Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 145: Observer Team of 4

"But..." Nancy, who originally wanted to go out, couldn't help but feel embarrassed on her delicate and cute face after hearing Emma's words. After all, she has always been a good boy. This kind of sneaky practice, shouldn't it...

"Oh, it's nothing, have you forgotten? Did grandma ever say that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Now it is estimated that the other children are watching outside, and we are the only ones who stay in the house stupidly? Here, isn't it like a fool." Before Nancy could finish the reason for the difficulties, Emma interrupted Nancy directly and continued to tempt her.

In this way, under Emma's constant bewitching, Nancy seemed to make sense in her mind. She frowned and nodded her head, so she was successfully fooled by Emma, ​​and then the two of them held hands. Quietly opened the door and walked out.

And the two little guys in the other room, after hearing Emma and the others, secretly opened the door and slowly followed Emma and Nancy.

Emma didn’t expect that the two friends next door would follow them. She couldn’t help but looked at them in surprise. With the'ace' in hand, she looked at Nancy next to her, Emma couldn't help but smiled triumphantly, as if she had a deeper understanding of her own intelligence.

However, it is still important to do business first, so Emma placed her index finger between her pink lips, and gave a soft "hush" to the two new friends, trying to keep the two friends quiet.

The two newly joined friends looked at Emma's gestures and instantly understood them. At the same time, they nodded and made an "ok" gesture to show their understanding.

In this way, the observer team of four was formally established. The four children, led by the leader of the team, Emma, ​​lined up in a straight line. The four children all catted to their waists, obviously doing it all together. With the appearance of a thief, he touched the wall in unison, and walked slowly downstairs.

Until they touched the door bit by bit, just as the little guys were about to straighten up and look inside the door secretly.

"What are you little guys doing?" Suddenly a deep, tight smile sounded above their heads, making the bodies of the four babies instantly stiff.


A few minutes ago, Ellen, who was still eating a lollipop given by the old dean, suddenly heard the whispered discussion from upstairs, and there was still something about himself, which made Ellen a little curious. , And then looked over carefully and heard that the cunning Emma kid actually bewitched his friends to come down together, Allen had a rough idea of ​​what happened.

However, after seeing the four little children actually cat waist, a sneaky look like a thief, I couldn’t help but make Alan happy. Seeing all this, he wanted to laugh, but considering the old dean and Alan With all his sisters present, Allen was always held in his heart.

Alan couldn't help but pretend to be an adult and asked aloud after the four children had walked to the door.


"It's over, it's over!"

"No, I was found, run!"


After hearing Alan’s words, the four little guys were in a mess for a while, yelling in panic, like a headless fly, yelling, and then taking the lead of that Emma Little, ran upstairs.

"Ellen, what's going on outside?" Skye, who was still chatting with Aunt Rachel, couldn't help but ask Ellen after hearing a group of yelling noises outside.

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"Nothing! It's just that a few children want to peek inside, so I want to kindly ask them what they want to do? Do you need help." After hearing Skye's words, Alan couldn't help but scratch his head. Said honestly.

"Haha, it's okay. It must be Emma and the little guys. It's okay. They are just a little bit curious. They should have mistaken you for adoption, so they want it. Come and see." The old dean deserves to be the old dean. Just hearing the sound, you can know which little guys are without going outside, but he doesn't care too much. After all, he is just a child. What a big deal, then explained to Skye who was aside with a big smile.

"Yeah, I still remember it was the same when I was a kid. Every time we are most looking forward to it, it is time for a kind adopter to come to the orphanage. At that time, everyone hopes that the next person who adopts himself will be a kind-hearted person~www. It’s better to be Prince Charming.” Skye couldn’t help but smile when he heard Aunt Rachel’s words, and then remembered the same years as these little guys before, and he couldn’t help but sink into the past. The years go by.

At that time, it can be regarded as the most unforgettable time for Skye. There are sours who envy other friends who were first adopted by well-wishers, and when they were also taken away by others, they were sweet, but in the end it was still the same in the end. In the end, the same bitterness, pungency, ups and downs, everything.

"Yeah! At that time, among the children of the same batch of you, you are probably the most uncomfortable. Oh, it's hard for you. At such a young age, you have to endure so many undesirable experiences." Hearing Skye's words, the old dean couldn't help but sighed and looked back on the years he had watched Skye grow up, and couldn't help speaking slowly.

"But fortunately, you have finally found your own family now. It can be seen that you have a sense of belonging to your current family." In the previous chat, the old dean heard Skye talk about the present The sense of happiness in the eyes of the family was not deceiving, and the old dean could not help but feel happy for Skye.

"Yeah! Maybe the reason why I had such a bumpy experience when I was young was because I spent more than ten years of luck finding them." Hearing the words of the old dean, I looked at the fact that I had run out to fight with those little guys. The corners of Skye's mouth turned up as he greeted Allen who had been playing together, showing a happy smile.

After hearing Skye’s words, the old dean couldn’t help but look at Skye in surprise. He was able to say this, so now Skye’s adoptive father and mother must be the kind of upright and admirable person. Long, he also became curious about the adoptive father and adoptive mother Skye said.

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