Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 136: Norman Osborne

At seven o’clock in the evening, as night fell, the orphanage, which used to have only children singing and laughing, suddenly began to lively. With the lights on, the venue for the dinner was very well arranged. It can be seen that this banquet is definitely old. The dean took a lot of thought to figure it out.

Low-key without losing elegance, luxury without losing connotation, but the focus of people present today is not this. People are paying attention to only two characters.

One is a social person who has the grace of nurturing or admires the reputation of the old dean. The other is about forty years old, but because of self-care reasons, he looks younger and more handsome. It can be said that Here is a handsome man—Norman Osborne.

Of course, if you ignore his aura of billions of assets, it may not be that handsome.

But he is a proper New York City business tycoon. Although his father is also a big entrepreneur, he finally fell into trouble because of poor management. However, Norman Osborne inherited and surpassed his old man. Dad's talent in business, after graduation, did not rely on his parents in the slightest, but he and a partner set up a small company, and then slowly used biology and energy technology as the development direction of the enterprise.

Then it slowly developed to the Osborne Group, which is now one of the best large groups in New York City. The huge net worth has made Norman Osborne also attracted the attention and heated discussion of the news and media circles. It can be said that as long as there is Norman Osborne. There is no shortage of reporters and so-called successful people in Spence.

This time is no exception. Although Norman Osborne has not yet arrived, there are countless luxury cars that have stayed outside the orphanage. Numerous entrepreneurs who claim to be successful or philanthropists all agree or volunteer. Or accept an invitation to participate in this charity party held in the orphanage.


"Harry, wait for Daddy to take you to a charity party, remember not to stage fright at that time!" Just when most people had arrived early, the protagonist of the other party, Norman Osborn, was still at home. He looked at the blond little boy in front of him kindly and said with heart.

"Don't worry, daddy, I am a man from the Osborne family. I will definitely not be stage fright. Just wait for me to earn you face." Hearing the father's careful advice, although he still feels a little panicked in his heart, it is not in the slightest. Affected Harry Osborn's swift response. This is the first time that Dad has shown himself in public. In any case, he cannot be stage fright.

"Okay! Well said! It's a child of my Osborne family." No matter what Harry's performance is afterwards, but only this performance just now made Norman Osborn say with satisfaction.

"However, father, why did you choose to personally attend a charity party hosted by a silent orphanage this time?" After hearing his father's appreciation, Harry couldn't help but ask his father. Questioned.

In the past, like this kind of small party, his dad basically just hangs up a name or the person in charge of the shooting company goes to show up, but this time he went in person, and this wave of operations couldn't help but make Harry a little puzzled.

"That's because some people are worthy of respect." Hearing what his son said, Norman couldn't help but straighten up and looked into the distance, blurting his eyes and slowly said.

"Harry, you have to know one thing. For us, money is nothing more than a piece of paper and a string of numbers. No matter how much money, we have the Osborne family. But for some people, these pieces of paper But it is something that can really save their lives and keep them alive. Our Osborne Group is a big group, but these are all built on the basis of the people."

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Regardless of whether his son could understand what he meant, Norman Osborne continued.

"Harry, I like the saying in the East very much, that is,'take it from the people, use it for the people.' Harry, I don't ask you to spend all your thoughts on helping other people's people in the future. That's too ridiculous. I can’t do it, but when you have free time and when you can, you can help others and be kind to others. Later you will find that everything is worthwhile. Life is like this. As long as you persevere, then you No matter how miserable his life is, it won’t be miserable, and our Osborne family men are all the pride of heaven, aren’t they?”

These words and sentences were all sent out by Norman Osborne. Maybe it was because he owed someone something before, or it has always been like this. All in all, Norman Osborne used this attitude to educate Harry. Even I did it again.

"Yeah! I know, Dad!" Although I didn't understand the too many profound truths Dad said, the sentence of helping others and treating others is deeply imprinted in Harry's heart~www Let's go! The party is about to start. I don't want to see the news of "Norman Osborne playing big-name late" on TV or in the newspaper tomorrow. "Norman Osborne became more satisfied with his child, he couldn't help but patted Harry on the shoulder and smiled at him.


On the other hand, with the people who have begun to arrive one after another, the dean also began to stand at the door to welcome the people who came, and Skye is now introducing the relatives of his family to Aunt Rachel.

"Aunt Rachel, this is my father, mother, and my younger brother and little brother." Skye was happily holding the shoulders of my father and Ma May and introduced to Aunt Rachel, and then Even Peter and Allen did the same, until the whole family greeted the old dean.

"Mom, Dad, and two younger brothers. This is Aunt Rachel, the dean of our orphanage." After introducing his family, Skye walked to the old dean and introduced it to the family. She said that both sides are close to her, and naturally she also hopes that everyone can get along with each other friendly.

"Hello!" x2

"Auntie, hello!" x2

After Skye’s introduction, my parents, May, and Alan and Peter both greeted the old dean at the same time. Although Alan had a headache for this title, although his sister called it that, if he was called Grandma's injustice, she doubled her seniority for no reason?

"Hello, I think the two are Mr. Ben and Ms. May. Skye has taken so much trouble for you." Finally seeing the two parents in the perfect and happy family that Skye said, the old dean couldn't help but be enthusiastic. Said hello to the two.

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