Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 192: Allen: Sorry, you are mentally ill

"Um, that is to suggest that Mr. Banner you go see a psychiatrist." Now that both of them said so, Alan was embarrassed to be hiding, but he was a little embarrassed when talking. After all, this This kind of person said that others have psychological problems, if ordinary people are not sure, they will be beaten to death on the spot.

"Um..." I originally thought it would be a solution like a tall superpower or a magic circle, but when I heard Superman said solemnly, after my boyfriend wanted him to see a psychologist, he had to Say that Betty has a feeling of "Are you lost rei". After all, even an ordinary person can clearly know that the giant after the transformation is obviously another person, even a dime from the original Bruce. The relationship between money can't match.

But then again, why does Betty feel that Superman's words make sense? Is your boyfriend really crazy?

"You don't mean that the demon after my transformation is my second personality?" Bruce, who heard Superman's words, understood it in an instant, and then asked incredulously.

"Of course, Mr. Bruce, although you have different majors and different fields, you are also a professor with seven doctoral degrees. I believe you should know the word traumatic schizophrenia very well." After hearing Bruce's words, Ai Lun nodded in agreement, and then continued to talk about his inferences.

After all, as Allen who has watched the first three-stage movies of the entire Marvel Universe, Bruce’s schizophrenia is also well-founded. The obvious manifestation is in the Thor 3 clips, and the dual personality is reflected in Bruce. come out.

"What is traumatic schizophrenia? Mental illness...well, forget it, when I didn't say it." I heard Alan say that this gentleman in front of me had what is called "traumatic schizophrenia". This Skye couldn't help but asked in doubt, but after speaking, Skye regretted it, and then immediately explained that after all, the sentence he just said seemed a bit too hurtful, and then he closed decisively. Mouth.

"Mr. Bruce, if I'm not wrong, Hulk is the demon you are talking about. It is very likely that the reason for the emergence was the initial time, or because of some kind of experiment. The irreversible consequences, even ending at the cost of your death, and in this case, your brain is extremely scared and fearful, resulting in an infinite power but also because of the short time of birth. The birth of a ignorant personality like a baby."

I gave my sister a helpless look, and said in front of others that they were neurotic. If it weren’t for them to ask for themselves, I would probably want to choke you to death, but who made this my sister? After the eyes were rolled, Allen again Continue to explain.

"For this, I believe Miss Betty, as your girlfriend, should have a deep understanding." Then Allen clicked on Betty in the words.

"Well, if you really put it like Superman, it seems that it is true. I had such a strong feeling when I was in the cave, school or even when I was just in the laboratory, but I have never been there. In this regard, Bruce, Hulk is you, but he is too young compared to the normal you."

After hearing Superman's words, Betty couldn't help but fell into the meeting, and then said little by little, and when she was spending time with Hulk, even when she was looking at each other in the laboratory, Betty could clearly feel it. , The deep love that is not hidden in those eyes.

"No, it's impossible, it can't be me, how could it be." After hearing the almost certain words of Superman and his girlfriend, Bruce felt that he was about to collapse in an instant, and he couldn't help but put his hands on his head, unbelievable. Said.

After all, if the demon that I have been afraid of and killed countless people is really another me, then what is the meaning of pursuing it all the way? Everything is done, and all people are killed by themselves. , Then he is a total murderer?

Without knowing it before, Bruce could still convince himself that the demon from **** in his body controlled his body and caused the tragedy to happen. But when he knew the truth, he found that everything was the same. The cruelty of this world seems to have created a huge gap out of thin air.

"Um, it's just me talking nonsense. If you can't explain it, how about another reason? Maybe your body is indeed controlled by a demon? How about Mephisto? The Lord of Hell himself. Control your body, so it should be okay."

Seeing that Bruce, who was originally strong, was about to go crazy after a word or two by himself, Allen couldn't help feeling a little panicked, and then hurriedly spoke again.

Just kidding, you are the Hulk, Marvel's strongest combat power and cutting-edge wise man, this is crazy, what should I do when I swipe the dungeon to push the boss?

", calm down, all this and everything that happened before is beyond your control. You have done a good job, haven’t you? When it's dangerous, it's enough to come forward regardless of life or death, Bruce!" Looking at her crazy boyfriend, Betty couldn't help but hug him tightly, and then said sadly.

After all, for a so-called victim who has been trying to get rid of the demon that controls his body, when someone tells you one day that there is no such thing as a demon, everything is just what you want to imagine, and all crimes are You did it yourself.

This alone will be an unacceptable fact no matter who it is placed on.

"Um, Ellen, are you all true? There is really something like traumatic schizophrenia?" Skye couldn't help but sneak into Ellen's body as he looked at the sad and heart-piercing two people. Next, in a very concealed way, he asked in a low voice.

"Of course it is true, so sister, I suggest you don't run around every day. Isn't it good to go to school more? You can enrich yourself, meet new friends, and maybe you can have new life pursuits." After hearing the ignorant words of his old sister, Allen said straightly after losing to you stupidly.

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