Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 124: Altar in the cave

"Jarvis, remember to remind me to install a radar detection mode after this time." After solving the guards on the periphery, Tony thought that many people would continue to come out of the cave to support, but no one came out. , Just like the guards here are only those outside, the instinctive Tony feels that something is wrong, but there is no way, it’s like you are fighting the landlord and you have got 4 double kings, even if you No matter how bad the other hand cards are, you have to grit your teeth and call the landlord, and now Tony feels like this, riding a tiger, unable to help Tony walked into the cave and said to Jarvis.

Without answering, Jarvis just silently added Tony's order to the memo, waiting for the next time Tony develops armor to remind him.

Slowly following into the cave, Tony realized that it was not as cluttered as the cave where he was staying before, and it was like a dog chewing, and at least the passage that Tony walked into here was everything. Orderly, although it is dim, the passage is unusually flat, extending straight into the mountain, as if hiding some huge secret.

"Sir, I suggest that you should contact Mr. Allen before going in. I feel responsible for your safety. I feel that there is a great hidden danger." Just as Tony was cautiously exploring inside, Javie suddenly heard from inside the helmet. Si's friendship suggested.

"Jarvis, keep your voice down, now is the critical moment, and I don’t want to lose face? I just chased Alan away before, and now I’m calling back, how could it be, be quiet, I feel like I’m about to discover the Ten Commandments Gang The real secret.” Hearing Jarvis’s suggestion, Tony, who was cautiously lurking, couldn’t help being frightened, and said directly to Jarvis. As for Jarvis’s suggestion, Tony didn’t even think about it. He turned down.

Although he knew that ninety-nine percent of his suggestions would not be adopted by Tony, Jarvis spoke faithfully. After hearing Tony’s words, although Jarvis did not send the news, he still talked about the news editor. Well, if you send it to Allen as soon as there is a situation, in Jarvis's logical thinking, as long as Tony does not clearly prevent things, then as long as Tony's life is in danger, he can execute it himself.

"Did you see Jarvis?" Not long after, Tony walked to the exit, but the scene inside was beyond Tony's expectation. An unprecedented strange feeling washed over his body, and Tony was stunned. Murmured.

"... Sir, after comparing the data, these people in front of you seem to be performing some kind of mysterious ritual. Now it is recommended that you retreat in time." On the other hand, Jarvis can clearly see Tony through Tony's helmet panel. All the scenes in the perspective, even if Jarvis has a huge amount of data and calculations, he couldn't help but be down for a long time.

I saw that at this moment, in front of Tony, there was a square with the size of several basketball courts. All those who were caught were standing quietly on the square at this moment, except for the soldiers who remained standing around. , The others are the refugees who are motionless like vegetative people, all of them bow their heads and face the front of the square neatly and neatly. A towering and standing altar with an ancient and long atmosphere, and on it is a pure white dress. Man in ancient armor with a white cloak and a golden mask.

At this moment, the man in white who is on the altar is holding the ring in his hand and pointing it to the people below. Although I don’t know what this is doing, the instinctive Tony knows that this is definitely not a good thing. The reason why those people became like this was mostly because they couldn't get rid of the ring on the white clothed man's hand.

"Jarvis, assist in aiming preparations, and make the person on the altar the primary target." In the passage, Tony looked at all this before him, knowing that he could not wait any longer, and wanted to repeat his tricks as if he was outside. Deal with the soldiers who stay behind, and solve these people in the cave all at once.

Hearing Tony's order, Jarvis immediately began to execute it. However, when Jarvis marked all the soldiers below and was about to start marking the white man on the altar, an accident happened.

"Take him!" The white-clothed man looked straight at the location of Tony as if he could be a prophet, and then as if being irritated, said loudly to the surrounding soldiers.

Then all the soldiers in the square ran towards Tony, but as if they had some concerns, each of these soldiers fired at Tony after running out of the crowd.

With the intense sound of gunshots, the crowd who had been standing quietly on the square for a At this moment, it seemed as if they felt something, each instinctively began with the intense gunfire. Qiang Zi struggled.

"Huh!" Looking at the insignificant waste below, the white-clothed man couldn't help but snorted, and then saw the ring in his hand light up again, blooming with an inexplicable brilliance, and then the crowd on the square once again He was quiet, and restored to the vegetative performance that Tony had seen when he walked in the door before.

"Jarvis, have you seen it? Is it a mental hypnotic device?" While dealing with the members of the Ten Commandments gang who were besieging the surroundings, while watching a series of magical operations by the man in white in the distance, I thought it was on the square. That group of people was destroyed by these terrorists through some means to achieve a silent situation. As a result, after seeing the scene of the white man on the altar, Tony realized that what he thought was only what he thought. After the shock, Tony couldn't help but speak.

"Sorry, sir, because your armor is just researched out, so I have no way to conduct field data analysis through the armor, but combined with the pictures you see, this ring should be some kind of magic with special abilities. Props." After hearing the question in Tony's words, Jarvis replied with regret, but through the analysis of big data on the Internet, he found several reliable knowledge points and suggested to Tony.

"Damn it, after I go back this time, I will add all the data analysis, spectrum analysis, even the **** analysis data." After a laser cannon blasted a member of the Ten Commandments gang who sneaked up behind him, Tony couldn't help but complain. By the way, some things are usually found to be useless, but when you want to use them but can't use them, it can't help but make people crazy.

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