Yi Wu was stunned.

But then I realized that the other party is so strong, it is normal for a female to look at it, and the blame is that she is too late.

Knowing that such a powerful male beast is hidden in the rocky mountain, she must have come to **** people long ago!

Baidi walked around Yi Wu and strode to Slowly's side. He knelt down and touched Slowly's head: "Why are you alone here? Shuangyun people?"

"He is dealing with some things on the mountain, I have Muxiang with me, it's okay!"

Baidi said, "You must be accompanied by a male animal, otherwise I don't worry."

Slowly pushed his three male little wolf pups to him: "Here! I have three male beasts with me here, don't worry!"

Helpless, Baidi nodded the tip of her nose: "Naughty!"

Slowly and suddenly he leaned in front of him, smiling slyly: "A beautiful female fox clan confessed to you just now. Are you feeling cool in your heart?"

"First, I don't think that female is pretty, and second, I don't feel good at all."

Slowly he didn't believe it.

Baidi sat next to her, took her into his arms with a long arm, and said leisurely: "I think you are the most beautiful, if you can confess to me, I will definitely be very happy."

Slowly hummed: "Sweet words, I won't be fooled by you."

At night, the wolf tribe orcs lit a bonfire and prepared to host a bonfire party.

The females of the Fox tribe showed fear when they saw such a big fire for the first time. Only Yi Wu had a face without fear. She even approached the fire to enjoy the warmth from the fire.

The male beasts each took out the meat and put it on the fire to cook.

The scent of the barbecue diffused, dispelling the fear in the hearts of the fox females. They approached the fire a little bit to warm up with Yi Wu.

Yi Wu was observing the movements of the wolf clan male beasts. She found that these fierce beasts were very skilled in the use of fire. Obviously, they often use fire in their lives, and they can also barbecue.

In the era when most orcs were still consuming the blood, the rock wolf tribe had already entered the class of eating cooked meat.

Yi Wu couldn't help but fell into deep thought. In her previous life, she hadn't heard of the reputation of the Rock Wolf Clan until she died. Logically speaking, they should be just a small tribe without a name.

But what she saw now, she told her that this tribe was very difficult.

In time, the rock wolf clan will surely become a powerful tribe that will frighten one party!

Shuangyun also came down the mountain.

He walked directly to Slowly and sat down, grabbed a handful of melon seeds, peeled off the melon seeds, and fed the flesh of the melon seeds into Slowly's mouth.

Slowly said: "I can peel melon seeds by myself. You can peel them and eat by yourself, don't give them to me."

Shuangyun smiled arrogantly: "I like to peel it to you."

Baidi put the sauced meat on the fire and grilled it, and the light of the fire shone on his handsome face, making him more and more flawless and handsome.

Yi Wu looked at his face in a daze.

It wasn't until Xuanying beside her stood up that Yi Wu came back to her senses. She asked, "Where are you going?"

Xuanying said: "I'm going to talk to the head of the Rock Wolf Clan, do you want to come together?"

Yi Wu stood up and followed Xuanying to Shuangyun.

Xuanying smiled charmingly: "Patriarch Frost Yun, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to have evolved into a soul beast. Congratulations!"

Shuangyun was still peeling the seeds: "Sit down, you are welcome."

Yi Wu discovered that this patriarch Frostyun was also a soul beast. Although his level was a little lower than that of Baidi, he was still very powerful!

It's just that there is still a female sitting next to him, and the two behave closely, and they seem to be his partners.

Yi Wu didn't expect that the two male beasts she was fancy had already had an owner, and their partners were still the same female!

How can Yi Wu not be jealous? !

What she can't get, why can others get it? !

Shuangyun was keenly aware of Yi Wu's hostility. He glanced at her and said coldly: "If it's okay, please get out of the way. You are warming up in front of us."

Shuangyun's stinky temper is famous far and wide, and Xuanying also knows it.

She didn't get angry because of Shuangyun's attitude. She just moved a little bit and smiled softly: "This is your partner by your side? I heard that she gave you a litter of cubs. It looks like you The relationship is really good!"

Shuangyun lifted his chin, taking it for granted all the way: "Of course!"

Slowly stabbed him with an elbow, motioning him not to be so tittering in front of outsiders.

Shuangyun mistakenly thought that she was hungry, and immediately shouted to Emperor Bai: "You move faster, you are hungry slowly!"

Slowly and directly covered his mouth: "When did I say I was hungry? Don't talk nonsense!"

Shuangyun took her into his arms and kissed her on the cheek, "But I'm hungry. I really want to eat you. Would you let me eat?"

After speaking, he pushed her little **** with the already hard giant, which was very suggestive.

Slowly, his face instantly turned red: "Smelly hooligan!"

Xuanying and Yi Wu couldn't stand it anymore, they turned their heads and left.

Baidi cut the fragrant barbecue into thin slices and brought it to Slowly: "Be careful."

Slowly biting the meat slices, just after chewing twice, Shuangyun leaned over to pry open her lips, put her tongue into her mouth, rolled out the barbecue and eaten it in one bite.

He licked the corners of his mouth unexplainably: "The things in your mouth are really delicious."

Slowly: "..."

She didn't want to talk to this stinking gangster anymore, she stretched out her arms to Baidi: "Hug!"

Shuangyun immediately hugged her tighter, and refused to let go of her. He smiled provocatively at Baidi: "Anyway, I won't let go of it slowly. If you have the ability, you can hug us together. "

Baidi didn't say anything, just patted Shuangyun's shoulder.

An electric current flowed into Shuangyun's body through his palm, immediately energizing Shuangyun's limbs.

Slowly and immediately broke free of his arms and plunged into Baidi's arms.

Baidi held the little female's soft body, and Chongshuangyun smiled slightly.

The smile seemed to say--

Fight with me? Your kid is too tender!

Shuangyun: "..."

With Baidi's escort, slowly finally finished a barbecue meal smoothly.

The little wolf pups can now eat some cooked meat, and Baidi chopped up the barbecue and fed it to them.

The light of the bonfire attracted the attention of the feather orcs, and they flew down from the top of the mountain and landed beside the bonfire.

Blood Ling is also here.

He is like a natural luminous body, which attracted the attention of the audience as soon as he appeared. His long golden hair was far more dazzling than fire. The hair chain was wrapped around the end of the hair, and the red spar was shining.

Especially after inquiring that he had no partner, the females of the whole fox race became excited.

It also includes Xuanying and Yiwu.

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