Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 193: I don't know what is good or bad

   After all, Ellen didn't tell his old sister once or twice that she should continue to go to school, but they were all blocked by the other party's responsibility to benefit the public and protect the peace of the world.

   "Well, what's good about going to school, it hurts my head when I look at it, and it's not just going to school to meet new friends, maybe it won't take long for you..."

Hearing Alan persuading himself to study those things that made him headache when he saw it, Skye couldn't help but feel that his head was big, and then muttered, but after halfway through, he seemed to think of something, he couldn't help but feel like he had a big head. Blowing the whistle, looking around, just shut up.

"What will happen to me not long?" Looking at the mysterious mystery of my old sister, it was obvious that there were circumstances, and Allen felt that things might not be as simple as they thought, and maybe it might be even better than just before. The battle is even more difficult. Although his sister didn't say it clearly, Allen felt that it was more or less related to the man, because Allen could clearly feel the old sister's heartbeat speeding up and her face was slightly flushed.

   Through these signs, Allen can basically be sure that his sister should be in love, and may even be about to succeed in holding hands.

After thinking of these, Allen couldn't help but raise his inner vigilance to the highest level. After all, the big egg on the other side knew his true identity. If that guy sent someone to secretly fall in love with his older sister, then he tried Control yourself from it, isn't this wave of buy one get one free?

   And let alone, that guy's S.H.I.E.L.D. is about to become Snake Shield. Whoever it is, if he is approached by his old sister with an obvious purpose, Allen swears that he will hack him.

"Sister, look at the boyfriend who is holding your girlfriend on the street corner over there." However, the problem at this stage is to figure out the situation first, and then Alan pretends to indifferently point out. The street in the distance turned the corner, and then asked calmly.

"How is it possible! If he dares to lead! I won't..." Hearing Allen talked about his boyfriend, Skye immediately reacted excitedly and looked in the direction Allen pointed, and then said excitedly. But after halfway through, I remembered that my love affairs were basically carried out in secret, and even the relationship hasn't been determined yet, how could my brother know what he looks like.

   Skye couldn't help but look embarrassed, his face flushed as if dripping water, staring at his bad brother angrily, lied to himself at every turn.

"Sister, if you have broken your studies, you have learned to find a boyfriend." Looking at his sister's nervous and blushing appearance, Allen can be sure that his sister is definitely in love, and he can't help but start to be on guard. Then he continued.

"Humph! I'm almost 20 years old, and I'm already an adult. Falling in love has long been my legal rights as a citizen, and you, a bad guy, lied to your sister and lied to me. It looks like I'm going to be with Mei. Mom and they have reflected on your recent problems." When Alan wanted the wicked person to sue first, Skye let out a cold snort, then began to accuse Alan and even moved out of May’s backer.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, elder sister, I don’t care, okay!" Seeing his elder sister's angry look, Allen raised his hand to surrender and said helplessly. It seems that he will be at home in the future. His position is at stake again. If my parents and Mei Ma learn about the existence of this boyfriend, it is estimated that by that time, his position at home will drop again and again.

"Superman, can I ask you, do you have any good suggestions for Bruce's current situation?" At this time, under Betty's consolation, Bruce, who has gradually approached his calm mood, could not help but stay silent, and Betty asked.

"Uh, how should I say, if you want to eliminate it, I can tell you with certainty that this is impossible. The human brain is inherently very complicated. Even with high technology, it is impossible to say that it can be completely Analysis, and the same is true of split personality. If I really want me to advise you, it is to accept it. Only when Mr. Bruce does not hate the other self, or after him, learn to accept him, so that you can Go on living in peace, otherwise one day, he will ban you and become a master."

After hearing Betty’s words, Allen still talked about the solution. After all, Bruce did the solution in the original book. Only when he didn’t hate Hulk himself, and even began to accept and tolerate him, Then it's time for the two to blend together perfectly.

"It's impossible! My Bruce Banner, even if I escape to the end of the world, or even be exiled forever, I cannot accept such a demon." After hearing Alan's words, Bruce immediately expressed his attitude. Immediately refused to say bluntly.

  After all, the same is true. Let a law-abiding citizen suddenly accept that he has actually been the culprit who has killed many people. UU Reading www.uukanshu. The difficulty of com can be imagined.

"Mr. Bruce Banner, although I don't want to hit you, what I want to say is that if you really want to live well in this world, and even have the power to protect your family and even your lover, then you only have It depends on the other self in you, that is, Hulk. You are too extreme."

   Looking at Bruce who directly frankly refused to accept Hulk, Allen frowned, and then continued.

"I can tell you very clearly, and even everyone here, things like this are definitely not an exception. Whether it is in the past, present or in the near future, such things will only be more or less. Do you think that this kind of thing is only the responsibility of General Ross? I can tell you clearly that even if there is no Ross, there will be Sith, Beth, and Ras all kinds of people come out to do this, you basically It is impossible to imagine what kind of crazy things human beings would do for strength and longevity."

"You can't escape these things at all. Even if you are as strong as me, you cannot completely eliminate these things, or even guarantee that your family will not be in danger. So what gives you confidence or courage can make you? Speaking so decisively? The self who is alone and free and easy, or the monster in your body that you call?"

   Then Alan continued to speak.

Although you have been wronged a lot because of Hulk, and even been hunted down by the military for a few years, people have saved you a lot, and even your girlfriend has been saved more than a few times. Look at this Bruce Banner, Allen felt that the other party was a little bit confused.

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