Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 133: Righteous partner

"What's that?" The major in the base asked the pilot on the other side with his headset on.

"I haven't seen anything, but whatever it is, it has become cannon fodder." The pilot of Whiplash One also said at this time. Although he is not sure what the aircraft is, the only thing that can be determined now is that. The aircraft had been bombarded into cannon fodder by them during the battle just now.

"Sir, I think the target should have been resolved." At this time, the pilot of Whiplash Two said to the command center after looking around and confirming that there was nothing else.

"Jarvis, call Roddy!!" Tony, who was struggling to grasp the belly of the fighter, said loudly to Jarvis.

"Hello?!" The other side looked at Tony's sudden call. Although he was not sure what was going on, Roddy always had a hunch that things were definitely not trivial. After getting the call, Roddy faced the other side. Opened his mouth and said.

"Hi, Roddy, it's me!" Tony confessed directly to Roddy on the other end of the phone. There is no way. If this continues, the Stark Group will announce that Tony Stark is out of mind. The trauma returned to the Middle East battlefield again, and then was killed by terrorists, or died in an air crash, anyway, it was nothing more than that. Although clichéd, it is better than practical.

"Excuse me, what do you mean?" Roddy couldn't help but asked in confusion when Tony heard the inexplicable words that he said.

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"Sorry, it's me! The flying object you asked just now is me." Hearing Roddy's doubts, Tony couldn't help gritting his teeth, and then continued to hold the plane tightly, facing Roddy on the other end of the phone.

"Hey! Tony, this is not a game. You can't send civilian equipment to my battlefield, do you understand?" Hearing Tony's words, Roddy subconsciously thought that Tony must be a new weapon of the Stark Group. Arranged to test in the Middle East battlefield, so that both revenge and actual data can be tested, and then Roddy warned Tony.

"This is not a piece of equipment!! I'm inside, this is a shell, that's me, I'm a flying object." Feeling the stalemate's quick-release arm, Tony couldn't help gritting his teeth and facing Roddy on the other end again. Emphasize all directions.

"Rodi, do you have anything to say to me?" Seeing Roddy who was chatting on the side, suddenly fell into a dull expression, and the major couldn't help but stand up and ask Roddy.

"..." Looking at the picture on the satellite image, and then at the major who was asking the question suddenly, Roddy couldn't help but wonder how to explain it for a moment.

"After you mark your location, you can return to the base." After receiving the major's return order to confirm on the other side, the communicator said to the fighter pilot on the other side.

"Received a ballroom order." The pilot of Whip No. 1 heard the words from the base. Even though he confirmed the reply, he did not know why. After seeing the plane next to him exposing his abdomen, he found that there was something on the abdomen of the plane A red-gold flying vehicle resembling a human figure was holding the abdomen of Whiplash Two.

"On your fuselage, it a person." Because the two planes are very close, this time the pilot of Whip One can clearly see the abdomen of Whip Two. After watching the UFO that had passed away in a flash, the pilot couldn't help but reminded his companion after watching it grasping the belly of the plane controlled by another companion.

"Shake it off and turn around! Hurry up!!" Then he said excitedly towards his companion.

Hearing the words of his companion, the pilot who was grabbed by Tony's abdomen of the fuselage, when he started to manipulate the fuselage and began to spin rapidly, he wanted to quickly throw out the slime-like thing.

'boom! ! ’

With the continuous rotation, the pilot of the Whiplash No. 1 fighter who tried to aim at the humanoid aircraft from the rear, was directly smashed by the steel armor that was thrown out of the side wing, and the entire fuselage began to roll and then straight down. The fall.

"I was hit, I was hit!" At this moment, the fighter pilot manipulating Whip 1 was eagerly repeating into the walkie-talkie.

"Confirm, he has been hit!" The data displayed from the base is also true. The correspondent who monitors the data while looking at the data displayed on the screen said to the major and Roddy on the side.

"Ejection out!" With the roar of the communicator, the fighter pilot also pulled open the ejection seat. Sure enough, the fighter jet exploded in an instant in the next second, but on the other hand, an accident also happened. The number's parachute was stuck, and it was impossible to open it with the strength of the current driver alone.

"Whip No. 1 has been shot down! Repeat, No. 1 whip has been shot down." The driver of No. 2 whip was watching his companions continuously falling downward could not help but repeat their words and emphasized. Tao.

"Whip No. 2, confirm whether the No. 1 parachute is open?" The major in the center of the base asked the pilot of another fighter that is still flying normally. After all, fighters are consumables for the military with rich financial resources. Aircraft Nothing, just build one early, but the pilot is different. To train a qualified fighter pilot not only has the sky-high training fee, but also the long learning process, which is very important for their military. Fatal, after all, a fighter jet that can be built in minutes is not a system that can be measured compared to a fighter pilot that can be trained with a lot of money and time and effort.

"No, I didn't find the parachute opened." After hearing the base's inquiry, the whiplash driver No.2, who was trying to turn his head, looked to one side of his companion who was still falling and couldn't help but said eagerly.

At this time, the loud gasping and panic sound also spread through the headset of the No. 1 driver whip to the base and the earphones of another companion.

For a while everyone couldn't help but seemed to be deeply moved, and everyone fell silent.

‘Oh, so I’m still going to go out, Tony, you can have a snack, every time I have to wipe your butt, I’m really tired. 'Looking at the fighter pilot who was falling vertically and was still trying to pull out the parachute switch that had been stuck, and Tony who was still tumbling and flying on the other side, Allen sighed helplessly, and then shook. He shook his head and rushed up.

Even if Tony replied and rushed up in time, it was also a tightrope walking on the cliff, a kind that would break his bones if he was bad, so Alan didn’t want to wait any longer, and sitting idly by was never his justice partner ----- Things Superman would do.

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