Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 123: See the cave again

"Ahem! So didn't I come here to solve it? The solution is all people figured out. Other than that, as long as money can solve it, it is not a problem. When I have solved the problem here, I will go back to me. Just set up a company here, which is responsible for refugee rescue here." Tony couldn't help but feel embarrassed as he watched the debris kicked over by Allen, and then he explained.

"I hope, but it seems that I will have to go shopping here for a long time in the future." Allen looked at the refugees in the distance who were lightly dressed and silently continuing on their way, and couldn't help but say, even though he didn't. What a particularly good plan, but he believes that as long as he is here for one day, then those terrorists will not dare to play with fire, let alone that he has no plans to keep them at all.

"Hey, Ellen, I will take care of the matter here. What you need to do now is to study in school and enjoy the life that a child should have. Although this world has many regrets and tragedies, it is definitely not In order for a child to stand up and protect them..." Tony said excitedly after hearing Alan's words.

In Tony’s view of cognition, the student is that even if you are powerful and have superpowers that ordinary people can’t match, you are only a child. Let a child stand up, and others don’t say, he-- -Tony Stark is definitely the first to disagree.

"Sir, I observed via satellite. Twenty-five kilometers northwest, a group of terrorists was driving away from the village with civilians." Before Tony could finish, Jarvis observed not far away through the electronic satellite. In one of the situations, he responded to Tony.

"Mark their positions on the panel, I'll go right away, Allen, about superhero games, this thing ends here, you fly around in New York to fight crime, it doesn’t matter, but on the real battlefield, it’s not. Where you should be." Hearing what Jarvis said, Tony gave Jarvis casually, and then solemnly said to Allen. After speaking, Tony controlled the armor toward Jarvis's mark. The destination flew away.

  Playing, playing, making trouble, once serious, Tony is still very serious, I don't know why, hearing Tony's voice just now, Allen always feels when he makes mistakes in school and meets the head teacher.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  ‘But are you so obedient? joke. 'Throwing Tony’s instructions directly behind him, Allen cast his vision to several other places. After finding that there was another group of members of the Ten Commandments gang marching, he flew straight towards them. .


   "Jarvis, how is the situation now?" he said while flying towards his destination.

   "The target is driving in the northwest direction. From the current satellite observation, the final destination of the target is here." Hearing Tony's words, Jarvis said through comparative analysis.

   "It's a cave again, are these guys rabbits?" Tony couldn't help but spit out after seeing Jarvis's high-altitude photos taken from the satellite on his monitor panel.

After all, the last time Tony was in the cave, I didn’t feel too friendly, and this time I don’t know why, Tony also had a faint feeling of anxiety in his heart, but this feeling was fleeting and did not last long. , So Tony didn't care too much about it, just as a chain reaction caused by his impatience.

   Afterwards, as Tony moved in the direction of the satellite, after a while, Tony could clearly see the thick tire marks on the ground with the naked eye. Obviously, he was very close to the target.

   Then, after chasing for more than a minute, Tony could easily see a large number of convoys in front of him driving towards the valley, while the civilians were all escorted in the truck.

Seeing this, Tony couldn’t help but feel a headache. There were too many people in the team. He alone was unable to keep them all at once, and as long as he couldn’t keep everyone, then those who suffered in the end would suffer. civilian.

As for looking back to Ellen, he wouldn’t even think about these thoughts. Just kidding, his front feet just yelled at Ellen, the bear boy, and if he turned around and went back to ask him for help, he would face it. Want it? Not to mention that I would never go to him at all.

After secretly asking Jarvis to mark the destination on the map, Tony then decided to start a stealth operation. After watching these people all enter a valley in the distance, Tony could not help but flew back. , And then spared a big circle, and finally flew to the back of the valley, then landed on the ground, and walked towards the front step by step.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Jarvis, data modeling, display the three-dimensional model of the valley on my panel, and establish data-assisted analysis." Above, looking condescendingly at the Ten Commandments gang members in the valley below who were escorting all the refugees to the cave, Tony couldn't help but command to Jarvis.

"Received, the data model is being established, and the analysis is in progress. The establishment is complete." After a while, the three-dimensional model of the valley was In the upper left corner of the display, all the terrain of the entire valley is depicted , It’s like a 3D game.

"Jarvis, prepare the secondary weapon, mark all the militants below, and wait for my order to prepare for launch." Seeing the terrorists below one by one escorting refugees toward the cave, Tony couldn’t help but speak. Ordered to Jarvis.

This time Jarvis did not reply. Instead, following Tony's order, he directly marked the hostile militants below with red dots on Tony's display panel. The function is very powerful. The only regret is that The number of bullets fired at one time is limited, and this also allows Tony to target only 16 enemies, and there are a large number of remaining enemies that need to be resolved.

   So so far, the way Tony came up with is to observe it secretly, and wait... as long as you wait, there will always be a suitable time.

   After a while, after ten minutes, the terrorists who had escorted the refugees began to return to their car, then the body started, and then drove outside, toward the next destination.

   "Jarvis, do it." After seeing the convoy driving far, Tony said to Jarvis immediately, and then jumped towards the remaining targets below.

In the air, according to the target that has been locked, the direct aiming system of the secondary weapon directly shoots the marked enemy with a headshot, and then smashes an enemy to death, and then faces the remaining guards with a laser cannon. But for ten seconds, no one on the scene could stand up except Tony.

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