Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 171: Miss Skye's first day

"Okay, Ben, you'll be embarrassing your child later." Looking at Allen, who was directly held in his arms with a small arm pouting and only tossing about, Ma Mei on the other side couldn't help but laugh. Then he complained to Ben.

"Ahaha! It's not rare to realize that Alan has grown up. I think our son is not much worse than the real Superman in the comics now."

After hearing the words of his wife, he recovered from the feeling of the little fellow Alan's thumping movements. He couldn't help but let go of Alan and said, and he also expressed special appreciation for Alan's performance just now. .

"Come on, let's use you to say, this is the son I raised by one hand, how could it not be good." Seeing Ben's naive expression, Mei couldn't help but cast a blank look at her husband, and then continued.

"But having said that, you should pay more attention when you go out these two days. Look at the news just now. Those armored vehicles were squashed by huge fists. If that guy can't think of coming to New York one day, I can I don't want to hear any bad news."

Looking at Ben who is not doing well, May straightened the collar of Alan who was sitting between the two, and said to them worriedly.

And Ellen, who heard Ma May’s words, couldn’t help but look at his mother with a dazed expression. My dear, I said that women’s instincts are very accurate, but they are almost predictable, which is too perverted. Well, Allen couldn't help but think with emotion.

But this scene was still not seen by Ma May, who was concentrating on arranging Alan's clothes, otherwise, I would have to ask more.

"It's okay. How can it be so easy to encounter. We have lived for most of our lives and haven't seen anything bizarre. It's just that such a small probability event doesn't have to be so unreasonable, not to mention that the other party is still more than 1,000. Indiana is a kilometer away."

Hearing Mei's words, you couldn't help but make a fuss about you, and said indifferently.

After all, the fact is like this. All events in the Marvel Universe before 2008 are similar to Allen’s original main world, with the same progress and the same level of technological development, and all the differences are from the Marvel Universe in 2008. The plans for the first phase began to unfold layer by layer.

Therefore, before this, the people of most countries on the earth lived a happy life and a happy family life.

"I don't care anyway. From today on, you must bring that pair of bracelets. You can't take it off even if you go to the bathroom to take a shower, otherwise you can go to the sofa by yourself."

Seeing that the oil and salt were not coming in, May, who had arranged Allen's clothes, couldn't help but use the advantage of a woman, and said straightly.

"Okay, okay, listen to you." Seeing his wife's slightly angry expression and the threat of a nightmare to me, I was immediately persuaded, and the body sitting next to Alan stood immediately. I got up, looked at his wife affectionately, and walked towards Mei.

Then the other big evil hand also pushed the little guy who was in between the two of them, who didn't know the occasion to avoid it, and pushed back behind him.

Then the lips were pressed together, and the two kissed tightly, but what was left in place was the sound of rapid breathing.

And Ellen, who watched this scene, originally wanted to tell his parents to pay attention to safety in the past two days. After seeing this posture, they knew that if they dared to make one more sound now, the two who reacted estimated that After having to beat himself up for a while, he flew upstairs very interestingly.

And Ellen, who returned to his room, looked at Peter, who was still chatting with the cute little Betty on the other end, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

‘I’m still a kid, why do you treat me like this! 'Just think of eating the dog food of my parents when I was in the living room. As a result, my brother, who was a single dog for ten thousand years, is now close to piercing the last layer of window paper and he can get away with the rhythm. Ai Lun couldn't help but wanted to look up to the sky and sigh sadly.

‘Missing the first day of Sister Skye! After seeing that Sister Skye was not in the room tonight, Allen suddenly realized that tonight is probably a sleepless night again.

Since the last time I slept with my old sister for a night, I have to say that Alan has already liked that feeling. At night someone can hold it like a hanging bag, and the feeling of hanging on someone else’s body is simply beautiful. .

But Skye is a night cat after all. It has become her life habit to go out at night. The world of work activities that originally belonged to normal people has become her rest time, and the time that normal people should rest has become what she should The moment of haunting.

So unless there is another emergency like the last time, if Alan wants to sleep in the same bed with Skye, it is estimated that he will have to wait until Skye quit the superhero industry.

And Allen estimated that if he really waited until his old sister retired, he would be in the dozens. At that time, he would have hugged left and right, and fell into worrying about which little cute brand to flip every night. In the distress. UU reading

And when Allen was caught in a nonsense fantasy about the future, Bruce, who had returned from the edge of death on the other side, was also accompanied by his girlfriend, and started talking with Professor Stern, a lunatic scientist.

"I tell you that it was definitely the most amazing and craziest thing I have ever seen in my life just now." After sitting in the office again, Professor Stern explained to the two excitedly with an excited expression on his face. , It’s like winning a tens of millions of lottery prizes.

"Please, can you please stop being so excited, we need to discuss what happened just now." Seeing the uncomfortably excited Stone in front of him, Betty couldn't help but interrupted his words and went straight to the topic.

"No problem, the gamma pulse comes from the amygdala of the brain. I think it should be the nucleic acid chain of Dr. Rose. It is the nucleic acid chain that allows your cells to temporarily absorb the energy. After a while, the energy will subside, so you didn't have it many years ago. Died of radiation sickness."

After hearing Betty’s words, Professor Stern did not feel any sense of loss of being interrupted by others, but stood up and excitedly spoke to the two of them, especially in which Bruce was pointed out, because according to Bruce’s previous online chat Look at what he said.

That is enough to kill a person thousands of doses of gamma rays, but did not kill the thin gentleman in front of him, so everything has only this explanation.

"And now we may neutralize these cells, of course, or just suppress this transformation, but if I guess, we will be more inclined to the latter, but I am not sure, because my experimental samples have never Survived."

Immediately afterwards, Professor Stone spoke excitedly and tried to preach to the two in a more understandable way.

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