Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 191: Bruce Banner's request

"Don't care too much, these are all just a matter of effort, just as you knew you might die before but did your best to stop the hatred, didn't you?"

Looking at Bruce Banner in front of him, Allen couldn't help but speak with a smile.

In the Marvel world, Bruce Banner is also a person worthy of admiration. Before he was transformed, he was not only a respected professor, but also an authority in the field of gamma rays, and could even represent the high-end intelligence of the earth. A bunch of people.

The same is true after the transformation. Although he has a powerful destructive power, he never indulges himself. Even if he is bullied and insulted, he just smiled and forbeared it.

Comparing the heart to the heart. If Allen has the power of Bruce and still encounters that kind of encounter, and don't bury all those related people, then he will write the word Allen backwards.

Sometimes this is the case. Although you know you can't do it, it doesn't affect you to admire those who do it. When you encounter it, even your attitude towards that person will obviously become better.

Not only that, but Bruce Banner also has the heart of a superhero. Sometimes he saw the wrong things he did after his transformation, and committed suicide with remorse more than once, and this was not because he knew he would not die. Behave like this, and these things he did with the heart of mortal atonement.

So when you really meet this kind of old man, why not help? It’s like watching a Spider-Man movie when I didn’t cross, even though I knew that my dad’s behavior in persuading the robber was silly and ridiculous. It was naive, but few people laughed at him for it.

The reason why I say very little here is that Allen can't rule out some brainless Internet spouts and unprovoked abuse, so this is the most intuitive evaluation in addition to this objective situation.

"Haha, but this can't be generalized. The grace of life-saving is the grace of life-saving. This disaster was caused by me, so no matter what, I still express my deep gratitude to you."

Listening to Ellen it was like words spoken by his peers, Bruce couldn't help but smile, and then he took his girlfriend and bowed deeply to Ellen.

"Um, I won't come, I didn't help much when you were fighting, and what I am most unaccustomed to is that others are polite, so don't come."

Seeing Bruce bowing to his side, Skye jumped to the side with one slip, and then after Bruce bowed to Allen, he was still looking at himself, and Skye immediately waved his hand and pushed away.

This is almost the generation gap between young and middle-aged people. For example, all the help in the past was to give solemn gratitude in person and bring some gifts. Now these children born in the 90s.

Even if it is to invite a meal to have fun, it is good, I really want to bow and thank, let alone the awkwardness of the party, even Skye himself felt awkward and panicked.

"In that case, Betty and I would like to thank you, Senbo." Seeing that Skye was so awkward, Bruce thought for a while and thanked her with his girlfriend.

It was the first time to see the old lady like this, Allen couldn't help but feel a bit funny, although he was a bit awkward about Bruce's bow, but there was no way, he was not a legal tycoon, so he could raise his hand out of thin air. It makes people unable to move and can't bow.

As for the words he directly stopped, Allen looked at Bruce, who was still babbling and weak, and finally dispelled this plan. He was really afraid that he hadn't controlled his strength and reached out to touch Bruce, and others would immediately fall to the ground and touch the porcelain. Embarrassed.

Huh, are you weak? It always feels like something is missing. Seeing Bruce's present appearance, Alan always feels as if he has forgotten something, but he can't remember it anymore.

"Superman, if I can, I want to ask you a question, okay?"

After solemnly thanking you, it's time for the real business to be said. This time I promised my girlfriend to come and thank him, not only for the kindness of the report, but also for Bruce to know if there is any other answer. Bruce couldn't help but sincerely. Asked.

"Um, yes, you can tell." Looking at Bruce's humbly asking for advice, Allen agreed without thinking. Anyway, I know, I will, I can say, I will not, or is I can't tell, it's useless if you ask me.

"Can you solve the monster in my body?" After hesitating for a while, Bruce still asked the question that had been held in his heart for a long time, even though he had known about the existence of Superman through the newspapers.

But firstly because of the distance, and secondly, the relationship between the two is unfamiliar. It is impossible for him to travel thousands of miles to find Superman, let alone a person who can't even use electronic equipment.

And even if the other party agrees, but the question of whether he has been able to fight or not, he has to say otherwise, but his knowledge of the demon in his body before that is basically omnipotent except flying.

Powerful, bullets can’t be killed, bombs can’t be blasted, and tanks with bare hands, even in the deep sea, will return to the land without any fuss. Without sufficient certainty, he will not take risks and let more People get hurt for themselves.

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And now, although he hasn't seen it with his own eyes, he can confirm one thing through Betty's narration, the video afterwards, and the vague memory after he transformed.

That is, the other party can have the hatred of hitting oneself all over the floor, finding teeth all over the floor, or even having no strength to fight back, then the other party will definitely be able to solve or even kill the demons in his body.

"Well, it depends on where you say it. If you say it physically or actually, I should be able to say it, if no accident, but the end result is that you and him will both die."

Hearing Bruce pinning his hopes of solving Hulk, Alan couldn't help but touch his nose, but the cold touch still made him stop in time, so that he would not look particularly embarrassing in their eyes. .

"What about the other aspects?" Betty reacted instantly when he heard Alan's words, and asked before Bruce could speak.

Now that the Superman in front of him said the sentence from which aspect, it was surprising that the other party must have multiple solutions, at least not the kind of mortal answer.

"Well, other things." At this point, Allen got stuck and didn't know how to speak.

"Come on, Mr. Superman, no matter how bad the result is, or how bad it is, it is our choice and it will definitely not affect you."

Seeing that Superman suddenly got stuck and didn't say anything, Betty thought the result was very bad for a while, so she couldn't help but pleaded.

For the two of them, things have gone bad to this point. As long as they don't die, no matter how bad the situation is.

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