Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 110: : I'm so disappointed in you!

Although they are just a few simple dance moves, Yi Wu's figure is very good, and the moonlight tonight is also very bright, the breeze is floating, and the fire is light, making her look like an elf that has been falling into the world, incredibly beautiful .

Slowly regret, if it can be accompanied by music, this dance will be even more stunning.

While dancing, Yi Wu moved to the front of Xue Ling.

The charming eyes peculiar to the fox tribe are slightly raised, which contradicts her innocent temperament, yet it shows another unique charm.

After the last move, Yi Wu fell gently into Xue Ling's arms.

She gave a shy and charming smile.

Xue Ling seemed to be amazed, his eyes suddenly stopped, staring at her in a daze.

Slowly smelled a faint strange fragrance at this time.

The scent is very weak, if it weren't for being close, she wouldn't smell it at all.

She didn't know if it was her own illusion, but found that Baidi and Shuangyun also showed a trance, their eyes pointed directly at Yi Wu, as if bewitched by her.

Slowly stunned.

How could this be? Did Baidi and Shuangyun all fall in love with Yi Wu? !

This is impossible!

Baidi and Shuangyun are definitely not the kind of male beasts that are easily shaken by their beauty!

Slowly feeling very confused, she subconsciously looked at Yi Wu, just in time to see Yi Wu curl up her mouth, revealing a triumphant smile.

At this moment, Scutellaria barbata suddenly leaped out of the sleeves of the blood feathers!

It has grown several times larger, and the pink petals have turned into a rich pure black. It suddenly opened the petals, exposing rows of sharp fangs, and rushed toward Yi Wu fiercely, and slammed on her arm. Take a bite!

Suddenly blood splashed!

Yi Wu was so painful that she became furious, her right hand turned into a sharp fox claw, and she grabbed the barbata!

Seeing the eldest brother being bullied, the four little wolf pups immediately pounced on Yi Wu fiercely. They swung their little paws and scratched her beautiful face.

The strange scent that seemed like nothing was covered by the smell of blood, Baidi Frost Cloud and Blood Ling regained consciousness at the same time.

Xue Ling's reaction was the most intense. He slammed Yi Wu out of his arms, angrily in his **** eyes: "You dare to use fox incense?!"

Fox incense is a secret technique used by the ancestors of the fox tribe. It is said to be made from the bones of many fox tribe females. When worn on the body, it exudes a quiet fragrance and is fatal to adult males. .

Once controlled by Huxiang, the male beast will lose his reason and self-control and become an obedient puppet.

Someone once killed many fox females in order to refine this secret technique. Therefore, the fox tribe listed this secret technique as a forbidden technique and never allowed to use it again.

This kind of forbidden technique, which should have been lost many years ago, did not expect to appear again today!

Banzhilian and the little wolf cubs continued to attack Yi Wu, slowly calling them out.

"come back!"

The children retracted their minions angrily and returned to their side slowly.

Slowly touch their heads to soothe their emotions.

The petals of Scutellaria barbata gradually turn back to pale pink.

It wrapped its slow wrists and sobbed pitifully: "Xiao Lian is afraid, huh~"

Slowly: "..."

You are so fierce that you almost bit off a whole arm just now, you still have a face to be afraid? !

Yi Wu fell to the ground in embarrassment, with wounds all over her body, and the wound on her arm bitten by the barbata was still bleeding.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Xue Ling and Bai Di in disbelief.

She obviously succeeded just now! They were all bewildered by Hu Xiang, why did he wake up suddenly? !

This is impossible!

She quickly got up, before she stood still, she was wiped by a ball of fire and flew over!

The hair around her ears was burned with fire, and she screamed and hurriedly rolled on the ground.

After finally extinguishing the flames, a beautiful hair has been burned to a horrible level.

Blood Ling looked down at her condescendingly, fingertips bursting into flames, and endless danger in her tone: "There will be a second time, whether you are female or not, I will let you taste the taste of being burned to ashes alive! "

Yi Wu held her **** arm, shivering with fright, tears streaming down her cheeks: "I dare not! I never dare anymore, please let me go!"

"It's really disappointing!" Xue Ling spread his wings and flew away with full of hostility.

Yi Wu struggled to get up.

Her appearance at this time looked very pitiful, and many orcs felt compassionate towards her.

Everyone has heard the words of Baidi and Xueling just now, but not every orc knows what Huxiang is. They can only guess from the reaction of Baidi and Xueling that Huxiang may be a bad thing. .

The first person who couldn't bear it was Konoha.

He stood up and held on to the shaky Yi Wu.

Konoha thought, even if Yi Wu made a mistake, she is a precious female after all. As long as she knows the mistake and corrects it, she can still be forgiven.

He took out some crispy fruit to help Yi Wu stop the blood from the wound, and then helped her walk towards Xuanying.

However, Xuanying showed a very annoyed look at Yi Wu, but after Yi Wu sat down, Xuanying stared at her fiercely, gritted her teeth and said: "Fox incense is a forbidden technique. How dare you use it?!"

Yi Wu hurriedly shook her head: "No, I didn't..."

Xuanying didn't want to listen to her sophistry, and interrupted her coldly: "You honestly explain, where did you get the female bones for refining fox incense?"

Yi Wu's face turned pale and her eyes were red: "I really didn't refine fox incense, you believe me!"

Xuanying said angrily: "It's this time, are you still lying to me?!"

Because not long ago, more than a dozen females were missing from within the fox clan!

At first, Xuanying thought that they had been taken away by the male beasts of other tribes, but couldn't find their whereabouts after looking around. Now it seems that they must have been refined into fox incense by Yi Wu!

Xuanying, the patriarch of the fox clan, was already out of anger at this time!

She trusted Yi Wu so much and even thought about passing the position of the patriarch to Yi Wu in the future, but she did not expect Yi Wu to do such a cruel thing behind her back!

Cruel to the same clan, the crime should be punishable!

"Yi Wu, I'm so disappointed in you!"

If it weren't for the fact that there are still many foreign orcs around, Xuanying would have already acted on Yi Wu!

Yi Wu shrank her shoulders, her weak body trembling in the night breeze, making her look more delicate and pitiful.

At this time, Slow knew what Huxiang was from Baidi, and she suddenly realized: "No wonder I just thought that the expressions of the three of you were not right, it turned out to be because of Huxiang!"

As for the fragrance she smelled, it must be the legendary fox fragrance.

Theoretically speaking, fox incense only works on adult males, slowly being females, the little wolf pups are underage, and Scutellaria barbata is just a plant-like person, and it is normal that they will not be affected by fox incense.

Slowly and a little afraid: "Fortunately, the children react quickly."

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Baidi Shuangyun Xueling to get rid of the influence of Fox Fragrance, and no one could say what would happen afterwards.

The faces of Baidi and Shuangyun were not pretty.

Although the crisis was resolved in time this time, luck was the main reason. No one can guarantee that they will have such good luck next time.

They must think of a way to completely solve this hidden drawback.

Baidi and Shuangyun looked at each other, and they had plans in their hearts.

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