Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 190: The little couple who came up to talk to each other suddenly

"Really? Thank you, Superman, but I think those who survived should still need me. I'll go help first. See you two again. I'm glad to meet you." After hearing Alan's words, he fell silent. Steve, after reluctantly smiled at Alan, then said firmly and stubbornly.

Then, under the eyes of the two of them, they ran towards the camp of the crowd not far away without turning their heads. Even without Alan’s ability as close as God, he still had to do something with his own ability. .

"Sister, what are you doing? It's so late, it's time to go back." Looking at Steve who turned and left, Allen didn't say much. After all, it was someone else's business, and he didn't want to overdo it. Intervened, but after seeing his old sister wanted to keep up, Allen couldn't sit still, and said immediately.

"Huh? Well, I just watched the captain pass by alone. He should need help. After all, with so many people affected by the disaster, he can't be too busy alone, so I thought about going up and helping."

After hearing Alan's words, Sky stopped and looked at Alan and couldn't help but explain.

"What a person, Captain America is a recognized superhero in the United States and an idol of all the people. Even the president sometimes listens to his suggestions, not to mention that there are so many soldiers and policemen on the scene to help set up. Both of us. Why is a pheasant hero going up there? Is it uncomfortable to find?"

Seeing her elder sister's eagerness to help her, Allen immediately said to her, wanting to extinguish this unhealthy trend.

After all, you said that you are not interested in anyone, and you have to be interested in Captain America. But in your heart, except for his lover, everyone else can't accept it anymore. If your sister falls in love with him, what should I do? Unrequited love or what?

"How can you say that it is so ugly? At any rate, we have done so many good things. What's more, when it was originally a battlefield aftermath, the personnel were too busy, so what happened to us going up to help."

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After hearing Alan's words on going online, Skye couldn't help but cast a sullen look at Alan, and then spoke.

After all, in normal times, if the government says you don’t admit it, it’s okay to accept your identity as a superhero, but at this stage of rehabilitating the disaster-stricken people after the war, if they refuse a superhero’s help, their government probably won’t. So stupid, isn't it?

"I said, elder sister, you just eat radish and worry about it, and you should trust the government. They will properly handle the problems of these disaster-stricken people. Didn't you see that the military is also resettling there? This time the incident. The military will definitely lead the compensation, so there is no need to worry about it."

Hearing what his sister had said that day, Alan couldn't help but continue to speak.

Now he has only one task, and that is to bring this old lady who is trying to walk up the cliff back to the right path.

"Well, okay, where should we go now?" Looking at Alan's obvious behavior that he didn't want to be nosy, Skye couldn't help but asked both cheeks bulgingly at Alan's anger. .

"Well, I think it's so late today, so I should go back and rest. After all, I have to go to class tomorrow, and it's okay for you to be here now, the military and police are all dispatched, you still want to take the opportunity Can't fight a few gangsters who are doing evil?" Seeing the old sister's appearance, Allen said.

After all, under the two powers of the power of life and death, it is impossible to have that kind of foolish hat to rush and provoke, right?

"Okay, then let's go back first." After hearing Alan's words, Skye thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed the same, so he nodded and said without too much entanglement.

"That... can you wait a minute?" Just as the two were about to leave, a hurried voice came from the pothole below.

'Ok? The two who were about to leave, looked in the direction where the sound was coming from. It was surprisingly that it was the daughter of General Rose, Betty, who had been taking care of Bruce at the bottom of the pit.

At this moment, Betty is helping her boyfriend and rushing towards the two quickly, and the previous rushing voice is also because of the fast walking action and the need to support her boyfriend, so Betty, who looks a little tired, sends out of.

After seeing this scene, Skye on the side also went forward to help Betty get Bruce to the ground.

"Well, what's the matter?" Allen looked at the woman with the same temperament as Sister Pepper, and couldn't help but control her voice and asked Betty with a slight enthusiasm.

"Mr. Superman, and Ms. Seismo. Although we don’t know your specific identities, Bruce and I still want to thank you in person, if it weren’t for This time I’m afraid Bruce still has people in this city. It's all too bad."

After all, it was someone who watched all of this in the sky. Betty could clearly see the danger of her boyfriend fighting the monster before, except for the bravery that she had at the beginning of her transformation, but she was crushed by the monster in the subsequent battles. He was so crushed that he was not even the enemy of One He, and almost died in the hands of that monster.

So for the two of them, especially Superman, Betty really wanted to thank them, and after seeing that they were about to leave, she helped her boyfriend and hurried over.

"Ahem, ahem, thank you, Superman! And Shockwave Girl." Bruce obviously knows the two in front of him. Although he has been fleeing before this, the explosive international news like Superman is basically every time. The newspapers of each country have been published more or less, so Bruce had also known about the two before this.

What he did not expect was that when things turned bad because of him, the two people in front of him would control it.

Seeing Bruce who was weak, even coughing because of the rapid nectar of just a few steps in front of him, Allen couldn't help but sigh. It was obvious that Bruce was also because of the reasons after the previous fierce battle, and also because of Samuel beforehand. Stern had injected the so-called'antidote' problem, and Bruce hadn't alleviated it yet. Otherwise, with the physique of the Hulk, these would only be a matter of minutes.

From the cutting-edge combat power of the earth in Marvel to the way the current wind may come, Allen could not help but think that if he encounters kryptonite, it is estimated that the two should be about the same, falling from the gods to The huge gap of ordinary people, but compared to Allen's worry, Bruce may be more hopeful in front of him.

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