Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 153: Norman Osborne's amazing move

'boom! ’

It was at this time that, with the bang of the wall, a figure fell straight into the party venue. For a while, the stones on the wall scattered all around, and everyone was shocked by the sudden accident. Go down.

"Allen, Peter, come and squat down." Looking at the sudden accident, my dad immediately pushed down May and Skye around him. Only Peter and Allen were left because they were far away. , There was no way to protect him, but my father couldn't help but said eagerly to the two of them at the first time.

"Hahaha, Tony, what's the matter? What about your little tricks? Why don't you have to come out?" After a while, another tall mecha directly smashed through the already crumbling wall, and when he came in, he lay in front of him not far away. The figure in the metal armor on the ground sneered loudly.

‘Tony? ! Hearing the words of the huge metal armor man, Norman Osborne, who was squatting on the ground under the cover of bodyguards, couldn't help but a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but it was a pity that he couldn't help thinking too much because of the incident.

‘Fuck! Tony Stark? Has this NM story come to this point? And how did they come from Los Angeles to New York. 'When he saw the figure that was shot in, Allen couldn’t help but get down. After that, especially when Obadestan came in, it was even more so, even if the plot went to this scene, but the two of them Fighting from Los Angeles can bring down New York, this NM is too ridiculous.

"Hahaha, Tony, don't you like to be a superhero? Then I will let you experience the feeling of despair." A foot stepped on Tony's body, looking at those people not far away looking at him with fear, horror For a while, Obadestan only felt that he was the true God. What kind of superman is nonsense, uh, superman? Regardless of him, he is in Los Angeles anyway, thousands of miles away, he would not believe that Superman would fly here after killing him, and then Obadestan directly aimed his left hand at the crowd who stood blankly like a fool. He looked at his child, then said to Tony while laughing.

"No!!!" Hearing Obadestan's words, thinking that countless innocent people would die because of himself, Tony couldn't help but yelled hysterically for a moment, and then looked down Obadestan's goal, hey ? ! Alan! Why is he here?

After Tony looked at the figure clearly, he couldn't help but feel happy again. This is really ‘unintentionally pierced into the willow’! I didn't even try to find him, and even let myself meet Allen. It seemed that this was fate.

'boom! ’

With the launch of the missile, Norman Osborne, who was watching all this not far away, did not know why the seemingly clever child in front of him, at this moment, seemed to be frightened and froze in place. Motionless, just like that, as the moment when the huge armor hit the missile, Norman Osborne couldn't help but not know why, as if involuntarily, he broke free from the bodyguard's guard and rushed over. , Pounced straight at Allen.

And he was still thinking about revealing his true identity, but when he watched Norman Osborne rushing towards him from the outside, he couldn't help but was stunned. There was a blank space in his brain, and he wouldn't even think of killing him. In this situation, the first person who can come to save him will be Norman Osborne, who looks kind and good-looking, but will be the full villain in the future.

Looking at the approaching missile and Norman Osborne who had already rushed forward, Allen had to flash a red light in his eyes, and then with a very slight power-off sound, he carried the scorched circuit board. The missile swept across the head of Norman Osborne, who had already threw Alan down to the ground, in a dangerous and dangerous way, and then stuck straight into the wall, turning into a dud bomb.

"Fak! But it’s okay. It seems that you want me to do it myself, Norman Osborne? It seems that there is still a big fish here today, hahaha!" After it was a dud, Obadestan couldn't help but complain, and then after seeing the person who had disrupted his plan, he couldn't help laughing.

It seems that my luck today is really good. Not only can Tony be sent to the sky, but also a director of the Osborne Group can be used as a backstop. Now, Obadestan does not expect to run away again, even if Able to run away, but with the American wanted, wherever you go, you will be like a mouse crossing the street. Everyone shouts and beats. Since this is the case, it is not as exciting as doing a big deal before dying.

Even if it can't be famous for thousands of years, it will be infamous for thousands of years. This is the current psychology of Obadestan.

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"Who are you?!" Looking at this man wearing iron skin like a Osborne couldn't help but stand up and said slowly.

"Obadestan, that's about to kill..." Hearing Norman Osborne's question, Obadestan replied frantically, but before he finished speaking, he was blown into the street by a huge shock wave. Above.

"Can you still do it?" At this time, Skye, who had already ran to the side where no one noticed, secretly changed his outfit, directly found the right time and used his ability to fly the Iron Overlord, and walked to the place lying on the ground. Said in front of the metal man.

"Cough! Cough cough! Beauty, never ask the question whether a man is okay." Looking at the catwoman in **** uniform in front of the screen, although her face was hidden by the helmet, Tony was able to determine the person in front of him through her figure. It's a very **** little wild cat, who couldn't help but babble even if her breastbone has been interrupted.

"It seems that I should wait until you are beaten to death again." Seeing that the metal man called Tony by the iron giant has been beaten up, there is also a playboy, not dead. After changing the appearance, Skye couldn't help but said coldly, and then he didn't have the idea of ​​staying any longer. The whole body was blasted out toward the Iron Overlord on the wall, and the big hole caused by it rushed out, and he already got up. The Iron Overlord continued to fight, and the fierce battle came together.


"Dad! Are you okay." And just after the danger was lifted, Harry and the suit bodyguards rushed to Norman Osborn's side and said anxiously.

"Cough cough cough! It's okay, it's okay, no need to make such a fuss, little guy! Are you okay?" After hearing the voices of the bodyguard and his son, Norman Osborne straightened up and faced himself. After his son finished speaking, he said with concern to the child under his protection.

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