Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 170: Daily news

For a while, as the gate of the base slowly opened, more than a dozen military jeeps full of soldiers with real guns and live ammunition drove straight to the target point, and the helicopter flew straight in the sky under the roar of helicopters.


At this time, on American News TV, the extraordinary events that occurred at Corvo University a day ago have also begun to enter the public's attention along with the news screens.

"There are rumors of fierce fighting between the military and unknown enemies on the campus of Corvo University, which continues to spread online, and two sophomores witnessed the entire incident."

At this time, on TV, a news hostess is constantly explaining to the audience in front of the TV what happened and the public’s speculation, while the screen next to him is showing the aftermath of the Corvo University incident. Soon there were scenes of debris everywhere on the campus. As the host began to derive the topic to the two insiders of this interview, the screen was immediately switched from the host to the two college students.

"That guy is huge, like a green giant!" As the screen turned, a fat man in a blue T-shirt gestured to everyone to describe the shocking scene he saw at the time.

As if to confirm the students' words, the screen in front of the TV was also transferred from the person concerned to the screen taken by the student at that time. Although the camera was constantly shaking, it was in the video.

In front of the camera, the surrounding chaos, the panic fighting of the soldiers, the picture of evacuating each other supporting each other, and the completely deformed vehicle that has been smashed by some huge force, all of this reveals a point of view. That is, what the client, the student, said is true.

“One of the students was a reporter from the school newspaper. He was the one who took these pictures with his mobile phone at the time of the incident. However, due to a thunderstorm in the national forest, the military’s search for the mysterious Hulk was also delayed.”

Then as the video playback ended, the screen returned to the host, and the host began to explain to everyone in front of the screen.

"My goodness, fortunately that big guy is not in New York, otherwise it is really hard to imagine what kind of disaster it will cause."

And also as enthusiastic viewers who watch real-time news regularly every day, the Ben Parker family, after watching all the news, Ma May could not help but speak out first because of shock.

"I feel that this is no longer the world I know. Just before, I felt that the biggest disasters were earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis. Now that the robot out of control event has just ended on the forefoot, this is immediately followed by this blink of an eye. A super monster? I don’t think I will be surprised even if aliens come to Earth next second.

At this moment, Ben couldn't help but nodded after hearing May's words, and said in deep agreement.

"Cough cough cough!" Allen, who was also watching all these sudden incidents, couldn't help but cough up after hearing his parents, one sentence of poisoned milk, not even the milk in his mouth. Controlled squirt out.

"Alan, what's the matter with you?" After hearing Alan's cough, Ma May couldn't help but look back at him and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay, just a little bit emotional." After hearing Ma May's words, Allen explained, but it is true, because the Corvo Institute is too far away, for Allen who is in New York That said, Corvo College in Indiana is much farther away.

At a distance of thousands of kilometers, even if Allen deliberately wanted to pay attention to the surrounding city, it would be powerless, no way, because Allen has not grown up to be able to fly directly into the universe in the comics. He opened his ears, and the facts that were happening on the entire earth could be ascertained so clearly.

In general, the current Allen can only reluctantly defend New York from large-scale man-made disasters. As for the other cities, if they were not known in advance, they would have been powerless and sighed like this afterwards.

"Hey, Ellen, don't blame yourself too much. This time, the incident happened so suddenly and thousands of kilometers away. Even if you are a superman, it is impossible to be a prophet."

And Ben Parker, who watched Alan lower his head and fell into contemplation after he finished speaking. For a while, he thought it was Alan who fell into self-defense because of his extraordinary ability, but he still failed to save those people. Responsibilities, my dad could not help but also sat beside Allen, put his generous and powerful hands on Allen's head and embraced him in his arms, and then said with relief to Allen.

Sure enough, his education was still successful, just because of the injuries of those people in the picture and the damage caused by the big green man, his son fell into deep which also made Ben Parker couldn't help but feel even more pleased and satisfied with his son.

But my dad is satisfied at the moment, but he pulled into his arms a picture of Alan who comforted a sad child, his eyes widened and his mind was foggy. He just bowed his head and thought about something. , So who can tell him...what the **** his old father is thinking?

Blame? Just kidding, not to mention the distance of thousands of kilometers away, the emperor Tiangao is far away, even if you know it in advance, it depends on your mood whether you go or not.

And even if he knew in advance, he ran over, and then? Who do you help? Help the army walk the Hulk? Just kidding, just to say that General Ross's typical warlord style carried out to the extreme makes it impossible for Allen to stand up and help them.

And not to mention that the Hulk was originally the product behind the military's own death and the experimental failure. Now there is nothing to say about it, and even if Allen helped them beat the Hulk.

Just for Hulk’s character with small belly and chicken intestines, Alan was really afraid that he would run out and smash his own home. After all, in the original movie, Thor only spoke about Hulk in front of Banner a long time ago. Hulk's problem was punched and fisted directly by Hulk after the transformation.

If he still beat him, Alan couldn't imagine what Hulk's temper would do.

As for helping the Bruce Hulk? Um... it's not impossible, but the feelings are more or less deliberate. I will eat and drink in the future, but I still count on people like the army.

Moreover, the Hulk is still officially declared that the city is a murderous fugitive. After all, he is a positive figure, and more or less pay attention to the social impact afterwards.

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