Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 350: Nick Fury is here!

The crying was so loud that the agents who were still wailing because of their broken limbs couldn't help being momentarily dumb, and they flew back and forth between the injured companion and Allen with a look of horror.

"You!!" Seeing that the team's colleagues were tortured by Superman cruelly, Natasha couldn't help but rushed to fight Alan.

‘Ing! ! ’

As a result, before he took the first two steps, a laser wall came down in front of him, even less than ten centimeters at one time. Although it was only a flash, Natasha could even feel the laser wall just now. The blazing temperature will definitely cause death as long as it hits it, and even the **** that will be directly evaporated will not be left.

"Don't do unnecessary things!!"

After hearing Natasha’s footsteps, Allen blocked her path with a laser. There was no such thing as keeping her hands. If Natasha still went forward desperately just now and didn’t stop in time, absolutely It would die in Ellen's hands, but now it doesn't matter what the situation is, after he glanced at Natasha like a warning, he continued.

"Now give you one last chance, tell me, Nick... Where is Fury!" Then Allen continued.

"You..." Humiliation, endless humiliation. At this moment, Natasha only feels that she has never suffered such a humiliation in her life, but even if she clenched her fists tightly, she still can't change her situation to a mermaid. .

"This is the last chance. If you don't tell me, I will kill all of you here first, and then go to your headquarters. If you can't find it anymore, I will go to the military base, the Pentagon, and rest assured, you are only the first batch. , There will be countless people to accompany you, you will not be alone."

Seeing a superhero in the future Avengers, Allen didn't feel anything. At this moment, whoever is in front of Allen is the same, even if it is the Hulk with one side in front of him, If he wants to stop him, he will also go up with a laser and will not leave any affection.

'boom! ! ’

At this moment, there was a sudden roar from an airplane not far away, and Allen couldn't help but immediately looked at him curiously. When he was curious, who else would dare to come here and touch his brow.

Just looking over, Alan was a little surprised, because the voice was clearly in the sky where Alan locked in, and even Allen locked the source of his voice, but he found nothing, and Alan couldn't help but appear above his eyes. With a red film, the stealth system of the Kun fighter jet appeared in Allen's eyes.

And the people in the fighter plane are clearly visible under Allen’s super vision. Two acquaintances, one is the target of Allen’s trip---Nick Fury, and the other is Bruce, who has become a humanoid. Banner, it seems that Nick Fury also pulled a reinforcement on the way here. After seeing it clearly, Allen couldn't help but smile. Could it be that Nick Fury thought a Hulk could stop him?

But now that the other party has rushed over, Allen no longer has the thoughts of embarrassing the people next to him. Turning around, Allen quietly looked at the direction of the fighter plane and drove towards the other side. Allen wanted See who or what gave Nick Fury so much confidence and dare to come in person.

"Sir, the other party seems to have found us."

At this time, the driver who was driving the Kun-type fighter was looking at the ant-sized Superman staring at him motionlessly in the distance, and the driver couldn’t help but his tone was messy and turned to Niffer, who was sitting next to him. Rui asked.

"Normal, with his ability, if it weren't for us, this is a new generation of Kun-style fighter, we would have been spotted dozens of kilometers away, soldier, continue flying."

Nick Fury, who also stared at Superman with a serious face, spoke without looking back after hearing the driver's words.

This time, he came with the determination to die. If it weren't for... forget it, anyway, what should be done has been done, and I can only pray that the things that the guy confessed are all right. At this moment, Nick Fury feels the same. It was a panic, but as a man who has lived for several decades, the wind and waves have survived, even if he is afraid, he will not show a trace of panic or panic on his face.

On the side, Natasha, who had planned to bite her teeth to death, did not wait for Superman’s laser or even a word after she was stunned for a long time, she couldn’t help but raised her head and looked at Superman. I saw the other side facing the sky not far away without saying a word.

Natasha couldn't help but looked at each other with the eagle eye next to her with a puzzled look. Could there be other reinforcements coming? ! However, Natasha became even more confused after seeing the same question mark on Hawkeye's face, but after watching Hawkeye wave his hand at herself, beckoning not to mess up for now, after watching the changes, Natasha did not. Continue to delve into it.

Anyway, people like me today basically can’t escape a dead word anyway. After all, if she really wants her to reveal Nick Fury’s whereabouts, it is absolutely impossible, let alone that she herself doesn’t know what Nick Fury is going to do. , Even if she knew it, she couldn't betray her previous promise.

Some things are done only once, that’s enough. Absolutely, absolutely, there won’t be a second time. Natasha couldn’t help but think deeply in her heart, and then Natasha looked at the sky with a relaxed expression. If it's a death, it's better to die without any worries.

At this moment, Natasha just wanted to look at the blue sky that she had never had time to look at carefully before she left

‘It’s so beautiful! Maybe it's worth dying like this. ’

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky without a trace of impurity, the breeze blew over the strands of Natasha's hair, Natasha could not help but think to himself, at this moment he only felt that his body and mind had Peace and serenity that has never been before.

Although the eagle eye on the side is also looking at the sky, it is not as relaxed as Natasha. Instead, his eyes are full of longing and hope. Although he will not betray Nick Fury, he already has a lover and a child in his heart. If it were not for desperation, he would never give up any hope of a lifetime.

Gradually as the Kun-style fighter was getting closer and closer, gradually even Natasha could clearly hear the roar of the Kun-style fighter's exclusive engine.

A few people, even those collapsed underground agents, were not hungry, and they recovered in an instant. They looked at each other excitedly. Anyway, this is the roar of the engines of their S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jets. , And being able to rush over at this time is definitely capable of saving them, at least there is a little bit of hope.

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