Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 349: Natasha's anger

"This... they sent a dud?!"

The other side had already brought goggles and earmuffs in advance to get ready to watch the nuclear bomb exploded. After watching the nuclear bomb being carried into the city by Superman, there was no response. , After a long time, Natasha said with a puzzled face.

After all, she could see the whole process of carrying Superman carrying a nuclear bomb to the city center through the telescope. She even thought that the nuclear bomb was about to explode in the middle of the way, and she used her hands to cover it, but the result was a little bit. Nothing.

"Probably! What shall we do now?!"

Hearing what Natasha said, the eagle eye and several other field agents next to him couldn’t help but hesitate to face covetously. After all, let alone such a thing as a nuclear bomb turned into a dud, I can’t even think of it. After all, it’s a heavy weapon of a country, and such things are maintained by dedicated personnel.


"Don't think about what to do! Tell me where Nick Fury is now, and I can leave you alone!"

At this moment, with the sound of heavy objects falling beside a few people, dust was splashing everywhere, and before the few people could see the figure in the dust clearly, a cold voice rang in their ears.

"Ka", "Ka", "Ka"

Then, without waiting for Natasha’s order, all the S.H.I.E.L.D. special service squads that were on the scene held up their guns and aimed at the figure in the dust. The orange-red energy source at the front of the gun that began to heat up gradually indicated the gun itself. That huge power.

"Super...human." After the dust dissipated, Natasha looked at the familiar voice in the center of the few people, and she couldn't help but speak with an inexplicable expression on her face.

"This... is it your attitude or Nick Fury's attitude?! Oh, yes, anyway, I'm on the list of your eliminations. It doesn't matter anyway, right?!"

He glanced at the agents holding the energy guns next to him in disdain. Allen then looked at Natasha and said, but halfway through, he couldn't help but chuckle, and then as his eyes gradually became cold, Allen's whole body became cold. It disappeared directly in front of a few people.

"Wait, Superman..." Natasha, who originally wanted to organize the words, heard Superman's cold voice suddenly without a trace of emotion, her scalp numb, and then she stretched out her hand and said hurriedly, but Obviously it was a little late.

‘Crack’, ‘bang’, ‘bang’

'boom! ','boom'



Before Natasha finished speaking, countless crisp sounds of broken bones sounded across the suburban lawn, and then the agents continued to vent the energy bombs from the guns to the surroundings because of Alan’s terrifying pressure. .

In just a few seconds, the number of agents who died due to accidental injuries by teammates exceeded double digits, and the rest of them also collapsed on the lawn with painful expressions because of the broken limbs by Allen early. Scream.

"Why!! You are a superman!"

Seeing those colleagues who had been with each other day and night and those friends who had better personal relationships were interrupted by Alan’s legs, and even more so that they died in the hands of their own people because of Alan, Natasha couldn’t help but shouted with indignation. Opened the mouth.

He even wanted to rush forward to hold Alan's collar to question, but this action was forcibly stopped by the quick-eyed eagle eye beside him.

"Heh! Why?? You put all the nuclear bombs on my head, put the guns on my face, and asked me why?"

Seeing Natasha who was in anger in front of him, Allen couldn't help but smile contemptuously, and then spoke.

You must know that he almost died in the center of the city just now, and the most embarrassing thing is not to die old, not for his family, but to save these nasty critics in front of him, and then he was sold by these nasty critics and died. In his own hands, this is a way of death that Alan cannot forgive even if he dies in this life.

As long as the people who participated in this action wanted him to die, Allen wanted them all to die. Thinking of this, Allen couldn't help but become more angry, and his eyes became even colder, even standing in front of him. Natasha's originally angry emotions were all extinguished with a pair of glasses through.

"You...what do you want!"

After hearing Superman's words, Natasha, who wanted to continue arguing, couldn't help but ask after feeling that it was impossible for the other party to listen.

"It's not so good. Killing and paying the debts and paying the debts. Since they want to kill me, don't blame me for letting them pay for their lives. As long as the people who agree to launch the nuclear bomb, one of them counts as one, and all of them will die!!"

After hearing Natasha's words, Allen spoke, and even at the end, a red light flashed in his eyes.

"Do not…"

"I don't want to hear negative words anymore!"

After looking at the other party who still didn't want to say, Allen instantly levitated in the air. At the same time, a terrifying red light appeared in his eyes. As long as the other party dared to say another word, Allen would absolutely evaporate all these people in an instant. .

That nuclear bomb seemed to have awakened Alan’s deepest personality. At this moment, Alan would no longer hypocritically care about what ordinary people would think after seeing their appearance, even if they all saw it. I'm not used to myself, so what? ! I am God!


Natasha standing in front of Ellen at this moment, UU reading looked at the terrifying Superman in front of him that he had never seen before, plus the opponent’s black suit at this moment, almost half of her body Natasha, who hadn't felt fear in Shiji, had to admit that she was scared at this moment, but the persistence in her heart was like an iron pillar, firmly holding on to the huge pressure in her heart.

Sweat constantly gushed from Natasha's body. After just a few seconds of looking at each other, Natasha seemed to have just been fished out of the water. The sweat wetted her whole body. The bumpy figure, this At this moment, it showed incisively and vividly in front of a few people, and even Allen smelled the feminine body fragrance belonging to Natasha.

If it was in normal times, Alan might still chat with him because of his delicate beauty, and behave well, but now...hehe, a woman will only affect his laser's rate of fire.



Looking at the opponent after a minute and refused to speak, Allen turned his head directly, and then the laser shot from his eyes. As the laser was interspersed back and forth, several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were instantly evaporated and his hands were injured. Without exception, after the initial shock, everyone uttered an extremely miserable scream.

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