Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 132: Backache from singing, watching the show is cool!

"Nothing is fine, because I'm staring at an aircraft right now, and we are now planning to blow it up into the sky." After hearing Tony's assurance, Roddy couldn't help but speak.

"I ran to the exit, let's not say it yet." Hearing Roddy's words, after looking at the fighter that had caught up with him behind him, Tony didn't know what plane the bad guys were doing, so he hung up the phone. , And then flew towards the distance, trying to get rid of the two tails behind.

Insert an app: Perfectly re-engrave the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Read.

"Dance hall, dance hall, this is Whiplash One, I see the target." After seeing the target of his trip, the fighter pilot from the rear reported towards the base.

"Whip One, what is it?" Roddy asked immediately after hearing the pilot's report.

"I have never seen it before." Looking at the thing flying ahead, the pilot of Whiplash One couldn't help but replied with a look of confusion. This thing is not like a flying machine, it doesn't even have wings, and it's so small.

"Try to contact it by radio." The major on the side ordered to the pilot.

"No answer." After several attempts to contact, the pilot who received no response reported to the base command.

"Then you can start." Since there was no response after contacting several times, then the benevolence and righteousness of his own side was exhausted, and the major ordered directly to the pilot.

"Received, start a direct attack." Hearing the order from the base, the pilot repeated further, and then drove the fighter jet to try to lock the unknown flying object ahead.

"It's over the speed of sound, I locked it." The pilot couldn't help but said with surprise when he saw the inexplicable aircraft that he sensed his intention to attack and began to fly at full force. However, he looked at the display panel and looked at the other side. After setting it down and pressing the launch button, the missiles on the flank of the aircraft flew directly towards the target.

"Oh!" Hearing the news from Jarvis that he had been locked, Tony couldn't help but muttered annoyedly, all to blame for the crow mouth of Allen's little boy, so clever.

"Missile is coming!!" Jarvis, who detected the missile, has stopped calling his husband, but directly reminded him loudly.

"Fire bombs!!" Although what is happening now is a bit unexpected, Tony was also prepared. After all, as a military weapon expert, after inventing the Mark armor, how could he not think of being locked by a fighter jet? After hearing Jarvis' warning, Tony shouted directly.

Later, under the control of Jarvis, a metal roulette stretched out on both sides of the thighs of the battle armor, but there was a hollow launch tube every few centimeters on the metal roulette. Then, the metal roulette It began to spin rapidly, and countless incendiary bombs shot from the roulette to the surroundings. With Tony's flight, the incendiary bombs immediately filled the sky behind him, like a wall of flame, blocking the front of the incoming missile. road.

'boom! ’

Then the moment the missile touched the wall of flame, the huge roar and the bombardment wave mixed with flames spread out, forming a huge fireball, and the steel armor that Tony was driving was also shocked by the back wave. The powerful thrust brought was patted forward.

"Wait a minute, the target fired an incendiary bomb." Seeing the scene where the UFO fired an incendiary bomb in his eyes, the pilot couldn't help but said to the headset. Missiles and incendiary bombs formed a fireball that has not dissipated.

"Damn it! I must sew up the mouth of this little boy when I go back this time." Although it was not directly hit by the missile, the huge impact generated by the missile's explosion made it blown out of balance and went all the way. Tony, who fell down, couldn't help but complain.

"Good guy, I want to help you, but you still have thoughts about me, let you die." On the other side, the thin figure belonging to Allen is hiding in the clouds and watching Tony manipulate it interestingly. The one-sided chasing battle between the steel armor and the military fighter plane. When Tony was hit by the missile blast and then lost his balance and fell towards the ground, Allen wanted to go up and help, but suddenly heard that Tony had returned. Holding a grudge against himself and wanting to sew his mouth together, Allen suddenly had no idea of ​​going to help.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring a camera, otherwise this scene will definitely be very commemorative." Allen leisurely found a comfortable position to float in the sky, and then watched Tony being chased by the rat with his head running, couldn't help but Muttered a little regretfully, if he really took it, Alan would still be willing to fly to Tony to take pictures of him being chased and killed.

‘Dudududududu! Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! ’

At this time, Tony, who had adjusted his position and started to fly out of the airspace of the US military, was chased by the fighter plane from behind, clanking, and the external parts on his body couldn't help but appear. Thick black smoke.

At this time, Tony, although he has a thick armor to resist, was hit by a fighter's super-caliber bullets, and he still couldn't help but feel a little pain, and the most important thing is that the armor damage on the display panel is beginning to fall. It has been going on, I am afraid that today will really be his own death day, but Tony still resisted and did not immediately launch a counterattack.

"Turn on the ailerons." After seeing the fighter getting closer and closer to him, Tony suddenly said loudly, watching the time come.

In an instant, with Jarvis’s control, Tony opened two small wings on his back, and the speed of the whole person suddenly stopped, and the two fighters had to adjust the fuselage because of the high-speed momentum to avoid Tony's wearing. Armor, so as not to hurt both sides.

"Oh my God, this thing just disappeared from the radar." The radar signal on the radar of the two fighter pilots about the unknown aircraft disappeared suddenly as they passed by. The aircraft disappeared like a ghost, the pilot couldn't help but incredulously said.

"It's not on the satellite image." The communicator in the base on the other side looked at the satellite map and there was no signal from the aircraft, and added.

"This can't be an unmanned aircraft." The pilot of Whiplash One stretched his head and looked around, trying to find the disappeared aircraft, and at the same time said as if confidently to the personnel on the base, whether it was the naked eye just now. What I saw was the moment of contact with that aircraft, or the rapid braking technology, which could not be controlled by a known aircraft.

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