Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 109: : She wants him to die!

Especially Yi Wu, she stared closely at Xue Ling's face, her fiery eyes almost stripped off his clothes.

She had heard the name Blood Ling in her last life.

There is not one of the strongest male beasts of the feather clan!

Because of his existence, the Yu clan can always maintain a detached position in the subsequent struggles.

Even in the City of Ten Thousand Beasts where the strong are like clouds, the strength of Blood Ling is enough to sweep Wuji!

If he can be included under the skirt and become one of her partners, then her ambitions will definitely be greatly assisted!

Xuanying is the fastest.

She was the first to come to Xue Ling's side, with beautiful red lips and silky eyes: "Are you an orc of the feather clan? I haven't seen you before, what's your name?"

Xue Ling stretched out her finger and lifted her chin.

Even Xuanying, who has been in love for a long time, couldn't help his heart beating like thunder at this time, and his face flushed with anxiety.

She lowered her eyelashes slightly, revealing her most attractive appearance, waiting for the other person to get close.

Xue Ling approached her and smiled softly: "You are not qualified to know my name, stupid female."

Xuanying: "..."

She froze and stared at him in disbelief.

Never had a male beast dared to speak to her like this? !

He is definitely the first ever!

Xue Ling loosened her chin and wiped her fingers with disgust: "I don't know how many males have been asleep, it's really dirty."

He thought she was dirty? !

Xuanying was ashamed and angry, the **** beast, dare to humiliate her so? She wants him to die!

Her chest was raging, her hands turned into sharp claws, and she suddenly grabbed his chest!

Unfortunately, before the paw touched his clothes, a fire suddenly ignited!

She was burnt so painfully that she hurriedly shook her hands, trying to extinguish the flame on her paws.

In the end, the male beast next to her helped, extinguishing the fire on her paws with water.

Xuanying clutched her scorched hands and stared at Xue Ling bitterly, but when Xue Ling looked at her, she involuntarily showed fear.

In the end, she still didn't dare to provoke this powerful feather clan male beast again, and walked away with a sullen expression.

Seeing Xuanying's rejection with his own eyes, Yi Wu was not only not afraid, but was even more eager to try.

Such a powerful male beast, if it can conquer him, it will prove that her charm is invincible in the world!

Thinking about it, I feel so fulfilled!

Under the gaze of many orcs, Xue Ling walked calmly to the side and sat down in a cool motion.

He slowly stretched out his right hand and smiled softly: "My child, give me some melon seeds."

Slowly grabbed melon seeds to him.

Xue Ling threw the melon seeds into his mouth, chewed twice, then swallowed.

Slowly: "..."

She was stunned.

He didn't even vomit the skin, so he ate the whole melon seeds! See you for a long time!

Xue Ling noticed her gaze and asked, "What do I do?"

"Don't you need to spit melon seed skin?"

"The peel of melon seeds is very fragrant, it's wasteful to spit it out."

Slowly speechless: "It's good if you are happy."

The small flower bud got out of the sleeve of the blood feather at some unknown time. It wrapped its slow wrist and called softly, "Aniang!"

Slowly touched it, glanced up at Xue Ling, and asked angrily: "Aren't you going to burn Xiaolian? Why are you willing to take it with you now?"

Xue Ling asked while eating melon seeds: "You call it Xiaolian?"

"Isn't it Scutellaria barbata? It is called Xiaolian for short."

Little Bud rubbed the back of her hand slowly, and seemed quite satisfied with the nickname.

Xue Ling didn't care what it was called, and said casually: "It's a waste to burn it. Keep it for a while, and you can pass the time."

Slowly glared at him: "I have never seen your cold-blooded father!"

"It's okay, it's enough for Xiao Lian to have a mother who loves you."

Slowly not wanting to talk to him, she lowered her head and said to Xiaohua Bao: "Be away from your dad in the future, he is a snake disease!"

Xiaohuabao is a typical remembering to eat or not. Although it was burnt miserably last time, as soon as the blood ling comes close to it, it will try to please him, and will not be bullied last time. Things get angry.

It rubbed the palm of its hand slowly, and called with nostalgia: "Aniang~"

Seeing it like this, it means that she didn't take her instructions to heart, and slowly became angry, and finally lost her temper.

She clicked the tip of the small flower bud: "Look at you for what you are doing!"

The small bud immediately opened its petals, hugged her fingers, and the stamen rubbed against her fingertips.

The petals that were originally pale pink now become more and more delicate.

Seeing this, the little wolf cubs surrounded them curiously. They had never seen a talking flower before!

The little wolf cubs first smelled Scutellaria barbata, and found that the aura on it was very familiar, and they couldn't help feeling a little close.

The most courageous boy jumped up first, and stretched out his little paw to touch the leaf of the barbat.

Scutellaria barbata trembled gently, and slowly let go, rubbed Daguai's wet pink nose with its petals, and then patted her hairy head again.

Daguai seemed to have found something funny, and his two dark green eyes lit up immediately.

She stretched out her tongue and licked the small bud.

When the other three little wolf pups saw this, they all licked the little flower buds.

Banzhilian is very conscious of being an elder brother, poses and lets younger brothers and sisters lick it casually.

After a while, the five of them got acquainted and played together happily.

Slowly allowing the children to play around, she asked in a low voice, "Where is Sang Yeren?"

Shuangyun took the little wolf pups into his arms and kneaded them. Hearing the slow question, he answered without looking up: "He's going to get something."


Shuangyun smiled mysteriously: "You will know when that happens."

Slowly pouted: "I don't know what the **** you are doing."

Baidi's big hand was placed on her lower abdomen and gently rubbed: "Does it still hurt here?"

During the time when the baby was just given birth, she felt her stomach cramping from time to time. Baidi massaged her lower abdomen every night.

She shook her head: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"That's good."

Slowly hugged his neck, leaned into his ear and said, "I want to give you a baby, okay?"

Baidi smiled softly: "Okay."

Slowly a little shy, but still expect more.

Baidi looks so good-looking and has a gentle personality. The tiger cubs born must be very cute and cute!

While they were talking, Yi Wu stood up.

She walked to the side of the fire, and under the gaze of everyone, Yi Wu raised her hands and danced in the light of the fire.

The spar chains on her wrists and ankles gleamed, making her figure more slender and charming.

The young beasts stared blankly.

Slowly is also a little surprised.

She didn't expect that there are people in this world who know how to dance, and she couldn't help but look at Yi Wu more.

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