Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 152: Fierce Battle of the Tin Man

'boom! ’

At the moment of knocking Tony out, Aubadestan drove the heavy mech straight towards Tony’s landing position, accelerated and rushed past, and then a flying kick kicked Tony who had just landed. The bus then bounced back to the ground.

"Thirty years, for a full thirty years, I have been helping you father and son. I built this company step by step from scratch." Looking at Tony lying in front, Obadestan stepped heavily on it. On Tony's body, said with endless anger.

"Now! Don't even want to get in my way!" Seeing Tony, who was stepped on the ground like a dead dog, Opadry raised him aloft in anger, said loudly, and then a flying general He threw it into the bus.

"!" After turning around and walking away for a certain distance, Obadestan activated the missile on his back and aimed at the bus where Tony was sitting coldly.

'boom! ’

With a huge explosion, Tony flew straight up under the impulse of the shock wave, and then hovered straight in the air under the recoil force brought by the propeller of the steel armor.

"Haha! Not bad, Tony, the modification is very good! But I also modified a lot of things myself." Looking at Tony hovering not far in the air, Obadestan couldn't help but laugh, and then stood upright. With the deployment of the footsteps, huge flames sprayed out from under the feet and flew straight toward Tony.

"Sir, it looks like he can fly." Jarvis couldn't help but reminded him seeing the big guy in front of him could also fly.

"Oh, Shet, Jarvis run quickly." Without Jarvis reminding him, Tony couldn't help cursing when Tony saw that the giant armor like Obadestan could fly. Then he said to Jarvis in the helmet that with the full operation of the thrusters, Tony is trying to fly Obadestan away from the city.

"Hahahaha! Tony, you can't run away. How long can your old-fashioned reactor last? One minute, two minutes or five minutes?" Looking at Tony Stark, who was flying away in the armor, Aubadestan laughed calmly and said.

Although his armor is large, he has a new generation of new Ark reactor developed by Tony. The energy consumption of the armor is almost a drop in the bucket. What about Tony? How long can the reactor developed with the rudimentary equipment in the cave last? Thinking of this layer of Obadestan, I feel that the wave is more and more stable, and it doesn’t care where Tony flies, even if he flies to the ends of the world. He will kill him today.

"Sir, do you need me to contact Mr. Allen for help?" Jarvis could not help but ask Tony for instructions from inside the helmet as he watched the energy decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No, there is no problem in this world that Tony Stark can't solve." After hearing what Jarvis said, Tony couldn't help but his face stiffened, and then he said stubbornly.

Jarvis, who originally wanted to call Allen, couldn't help but stop after hearing the words of his owner Tony, and couldn't help but vomit during the procedure.

After repeatedly checking Tony’s flight path and the hard-mouthed words, Jarvis had to admit that his master’s hard-headed temper was committed again, but the solution was to fly to New York again, and Jarvis did not continue to say anything. , As long as you reach the boundaries of New York, then your owner will be safe.

"Sir, I have arrived in New York City!" Jarvis, who had already flown over the prosperous New York City, couldn't help but say, looking at the situation below.

"Go over there!" Looking at the location of Allen's house on the map, Tony couldn't help but speak, and then the whole person turned and flew towards Allen's house.


"Hahaha! Tony, you were still caught by me. After all, the cunning little mouse couldn't escape the hunt of the old hunter.

"At this moment, before Jarvis could finish speaking, Obadestan, who had already flown up, grabbed Tony's ankle directly. Seeing Tony who was caught by himself, Obadestan couldn't help but exclaimed loudly. , And then pressed Tony tightly, as Obadestan lifted Tony high above his head, he immediately rushed straight toward the crosswalk below in a downward high-speed dive posture.

'boom! ’

With a huge impact, people in the entire block felt a huge tremor coming.

"Sir, you need timely treatment or help." Because the current Mark series armor has not been equipped with internal detection devices, Jarvis cannot detect Tony's physical condition in time like the second one, and Developed a solution, so Jarvis couldn't help but reminded him when he watched Tony's vomiting blood in front of the screen.

"I spent my life's hard work for this, and what did you prodigal, rich second generation do! Why can you come back to inherit the position of director!" Tony was lying in the huge pit, Obadestan couldn't help but said angrily, and then flew up and smashed Tony out.


"What happened?" On the other side, everyone in the orphanage who was performing a good night performance in an orderly manner suddenly felt a shock from the ground, and they couldn't help but panic.

"Don't panic, don't panic, this should be just a small-scale earthquake, the intensity is not high, everyone can rest assured to continue to enjoy the performance, there is no problem at all." Looking at the rioting crowd, Norman Osborne could not help standing. Born to speak to everyone, signalling people to calm down.

Otherwise, everyone is in a mess. Even if the disaster does not come, the crowd will suffer casualties due to the riots. This can be said to be a deep experience for Norman Osborne, who has been in the society for many years.

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"Don't worry, everyone. It's okay. Trust Mr. Osborne." After Norman Osborne stood up and spoke, a middle-aged man with glasses in the crowd also stood up and said to everyone comfortingly.

And it was this move that could not help but make Norman Osborn take a look at the middle-aged man. This kind of crowd herd effect is indeed the wisest at this time.

"Yeah! Yeah! Mr. Osborne is the chairman of a large group, and he must be the most knowledgeable." As everyone saw it, Norman Osborne looked at the first person who spoke with appreciation. After the middle-aged person, the others also immediately echoed with jealousy, wishing to be the first to say that they were ordinary.

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