two, one." Just after the countdown, the Mark armor worn by Tony followed ‘Boom! With a sound, both feet and hands ejected strong flying power, and then slowly flew up.

"Jarvis, Let'sGo!!!" After feeling that the armor was flying up successfully as expected, Tony said loudly to Jarvis with great excitement and excitement, and then the whole person began to Leaning forward, as the propulsion power increases, the whole person shoots directly toward the exit of the underground passage like an arrow from the string.

"Wow..." After successfully flying out of the tunnel towards the sky, Tony at this moment only felt like a child who had newly acquired a toy, and joy and excitement swept through his entire self.

Not long afterwards, after just a little adapting to the state of the flight mode, Tony began to play various tricks.

Fancy spins, free spins, upswings, down jumps... everything Tony could think of, but it became a posture that he tried. At this moment, the sky is just for him now. It's like a swimming as long as you have enough lung capacity, you can go to see and hear.

"The control is very smooth, without stiffness." Even during the flight, Tony did not forget the records. These records will be his inspiration for improving the Mark's armor series in the future.

"Continue!" After speaking, Tony continued, and then the thruster continued to strengthen the power output, and the whole person flew out at a very fast speed.

"Okay, now let's take a look at how strong this thing is. What is the record of the SR-71 Blackbird fighter?" Just now, a kid was accidentally scared off the cones in his hands, and Tony decided to call the phone. Difficult, this kind of basic flight can no longer satisfy him, so Tony aimed at the sky, his body was raised, and the battle armor thrust directly toward the sky, and then continued to speak.

"The record of fixed-wing flight is 26,000 meters above sea level." After hearing Tony's question, Jarvis faithfully reflected the inquired record to Tony.

"Records are used to break, come on!" Hearing Jarvis's words, a thought of breaking the highest record came to Tony's mind. When he thought of it, he did it, and Tony said loudly in an instant.

"Sir, the appearance is likely to cause severe icing." With Jarvis's constant observation of Tony's armor on the server and his own data simulation on the computer, as Tony continues to fly, the battle armor is severely ended. The possibility of ice will get bigger and bigger, so Jarvis couldn't help but remind Tony.

"Go on!...Higher." Seeing that the end point was just ahead, Tony didn't care about Jarvis's dissuasion, but continued.

'boom! boom! ’

With the explosion of several parts, Tony's Mark armor was completely cut off due to icing and fell into a shutdown state.

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