Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 189: Silent reality

After all, after the death of Captain America, all the various things that happened in his life, large and small, were all printed as comic books, which were widely loved by the American public, and all of this is true even now.

Heh, Sao Nian, you can think too much about this. Hearing what Captain America said, Alan could not help but mutter to himself that even the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau you created can now be said to be a Snake Shield, let alone. Destroy the Hydra.

But Allen didn’t talk too much. Neither the Captain America nor the Hydra had much to do with him. After all, sometimes in Allen’s opinion, the two organizations are the same. Anyway, black cats and white cats can The cat who catches the mouse is a good cat. As long as it is used smoothly, any organization can borrow it by itself.

As long as they don’t provoke themselves, they don’t bother to take care of their affairs. After all, this kind of trifling things like subversion of the regime, in Alan’s view, is really not as interesting as warming up with hatred. .

"Haha, thank you for your support, maybe my teammates will be worth it if they can see it." Hearing the comfort in the words of the female shock wave, Steve couldn't help but smiled and said to her .

‘Hey ah, what’s the matter with you guys? Isn't it mainly here to introduce me? Why are you two talking together again, and what is going on with your melancholy and weather-beaten mature man, Steve! Looking at the two people who came together again inexplicably, and even took the initiative to comfort each other's old street, Allen couldn't help feeling that all this was a bit outrageous.

If he guessed correctly, it seems that these two people have only known each other for a long time, right? At best, it's just over an hour, and most of them are fights, so the two of them can talk like this. If they really wait until the two of them become familiar and become friends, then what?

And it’s not Allen’s prejudice, like the love between superheroes, it seems that the final ending is not very good, such as Captain America and Agent Carter, Bruce and now Betty, Spider-Man and several of his girlfriends, etc. Etc., these examples all emphasize that, basically, the lovers who can grow old to the end in the Marvel world are so rare that they are rare.

Well, that's the reason, so Allen decided to instill these views on his sister after going back this time. It's still at the age of hard work, why don't you want to fall in love? It's a game. Isn't it fun or superpowers are not easy to use?

"Understandable, I believe that if I were to participate in the battle, I would definitely like those ancestors, and I would fight hard and defeat the gangsters." After hearing the captain's words, Skye nodded and said. Deeply understand, after all, even if you have not personally experienced the darkness of that period, you can only imagine the evil of that time from the information revealed.

"Okay, then I won't disturb the meeting of your siblings, there are still people over there who need me to help." Realizing that he is here, Superman, the younger brother may be very difficult to let go, Steve immediately Said that there are injured people on the other side who need to help themselves.

"Ah? Is there anything else you need to help? Captain, do you still need someone to help? Both I and Alan are okay. You must know that Alan has authentic superhuman abilities, even if someone is buried thousands of meters deep underground. , He was able to rescue him easily.” After hearing Captain Steve’s words, Skye’s first thing was to think about whether to help, and he also said it, and even brought his own The younger brother was also dragged into the water.

"Uh, no need. Although their battle is fierce this time, because of the timely relationship you stopped, there is not much need for help, but if Alan can help to see if there are any missing pieces buried in the rubble. Personnel would be the best.” After hearing the words of the shock wave woman, it is undeniable that Captain America was a little moved, but after thinking about it for a while, he refused. After all, the other party can do a lot to stop the raging hatred, which is already a great help. , If you were bothering the other party, he said with confidence that Steve himself didn't feel that a few people were so familiar yet, but in the end he made a little request.

"Hmm, okay." After hearing Captain America's words, Allen, who hadn't wanted to refuse, even more so after seeing the request of his sister next to him, nodded and responded.

With super vision turned on, a thin layer of red light appeared in front of my eyes, and then I looked towards the disaster-stricken area. No accident, it is still in the ruins. Those who have not been rescued are basically dead and can’t die again. The ordinary people of Its tragic appearance is not much better than those outside who are shot to death by hatred, and even worse, because most of the people who die there have basically experienced despair. And painful torture, the person who died because of lack of oxygen or too much blood loss.

To be honest, if Alan had not experienced the feeling of killing several times, then he must have vomited out at this moment. Although he is also uncomfortable in his stomach now, he is still controlled within the normal range. This time Ai Lun didn't glance over it hastily as before, but searched very carefully, even a little bit of buried buildings looked over.

It's a pity... the ending is not like the popular endings in the movies. It is a happy family reunion and a happy ending. At this moment, none of the people left in the ruins have survived. People who should be rescued. They were also rescued early by firefighters and police, who were fighting on the front line despite the dangers. Those who were not rescued had already been declared dead.

After the cup of tea, Allen with a dim gaze retracted the super vision staring into the distance, and shook his head silently facing the Captain America and Skye on the side. The result was naturally self-evident.

Steve, who watched all this, actually had this idea early in his heart, but when he saw Superman’s authoritative announcement of his death on the spot and shook his head, he couldn’t help but feel relieved. After all, sometimes even the result of his thoughts. No matter how bad, but as long as there is no final announcement, there will always be a glimmer of hope deep in people's hearts, even if it is as small as dust, it is very small.

But now the result after hope is shattered is not so good, even Skye, who was thinking of continuing to interrupt, couldn't help being silent at the same time.

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